
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Develop Affinity with the Door of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)

Ubqari Magazine - February 2019

Become Pious: Keep company with pious people, become pious, otherwise their evil shall blend in your personality.

Excerpt from the Weekly Sermon

A Sermon of Peace and Spirituality

Sheikhul-Wazaaif, Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majzoobi Chughtai

Develop Affinity with the Door of Prophet Muhammad () 

Every Person is the Star of the Destiny of a Nation: When we shall become people of Allah then the whole world shall be ours. Then peace shall follow. When every citizen shall improve, then peace shall follow in the society. It appears that peace arrives in the society due to a citizen. Our social science says that a society is developed through people. Every citizen helps in forming the society. And due to peace of a citizen, peace arrives in the society. Today the whole world is thirsty of peace. And this is a truth that if the thirst is quenched, it is due to the love of Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ) and with his affiliation and by developing a connection with the door of Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ) and by maintaining it. And with some other place, there is no question of quenching the thirst. In the slavery of Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ) the thirst shall always quench. Peace shall arrive in the world when every person shall become a slave of Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ) and when every person shall repent. 

Thankfulness: A labor told about a strange thing that whenever I crossed the Tasbih Kahan when construction work was going on in the Tasbih Khana, you would say to us that this cement is rotting! You are breaking the bricks unnecessarily! You should have kept a few stones and fixed them!! So I kept on watching you like this for many days. One day I tried to explain to many labors that please try to appreciate the blessings of Allah Almighty. I told them about the virtues of it as well. After a few weeks I have performed an experiment, I asked what is the experiment? He said: I am of the following village, I work as a labor in the so and so village of Lahore. Like this I gather some money and take it to my house! I spend that money on medicines! A little on the groceries! A little bit of it on my kids’ education. Like this all the money is spent away!! He said: I started following your sayings. I prayed. I performed zikr all the time. I valued the blessings. I acted dutifully and did not chat in my duties. I did not dodge. I did not hoodwink! This time I acted upon what you said. Since when I have come back from home, I have saved a lot of money. More than half of my money has been saved. And the strange thing is that till today I have not been able to save money. I said that Allah Almighty has bestowed blessings in your wealth due to your intentions. Before there was abundance, but there was not blessing! Your emotion has become true and honesty has arrived in you. So Allah has blessed your wealth because of your true emotions. And if you increase this emotion, so Allah shall increase your wealth manifold! Allah shall transfer sustenance in your generations! You should do all of this, this is a tested deed. 

I Had No Idea of My Own Affairs: A painter placed a painting on a busy intersection of the road. And he wrote this writing that the person who shall find a flaw with this picture, should point it out. When he reviewed in the evening, he saw many signs on it. On the second day he put another painting and said that the person who shall find a flaw with it, should not only point it out, rather he should correct it! Till the evening, nobody corrected it. Everyone said that its fine. When it comes to oneself, this is always the state! It is very hard to raise the slogan of truth against oneself! And the sages keep on raising slogans against oneself. 

I am Nothing, You Are Everything: People of Allah, till the time you shall not do the negation of your own self and till the time you are not proven guilty about your own self. Till that time you should not find the meaning of the blessed verse! There is help of Allah hidden in this verse. There is [SPACE FOR ARABIC TEXT] in it because it says that I am guilty! O merciful Lord, I have accepted that! Now forgive me! Its your promise that the person who acknowledges is worthy of forgiveness! Now please forgive me!! Please forgive me!!! Certainly you are oft forgiving and merciful. 

Accepting the Flaw: A servant of ours owned a wood cutting factory! He also had a Russian tractor to transport the woods. He said: Once my tractor had an accident with a vehicle. The tractor was not damaged at all. The vehicle owner had to face a substantial loss. Both of them went to the police station. Now my driver took off the shirt and said to the police and said to beat him. For the sake of Allah, beat me!! He held their feet and begged them for a beating. So much so that he took off a shoe and asked for a beating. Policemen were anxious, they asked why should we beat you? He said that due to my tractor and trolley I have faced a lot of losses. That is why please beat me and imprison me. The policemen thought that in reality he has the feeling of guilt, he is shameful about what he did. So the police officers had mercy o him. Policemen sent him out of the police station. In reality accepting the crime becomes a cause of forgiveness. So he got forgiveness. The glory of this verse if [لا الہ الا انت سبحانک انی کنت من الظلمین] (continued)

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