Plenty of Prescriptions: Take black pepper and Sandal. Grind them together. Apply the paste on the face. Doing this for a few days will remove pimples from the face.
For Safety from Theft: Recite : ten times and make dum on your belongings and money etc. By the will of Allah Almighty you will be saved from theft.
For Redemption from Calamity: Who will recite 7 times daily at the time of asar, by the grace of Allah, he will be saved from any calamity.
Having Regard for the Likes of a Muslim Brother: The thing that you do not like for yourself, do not choose it for a Muslim brother.
Visiting Graves: Go to visit graves, take heed yourself, and pray for the mercy of Muslims.
Pimples on the Face: Take black pepper and Sandal. Grind them together. Apply the paste on the face. Doing this for a few days will remove pimples from the face. Safety From the
Torments of the Grave and the Hereafter: Recite one thousand times. By the will of Allah almighty you will be saved from the torments of the grave and the hereafter.
Do not Delay Three Things: 1) Prayers, when it is time to pray. 2) Funeral, when it is ready. 3) In marrying a widow, when a proper partner is found.
The Place of the Generous: The generous person is near Allah, he is close to the heaven. He is near the people, and far from the fire.
How to End the Headache? Massage your head with olive oil. Or cut an onion and smell it. By doing this, the headache will finish.
Redemption from Black Magic: A person who shall recite daily and make dum on himself, by the will of Allah, magic will not affect him.
The End of Miser: The miser is away from Allah. He is far from heaven. He is far from people. And he is near the hell. Patience is joined to the faith just as head to the body.
Redemption from Nausea: If you vomit a lot, take white zeerah and and mix a little bit of cinnamon in it and mix it in water and drink it. It is very beneficial.
Stopping the Sneezing is Easy: By smelling green coriander excessive sneezing stops. Extracting its itter and smelling it also has a similar effect.