
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Effective treatment of physical Diseases

Ubqari Magazine - October 2016

Physical Advice

For attention seeking issues, send reply back envelop with written address and the address should be prominent. If there is no reply back envelop than the query will not be answer. While writing, do not add extra glue or tape and do not use staples, privacy will be ensured, write your name on one side of the page. Do mention name, city’s name and complete address in end of the writing.

Injury of Back Bone:

Respected Hakeem Sahab! My issue is that I met an accident 3 years ago, I went for treatment to hospital as I had injury on back bone. After some time, I started walking but later I went to back bone healers for treatment but with their treatment, I got much problem in my backbone and since then, I am unable to walk. After therapy, I walk through walker. According to doctors, a nerve has been pressed under the bone. My feet have become much weak and my both feet are numb. Tell me any effective remedy. Me and my family will always remember you in prayers. (Akbar Khan,Karachi)

Advice: Use the following prescription. Asgandh, Behman Safaid, Qist shireen, Zanjabeel,  kamarkas, badhara and misri, take all in equal weight and make a mixture.  Take a tea spoon in morning and evening with milk. Do not gain weight and do not lift weight. Arrange massage for your back with pure olive oil as much as you can. InshAllah, Allah will give you relief.

Skin Disease: I am 44 years of age, besides other diseases, I am also patient of skin disease since my birth. I get watery pimples on my whole body and if they are infected than there is pus. I have tried almost every treatment of this disease available in Pakistan. At start, the pimples were growing more in summer but now they are also increasing in winter. Suggest me best solution for this. (M, Kh, Attock)

Advice: two to three things are attention seeking. 1 take care of your diet. 2 Bring cleanliness in your lifestyle. 3 if you have lack of sleep than take complete sleep. It seems than all of your family is fond of spices and spicy foods and there is more intensity in domestic matters. Huwalshafi: Aljawarhawa, Sharbat Unnab, 3 spoon honey, one spoon Ispaghol husk mixed well in milk use 3 times in a day for 2 months.


Half face: I have an issue for long time. Half of my face has turned red. It becomes much visible in sunlight and there also black moles with frackles on my face. I have tested many prescriptions but my yellowish teeth are not becoming fine. I am much worried, suggest any good prescription. (M, S, Lawah, Chakwal District)

Advice: Arq mako, Arq kasini, Arq badian,mix one ounce of each of them and take. Three times in a day. Take vegetables, vegetable soup with roti in food. Eat papaya and write again after 15 days. Do not take this arq more than 15 days. If you feel cold and weakness than do not use this arq.

Moving Tooth:

One of my tooth was moving for last 7 months and gum was also leaving its place. I am much worried for losing or infection in tooth as natural tooth is not available even in million rupees. Suggest me any medicine or remedy, it will be of benefit of thousands. A prescription was mentioned in Ubqari which advised to use Phitkari cooked and a lemon squeezed on it and used. With its use, I got relief for few days but when I left it than tooth starting moving again. (Ameen Ullah, Quetta)

Advice: You have eaten beef much as this meat makes human gums soft and sticky. Leave it and do not eat it. Buffalo’s milk and ghee is beneficial. You should take vitamin c 500 mg daily for many days. For teeth,  take Sucha Manjhan from monthly Ubqari office there is no good manjhan than this. Pay attention towards vegetables in diet and cabbage salad is also beneficial.

Womb wound and displacement of womb:

My wife who is 26 years of age, is mother of three, for last 3 years, she has a wound in her womb and it has become down from its actual position due to which she is suffering from leukoria and back pain, she took many treatment but nothing benefited. Kindly suggest any treatment and her second issue is that her hands and feet become numb due to which she is worried. (A seeker)

Advice: take Johar Shifa e Madina, Thandi murad and Sattar shifayain from Monthly Ubqari office for your wife use according to the written prescription and use for some time with consistency.

Issue of Premature Ejaculation:

I am attached to Ubqari for last some time and I am thankful to you that you have established such a good organization for serving the humanity. I have issue of Premature Ejaculation which started some times back and I am much worried due to this.I am 19 years of age, kindly publish my issue in magazine as it will resolve issue of thousands of people. (Nauman Ali Amjad, Chakwal)

Advice: for Premature Ejaculation, take dry coriander and misri in equal weight, grind them and fill in large capsules and take 2 capsules empty stomach in morning InshAllah Allah almighty will bless you.

Stomach Issue:

I am suffering from stomach issue for long time, neither I have digestion properly, nor my liver is making blood, constipation, acidic burps, gas, heart burn, acidity and headache are in abundance while blood pressure remains low. I have physical weakness due to which I stay angry and don not like any thing. I have pimples on face which leave marks, my hair are falling but I am fond of long hairs. I tested many remedies but nothing benefited me.Kindly suggest me any solution to my diseases. Thanks. (M, Vihari)

Advice: Make chatni of Mint and lemon and use with your every food permanently. This chatni will give you rid from many diseases and you will be saved from many diseases. Ajwain desi, noshadar, black salt take all in equal weight and make a mixture my grinding them. Use one fourth spoon 2 or 3 times with water in a day. It is matchless thing for stomach diseases. Besides this, for other weaknesses take jawarish shahi, khameera gao zuban sada, sharbat unnab, mafrah sheikh al raees, from a good dawakhana and use according to the written prescription.

Moles on face:

I am 16 years of age and for last some time, I have got brownish moles on my face, in start they were light but now they have increased. Besides this, hair are growing more on my legs and arms. (Poshida)

Advice: avoid sour, obese and cold natured things completely. Atreefal astakhdosh khameera abresham hakeem arshad wala, jawarish jalinose, majoon ashba from any good dawakhana and use according to the given prescription.

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