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People, who are blessed with the priceless blessing of offspring, should make sure from the beginning to teach good values to them. It is a birth right of every child to benefit from mother’s milk. Mothers should make a habit to say Bismillah before feeding their children so that they are able to digest it properly and becomes healthy. When children are learning to speak, they should be taught esteemed words like ‘Allah’ and ‘Bismillah’ first.
Children are the most beautiful beings of this world. Children are such beautiful flowers whose subtleness and smile is spiritually elevating and refreshing for everyone around them. In reality, children are Allah Subhanawo Taa’la’s amanat under the guardianship of their parents’ love. That is why it is important to take up their responsibility with utmost care and honesty. In the beginning, a child’s mind is like an empty page where whatever is written will be preserved for the rest of his life. Therefore, it is necessary for parents especially mothers to hone their children’s mind in such a way that they prove to become wonderful human beings and great muslims in the future. The glorious Quran is a gift from Allah Subhanawo Taa’la to the mankind which is full of guidance and direction. One of the most important rights of the Quran is to read it with understanding and practice its teachings in real life. People, who are blessed with the priceless blessing of offspring, should make sure from the beginning to teach good values to them. It is a birth right of every child to benefit from mother’s milk. Mothers should make a habit to say Bismillah before feeding their children so that they are able to digest it properly and becomes healthy. When children are learning to speak, they should be taught esteemed words like ‘Allah’ and ‘Bismillah’ first because this is a duty of all Muslims to teach their future generations about their Creator. For this purpose, it is advisable that parents consciously practice what they wish to teach their kids. Undoubtedly, any work that begins with Allah Subhanawo Taal’s name will head in the right direction and concludes in the best manner. Parents should also teach children to say masnoon duas for everything like they should be made to say ] before leaving the house. In this way a child learns that by saying Allah Subhanawo Taa’la’s name, he is safe from all kinds of accidents, evils and mishaps and he is constantly guarded by the angels. [
] is the next part of this dua. Certainly, no one has the power to do goodness until Allah Subhanawo Taa’la permits. It is the permission of Allah the Almighty that a soul is able to complete a task with righteousness. When a child is able to speak clearly, parents should make them learn Surah Fatiha. I am sure, all mothers are well aware of the saying of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ: “Out of all the Ayahs of the Quran, Surah Fatiha is the most prestigious and highly ranked.” This surah is also known as Surah Shifa as it is the cure to all spiritual, physical and mental illnesses. ‘Allah’ is the glorious name of the Creator and it is not permissible to use it for anyone else. Allah Subhanawo Taa’la wants his beings to start everything with his magnificent name. This is why when a naive child utters
with his stammering and innocent voice then Allah Subhanawo Taa’la becomes an epitome of bliss and His blessings shower all around. When a person says
he is actually calling out to Allah Subhanawo Taa’la’s mercy. An answer to these splendid words, the Almighty presents his being with the most astonishing outcomes. “الحمد للہ” is a word of graciousness. Allah Subhanawo Taa’la loves those who praise Him after everything that they eat or drink however, all words of praise and worthiness fall short for His countless blessings. Each and every creation of this universe is always in prise of the Mighty Allah Subhanwo Taa’la. All mankind, jinn, matters, substances, animals, birds, planets, sun, moon and the stars are all marvelous creations of Allah Taa’la and they all bow down to thank Him for their existence. Kids should be taught to say ‘Alhamdulilah’ so that they become thankful beings of their Creator. Washing hands before and after eating meals and saying ‘Alhamdulilah’ at the end is a sign of good health. With such a practice, the child will be able to learn about the importance of cleanliness and will be saved from many harmful diseases. The day of judgement will certainly be a horrific day. Every Muslim believes that one day each of us will have to appear in the court of Allah Subhanawo Taa’la with his book of deeds and be accountable for every act that he has ever performed. Teach your kids to stay away from the bad and indulge in good since a small age. Tell them that if someone does badly to anyone, he will be punished by Allah Subhanawo Taa’la in this world and the hereafter too because He is the master of everything that exists or happens. Reward your children for small good acts that they do in daily life so that they feel appreciated and motivated to do good in future. In the same way, children should be punished for their wrongdoings but make sure that punishments are not harsh or else the child will rebel or drive away from the parents. Explain your kids regarding the dangers of ill doings like stealing, backbiting, lying etc. The best way to keep your children away from doing bad is to be a good role model for them. Tell them that speaking the truth is the key to success and give them small gifts for practicing this good habit. You can explain about the horrors of the Judgement day by comparing it with Tsunami. Within a matter of seconds, the water from the seashores of 12 countries broke out and created havoc. The day of Judgement will definitely be scarier. Kiraaman Katibeen are appointeted by Allah Subhanawo Taa’la to record every single detail of our life be it good or bad. It is also important to teach children that Allah Subhanawo Taa’la is watching us every second and they should not attempt to do anything wrong in private thinking that no one has seen it. if they do so then the Kiraaman Katibeen will record it and present it in front of Allah Subhanawo Taa’la. Allah Subhanawo Taala is present everywhere and He keeps us under His lawful eyes at all times. Teach Salah to your kids when they turn 7 years old. Make them memorize small surahs and ayahs with translation. “We worship You alone and beg You alone for help” is the translation of this ayah [
] which is the crux of Surah Fatiha. It is human nature to ask for help from the one who is capable of helping. Allah Subhanawo Taa’la is always there to help us out but the condition is to ask Him for his uncountable ways. The reason for our creation and existence is to pray to Allah Subhanawo Taala and we should only seek Him for help and sustenance. From a young age, make your children realize that Allah Subhanawo Taa’la is always there for our help and He helps those who help themselves. Children, who pray, work hard in studies and ask Allah Subhanawo Taala for His closeness, always get rewarded. They do not need anyone to intercede to present their supplications in His court and He is undoubtedly the One and only who makes things easier for us. If children are unwell, they should be given water to drink over which Surah Fatiha has been blown after reciting it 41 times. Teach them that their supplications reach Allah Subhanawo Taala directly without any obstruction as there is nothing that has the power to do so. The only condition to pray is to do it wholeheartedly and with complete faith in His supremacy. Hidayah (guidance) is the utmost blessing from Allah, the Almighty and children should be taught to ask Allah Subhanawo Taala sincerely to bless them with a sense of true direction in their life. Explain the meaning of this ayah to your children and tell them that there are many ways of earning but the most legitimate and comforting way is the one that takes us to Allah Subhanawo Taala and His graciousness. That way must be difficult and long but it will surely take us to Jannah. All the other ways of earning are short lived and do not give mental peace and contentment.Stealing, smuggling,nudity and other cheap and illegal ways of earning will only lead to Shaitan who is unquestionably Man’s worst enemy. The cursed Shaitan had promised Allah Subhanawo Taala to misguide His most intelligent creation and he is surely doing so with all his might. Shaitan starts working on his mission when a child is still young. He puts cruel ideas to corrupt their innocent minds. It is the responsibility of the parents to keep a check on their children and supervise them in every step of the way. [اھدنا الصراط المستقیم] is actually that precious supplication in answer to which Allah Subhanawo Taala has blessed us with the glorious Quran. It is this gift that Allah Subhanawo Taala had also presented to His most loved ones. Teach your kids to pray sincerely for themselves. Tell them to pray that they do not wish to go astray. Counsel them regularly about the harms that muslims face from Christians and Jews. Tell them in detail about how and why they want to eradicate muslims. Teach your children that ‘Maghzoob e Elaihim’ are those people only who are undutiful towards the word of Allah Subhanawo Taa’la. Tell them the importance of reciting Surah Fatiha in their daily lives. When children become sick, give them water which is blown over with Surah Fatiha being recited 41 times. This is why it is famously known as Surah Shifa. Mothers should recite Surah Fatiha before feeding their newborns so that they are able to digest milk properly and become healthy. Patients who are suffering from flu, cold, pneumonia and other ailments should recite ‘nabudu اِیَّاکَ نَعْبُدُ وَ اِیَّاکَ نَسْتَعِیْنُ along with their prescriptive medicines.