
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - May 2016

True biography of such a person who since birth till today is under the guidance of saint Jinnat. His days and nights are spent with Jinnat. On insistence of readers, strange and interesting revelations are being published in episodes but to understand this mysterious world, lot of patience and courage is required.

Tremendous blast and dust in the graveyard:

During this talk, suddenly, there was a tremendous blast and too much dust rose, there was so much dust that for quite some time, nothing was visible. I was astonished and worried but the pious heavenly spirits sitting beside me were peaceful. I was surprised that why did this blast happen and how come these spirits are peaceful? I don’t know for how much time I sat quietly and was looking to this strange world with amazement and wondering that what will happen next. After a while a spirit said that you remain calm, this is a routine matter and we are use to such things, I said what is the routine matter? The heavenly spirit said that actually this is fight amongst Jinnat, their disturbance. I was surprised and asked how come? It said: The extent to which Jinnat fight amongst them and create trouble and do magic on each other, do backbiting and the extent to which they are against each other, perhaps the most trouble making human and extremely bad person also does not do so.

Differences and wars amongst Jinnat: This blast was actually a way of expression of differences amongst a group of Jinnat, when they are stuck on some point then their wars keep on going for weeks, months and at times years and many Jinnat kill each other and then nobody can make them settle the differences, yes, there is one personality and that is of Sahabi (companion of Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) Jinnat, even the most evil of Jinnat and even if he is a Kafir, still  listens to the Sahabi Jinnat.

New revelation of the spirits and the old war: The spirit made a new revelation and said: Recently, few months back, a final settlement was done of a very old war, every group of Jinnat use to say that they are right but nobody was willing to accept the other party’s point of view, many Jinnat died in this war and many suffered, becoming wounded, homes were ruined, children became orphan, caravans were looted and lives were destroyed and nothing was left in the lives besides suffering and taking of cold breaths, but, this war was not ending.

The personality who helped Al-e-Rasool صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم (direct descendents of Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) in Karbalah: Finally a personality came from Syria and his name was Sheikh Abu Zar Kheyati. This is the personality who witnessed the instance of Karbalah with his own eyes, helped Al-e-Rasool صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم, he participated in their sorrow, shed tears for them and offered all his family for their help, even after the tragic killings in Karbalah, he was of great service in keeping the bodies protected from desecration. The war of Jinnat was not ending, Sheikh Kheyati was invited, he came, centuries old pious saint with handsome pious face with Nur, who fasts for years and years and offer prayers during the night and rests for a little while during night and does Kaloola (afternoon rest as per Sunnah of Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) in afternoon and stays busy for the remaining time in zikar, tilawat, recitations and in service of humanity.

Service of Humanity, but how: When I heard about service of humanity, I got attentive towards the heavenly spirit and asked how does he serve the humanity? He said: All the time he searches to find orphans, needy, poor and helpless people and when he finds such people then he becomes a mean to end their problems like health issues, relationships, illnesses, pains, sorrows, troubles and problems and helps them a lot. Kindness, affection, love and mercy is filled in his temperament and he does a lot of mercy, some Jinnat brought him to our graveyard and when he came, all the graveyard habitants were very happy that day and everybody of the graveyard went to see him.

He came and a pleasant scent spread out everywhere: Had a meeting with him, and he was a great Jin,  as the moment he came, the whole of graveyard was filled with pleasant smell and a strange way of peace and happiness was with him. He gathered all the groups, listen to them briefly and no one knows what secret did he hold that, he gathered all of them together, made truce between them, made them hug each other and even the same day while sitting over there, he did 70 Nikah (weddings) and this he did between the groups who were against each other, so they became relatives.

Sheikh Kheyati brought everybody close to each other: It was a scene to be witnessed, those enemies who had ruined the lives, wealth and peace of each other, the same were crying intensely, Sheikh Kheyati brought them close to each other so much and put so much love and affection in them that they themselves became enviable for us even though they were the same people whom were hateful for us before.

Relief from torture for 90 days: Sheikh Kheyati prayed a lot before leaving and due to this, even the most tortured in the graveyard were given relief for 90 days and they got peace and the ones who were tortured slightly got permanent relief and many people were forgiven, his coming to us became a mean of tremendous blessings and Barakats, I was hearing the talks of heavenly spirits and they were looking towards me again and again and I was surprised and was worried that the settlement was done by Sheikh Kheyati but the blast which happened just now and the quarrel which led to it? What would happen of this trouble?

It came to my heart that I should leave the graveyard: I was in these thoughts that sounds of violent shouts and cries and such sounds which are audible during intense winds and even more voices started coming and I was amazed that after all what will happen? Till what time and for how much period of time this will continue, it came to my heart that I should go back and leave graveyard. I was becoming fed up and this was sensed by all the heavenly spirits and they said that you don’t go as we have a solution for this, whenever it so happens, all of us get attentive towards Allah and Allah جل جلالہ puts mercy in their hearts.

Unbelievable and void of trust stories: Readers! I bring before you such happenings of the world of Jinnat which apparently are unbelievable and void of being trust worthy but on the very first day when I started this column I told you that if you read it then there is an utmost need of tolerance and patience. Sometimes, there are some such instances which a person feels are apparently lie and not true but then similar instances either happens in one’s life or somebody tells such instance on which we have trust upon or who are our dear ones or friends.

A person who thought Paidaishi Dost to be misleading and a fraud: I am writing this column, sometimes back a person came to me and said that for much period of time I was in this doubt that are the narrations of Jinnat Ka Paidaishi Dost lie, fraud or ordinary talks or facts? In this context, I went through many Masnoon (known to be from Prophet Muhamma ﷺ ) narrations from the books and started reciting the pray of Istikhara and read it so many times that I do not even remember that whether it was in hundreds or thousands of times.

There was restlessness in me and urge and a desire was in my heart that I get to know the reality, I kept on reciting and finally one day when I was reciting a Tasbeeh of Darood-e-Pak that, the tasbeeh fell from my hand and all the beads of the tasbeeh (string) scattered and its thread was broken. I was seeing all this in amazement, my nerves got numb but eyes and heart was awake. In a little while, I saw that wind blew and with this wind, leafs and dust but then the wind stop and a lot of pious looking faces came close to me and sat down.

All Jinnat in front of me: I suddenly got scared and was afraid but they were smiling at me and then they all told me their names and these were the same names which I use to read in “Jinnat ka Paidashi Dost” they said, that whatever you have read from Allama Sahib, Allah SWT has awarded him so much with his mercy that you cannot even comprehend and Allah SWT has given him so much that which you cannot even think of. He has not revealed even the 10% of the knowledge which Allah has given him and if he reveals some more then God knows how many people will put blames and will give him titles.

Stone satisfying thirst and hunger: Then they gave me a stone and said that when you feel hungry, put it in the mouth and keep on sucking it, your hunger will go away, but do not swallow it and when you feel thirsty put it in your mouth and start sucking and your thirst will be quenched. If there is any illness, pain, sorrow, trouble or any sort of problem, take it in your hand and recite Surah Muzammil 11 times only and your problem will be resolved instantly, this is the reward for your recitation which you did with restlessness, and concentration etc.

Strange gift from valley of Jinnat: We do not come to everybody, but, your restlessness and pain has made us restless too, and then we could not tolerate your this belief and mistrust upon our friend Allama Sahib, there are many people with disbelief and lack of faith but the way you have recited the pray of Istikhara with effort and restlessness hundreds and thousands of times, there are few to do so, such rather none. Go, we have given you this stone which is one of the secret amongst the secrets of this universe and this is a strange gift from the valley of Jinnat. This stone has been with very pious saints and Jinnat and they have used it a lot but due to Barakat of your Masnoon act, while coming we thought that what gift should we take for you and then we could think of this present only, and we have brought this gift for you and are blessings for you with the Barakats of this gift. Within a short while, they started putting together the pearls of my broken tasbeeh and I was looking all this with astonishment and my arms and legs were still and my eyes wide open and my mind attentive, my heart was also awake and so were my senses, I was seeing all this with my wide open and truthful eyes, these Jinnat did dum on me by leaving and said that you are a lucky person that we have come to meet you otherwise our relationship is only with few saints and with Allama Sahib only, of this world and due to Hazrat Allama Sahib only, our tasbeeh, recitation, prays, wazaif and spiritual blessings have reached to the whole world. This person came to me with this stone, I tried it when I put it in my mouth, I was feeling slightly thirsty, I felt as if I had drunk a very sweet and cold drink and felt satisfied. I kept this stone with me for few days and whenever I felt hungry or thirsty, I would keep it in my mouth.

Very smooth, scented and soft stone: Readers! How should I make you believe what was that stone? Perhaps it might be a heavenly stone? That just by keeping it in mouth, that light reddish, whitish stone which was the size of an unbroken almond, very smooth, scented and soft stone. When this person brought this stone to me, he was crying intensely and was apologizing again and again that please forgive me, as I have been saying rude things about your honour but the Masnoon prayer of Istikhara saved me, otherwise, I do not know what would have been my end? As whoever does backbiting of the friends of Allah and disbelieves and has doubts about them, suffers loss. I am grateful, again and again he was repeating these words that the Masnoon prayer and act saved me and there is special mercy and favour of Allah upon me that I was saved and I got out of disbelieve.

Every breathe peaceful and pleasant: Readers! This world is very strange and astonishing, anyone who has arrived in this world, for him the present world seems unpleasant and whoever has obtained the spiritual world, even if there is some sorrow or worry in his heart, still he is contented. His heart always gets peace and his every breath will remain peaceful and pleasant. You are lucky that you are benefitting from the acts, miracles and blessings of Allama Sahib through Ubqari and whoever got something, he got it through believe. The strange blessings of “یَاقَہَّارُ” which have opened up before people, perhaps never in front of the whole of humanity so much blessings of this world has opened up and most Barakats of this word which have been opened of this name, till today so much has not been revealed before. Further, the amount of recitations and Tasbeehats and Zikr and Wazaif which have been done of this name now, were never done before. The spiritual world, world of Jinnat, World of Lahut, and World of Malakoot is a very astonishing world. If you leave the whole world and just concentrate on the spiritual world for few moments and incline yourself to obtain the spiritual world, then spiritual world is a truthful world and this world is astonishing and a very sweet world as there is death for bodies and not for spirits, bodies are destroyed whereas spirits are not. Spirits are from beginning for eternity, therefore, there is truthfulness in this world, no one deceives, there is scent and not bad smell, trust not misleading, life no death, only faith can take us close to the spiritual world. So let us wake our feelings towards getting close to the spiritual world. Any person not having faith in spiritual world can never come close to it and a person not having trust in it can never find the spiritual world. Truthful heart, truthful eyes, truthful tongue, truthful emotion, vision and true spirit and true excitement and truthful steps, and truthful breaths, are very helpful for obtaining the spiritual world and the spiritual world only opens up before such people in whom there is this truthful world. Fraud, deceive, lie and misleading, this world can never become a companion of spiritual world (Continued).


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