
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Khichdi: A unique and incomparable treasure of iron

Ubqari Magazine - September 2015

It made this surprising discovery that khichdi contains a reasonable amount of iron and it absorbs quickly in our blood. In this respect, using khichdi can be very beneficial for the people suffering from deficiency of iron in the blood

Khichdi is a common and famous dish in our country. A part from being delicious it is also easily digestible and full of nutrition. But many people consider it only patient’s diet. Thinking this about khichdi is not right. It is true that in illness the foods those are light, nutritious and according to the weather are suggested. In this regard, physicians generally suggest khichdi but using it only as patients’ diet is not wise. Because there are many health benefits hidden in this simple diet. According to a research of National Health Survey of Pakistan, iron deficiency in the body can be fulfilled with the use of khichdi. It was a unique research led across the Pakistan, it made this surprising discovery that khichdi contains a reasonable amount of iron and it absorbs quickly in our blood. In this respect, using khichdi can be very beneficial for the people suffering from deficiency of iron in the blood. Iron deficiency in the blood is becoming a common problem all over the world. According to a report of United Nations and World Health Organization, in Southeast Asia, about fifty to seventy percent of pregnant women and children are suffering from this disease. However, during experiments a new alternate way of fulfilling the deficiency of iron through food was discovered which was not only inexpensive but free of all sorts of complications. You will surely understand that it is the use of khichdi as diet. A part from fulfilling iron deficiency it also proved to be very useful for the women who want to avoid all kinds of difficulties and complications during the process of motherhood. The above mentioned experiment and observation identified iron in khichdi and defined its usefulness for pregnant women. Now have a review in the light of scientific analyses that what is the role of iron in the blood. It will highlight the importance of this simple diet. It has been proven long ago by the scientists that of all the elements upon which the human life depends, iron is of the primary status. According to medical science the red cells in the blood are actually the form of iron. When these red cells decrease than the number of white cells in the body, the body becomes susceptible of the disease called anemia. Due to the deficiency of blood in the body various major organs of the body has to suffer disruptions in the circulation of blood. These organs become lethargic and slow. It affects their performance, causes low immunity and increases the risk of different diseases. To stay protected from the consequences of iron deficiency defined by the experts, it is essential to avoid deficiency of iron in the body. For this purpose it is suggested to eat chicken or fish meat daily, goat or sheep meat thrice a weak, liver frequently, peas and beans daily and also eat foods containing vitamin C, green leafy vegetables like spinach and fruits containing vitamin C. These foods fulfil the deficiency of iron in the body but if they are used frequently and if there is no arrangement of exercise than the fat and cholesterol level starts increasing in the body and there remains the danger of heart diseases. Eating liver is killer for heart patients. In this sense, for keeping away the deficiency of iron, the value of Khichri gets more boost as using it, there is no such harm. Besides this, there is no negative effect on pocket as Khichri is cheap and less expensive. It involves on rice and Moong or Masur pulse which is cooked in few minutes. Taking yogurt, Raita or chatni of Kerry or garlic with it, increases its delicious taste in less expenditure. According to scientific reviews, there is no oil or cholesterol in rice while it has low protein as compared to wheat but still due to the digestive nature, delicious taste and appetizing aroma, half of the world uses rice as basic food. Likewise, the Moong pulse is also known for its digestive nature and soft food. For making Khichri, different kind of Moong Pulse has been used and also onion, ginger and garlic can be added. Besides moong, the Khichri can also be made with Masoor pulse. It is said about Masoor that it brings constipation but when it is made with its peels than it is anti constipated as its peels are hot in nature and the pulse is dry and cold in nature. For getting less hot effects, Masoor pulse is cooked with Moong pulse but when it is talked about khichri than it is made with peels and used with yogurt which makes it beneficial, source of protein and iron and delicious.


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