After taking the oath of allegiance with Hazrat Hakim Sahib’s succession of Aaliya Qadri Hijveri:
1: Read Selected Hadiths (Muntkhib Ahadees) daily.
2: Read Shajrah Tayyiba frequently.
Try to live a pure and pious life, be especially cautious about halal and haram while dealing with others. In the family and social life, demonstrate courtesy and behave well with your wife, mother and siblings. If you have any disputes with any one, try to reconcile. Do not keep any hatred in your heart for the wicked person not even for the infidels and polytheists. Rather should have the spirit of goodwill for them and should be concerned about their righteousness. Keep writing to your Murshid about your spiritual condition, azkaar and tesbihaat weekly, fortnightly or at least monthly. Inform him especially about the practices that you cannot perform. The one, who keeps trust in his Murshid, will be benefited the most. After taking the oath, it is essential to attend the Ders which is actually a way of communication between the Murshed and Mureed. Keep listening to Ders through internet, CDs, memory cards or mobile and also encourage others to listen to Ders. Allah be pleased with all of us and bless us to follow the path of Sunnah.