
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Are We or the Environment Spoiling the Children??

Ubqari Magazine - February 2017

The system will distort due to items full of spices, misbehave, and fight, immorality like social evil will innate. The enthusiasts of these things after all impatient children are unwise, we ourselves are wise; we ourselves make them poisonous, and then complain.

In todays’ self-interest and materialistic era, evils and crimes are occurring, social and ethical evils have taken form of epidemic. There are three big enemies of human, devil, soul and bad environment. In these conditions, it is extremely important for parents that they pay attention on their kids. Children are the real investment which are as a gift in the infinite life of Hereafter, whose care and training is required to be done on the true rules. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said that: After the death of a man, the course of his doings becomes discontinued but the reward of three doings remain

1) The ongoing Charity.

2) Such knowledge from which benefit could be attained.

3) Pious children who could keep on praying for him. (Muslim Shareef)

In one Hadith it is: Every one of you is the caretaker of his subsidiary, you will be asked about it”. Therefore if the children are spoiled then definitely parents will be asked about their children.” Parents are the subsidiary of children. As Allah has given father the outer responsibility and there is a responsibility of house on mother in which the most important is to train the children. The mother’s status is due to this that she is the first school of a child; training is the high center of care. If didn’t do the good training, then the punishment of their disobedience will be upon them. For the good training, firstly develop a enthusiasm, thought and courage inside yourself and accept your responsibility, during pregnancy, parents should avoid sins with repentance, parents should lead a life of Quran and doings by remaining with ablution. Mother should see, hear and say well. Should avoid forbidden bite, these doings will affect the child. All the past elders and saints, there is the role of their mother on their back. Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) like people got highness due to great mother. Hazrat Ismaeel (علیہ السلام), a small kid got ready for the sacrifice of his life; this is the effect of mother’s lap. Many children were born Hafiz of many Chapters, this happened due to the link of parents with Quran. Mother should herself feed milk in order to bring the child closer. Should take care of a child while remaining in ablution and doing zikr. It’s very good to dive the palm seed of the palm chewed by any pious man, put names on the name of Prophets صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم and Companionsرضی اللہ علیہم اجمعین . When start speaking then firstly literate him to take name of Allah. On this Allah forgives all the previous sins of parents. Give lullaby with [لا الہ الا اللہ], if will spend life by lining the appropriate prayers proven by Hadith then the child will automatically grow to be the master of high character and high attributes. Take care of the mental and physical health of children, children are your future, children note in mind everything by watching the elders. If mother has herself learnt before, then only the training is possible, today’s son is tomorrow’s father and today’s daughter is tomorrow’s mother. Learning, acting and getting aware of social theory is important from the childhood, it is extremely necessary to explain children the difference and result of every bad and good. The specialists of the entire world are agreed to this that the walls of the minds of children are like an empty canvas, in it is found the world of stories, high characters and affable filled true advice giving stories. The environment that you will portray on his mind, the same character he gets shielded in, then the standard of his moralities remain the same, the effect of the training done in childhood remain till the last age. Therefore, this work of yours is really important that you do good training and care of them, do good surveillance of than so that no possibility of distortion occurs. Any hobby which gets strong is said to be “intoxication”, children shouldn’t at all be given junk food in food. But parents themselves bring it for children. Un-intentionally children get used to of it automatically. The toxics of elders are cigarette, paan, tea, coffee, smoking pipe and tobacco and children whose physical structure is weak and delicate, We exploit their body parts and diet in the delicate years of their life. Black, yellow, green, blue cold drinks, colored juices full of chemicals, chocolates, ice-cream sweet and sour toffees, tamarind, bitnoben, sesbania grandiflora, argol, chips, burger, ketchup, shawarma, pizzas, sauces, finger chips, pakoras and samosas of shop. When children get used to of the taste of these things then children remain alive for many days on these things. They do not go near the house food due to which bone diseases, weak resistance power, flu, fever, allergy, itching, cough, asthma, typhoid occurs and finally the children become stubborn. When habit will become strong then they will fulfil their toxic by stealing and evil will grow. The system will distort due to items full of spices, misbehave, and fight, immorality like social evil will innate. The enthusiasts of these things after all impatient children are unwise, we ourselves are wise; we ourselves make them poisonous, and then complain. If children become poisonous then poison will spread everywhere, poison of sins and persecution. Mothers should get rid of the pampers of children, innocent remains upset by continuously binding untidiness. Establish habit of drinking milk in cup rather than in feeder. Mothers seat children for cartoons to pass time, by the age of 6 months the attention of children is diverted to cartoons. Till the age of 2 years, the child is made habitual of films along with cartoons. They learn unnecessary shameless things via cartoons. Cartoons put deep affect on the personality of children; child becomes fighter, emotional and transgressor. Till the age of 1 year, he learns everything in mind and its effect remains for the entire life. On the other hand, by sending children to tuition, mothers think that child is learning everything. Think! When we take work from someone on payment then only work can be done, training is not done on payment. Parents will have to wake up for training, after tuition, child remains in the company of television. Finally, child reaches to that point where now he has started to do his own custom and water has gone above the head, because we ourselves made them paralyzed by leaving on others’ mercy. Every hearing and watching thing affected without being noticed. The way bushes and needles are removed from the ground are first removed to prepare land to grow fruits and flowers, and then land will give fruits and flowers. Similarly, it is required to remove every anti-character thing from the life of children. We should keep strong eye on our sons, daughters, brothers and sisters in homes. The tools of igniting wishes are present in surroundings and we all are the outputs of this society. New inventions of modern world have also the current deneration 

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