
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Wife’s sympathy helps husband getting better soon:

Ubqari Magazine - July 2016

Do you remember that how did your wife manage when last time you fell ill and your ailment got prolonged? How did she react? Did she try to lessen or share your work load? Did she tell you that how important you are to her? Same questions are for men. How did you manage when your wife fall ill? Did you share household chores? Did you tell your wife that how important she is to you?

If your husband or wife stood with you when you fell ill then surely you are leading a happy married life by sharing each other’s worries and sorrows. Physicians and psychiatrists believe that ailments test the bondage between husband and wife. There are many couples who get worried and feel unrest when any of the two receive even a small cut or bruise. They start taking care of their life partner at the cost of everything else. People name this emotion differently but it is love.

So, falling sick provides a couple with the opportunity to gauge that how much his/ her partner love him/ her. And also that how much helpful his/ her partner will be in the hour of need. According to psychiatrists, patients feel self-pity when ill. Emotions that husband and wife express for each other no body else can. Early recovery of husband or wife depends on the care expressed when any of them fall ill. Patients prefering treatment at home than at hospital can well understand this fact. A patient recovers speedily provided his/ her beloved extends care. Beloved’s presence does not let agony reach brain. Patients feel relived in such situations.

Wives can indirectly help their husbands getting rid of the bad habits. In case a wife doesn’t like her husband smoking. She may say him, “I love you and wants to stay with you till my last breath. But I am afraid of your smoking as it causes many other lethal diseases. I can also not see your hard earned money getting burnt.” Husbands do pay heed to wifves’ poite requests. A patient must avoid the habits that may irritate his/ her spouse. Psychology underscores annoying habits as one of the causes of the late recovery of patients.

Some interesting cases might occur. Usually women take care of household chores. And when women fall ill, husbands start taking care of household chores. This is the time when husband wants his wife to get well sooner so that she could take care of household chores. Administrative and financial matters are in husband’s radius and when husband falls ill, wife takes care of the financial affairs. And she does take care of the matters effeciently till the recovery of her husband.

During the spouse’s ailment some of our wishes that otherwise would have never been get fulfilled. There are certain domestic affairs that husband and wife want to handle differently. Husband never asks his wife to do the things opposite to her nature. When wife is ill, he takes the liberty and resolves the matters to his wish. Upon the recovery of wife, it gets judged that whose method was good. And later it gets decided that which is the efficient way to handle those certain matters.

Ailing husband, if he happens to be a sales agent, pleases wife, because it provides wife with an opportunity to spend time with her husband. Ailment is deeply connected with marital life as it strengthens this bond.

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