
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - January 2015

“Grams were hitting daughter in laws’ body, on seeing this, family members rushed towards the kitchen to close the door as grams had taken the shape of fire balls. The bodies were being torn after they have been hit by those gram fire balls. The cooker go emptied and she was taken to the hospital. The burnt patient was admitted to the hospital for two weeks. The baraat which was ready to leave with band was gloomy. When the children of that patient woke up and found their mother nowhere , cried and asked their grandmother , initially grandmother tried to tell false stories to the kids but later when kids asked by and again she had to tell them . the kids started crying and asked relatives to take them to their mother, kids could not recognize their mother on reaching the hospital, she was not the same lady who was dancing last night, burnt face, whole body wrapped in bandages, she was groaning in pain, she was recognized by her voice, her outlook had been changed just in a few hours. The relatives when came to take the kids back , they cried and refused to go with baraat, rasm e hina was unlucky for them as that had burnt their mother and cried a lot.

Younger daughter in law when went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the guests, she started collecting grams from floor, sink, shelves, scattered all around. Guests were waiting for the breakfast till 10’O clock, we had to bring readymade breakfast which was taken unwillingly by the guests, and a few people went with the baraat and brought the new bride simply. In the evening people went to see the patient to the hospital, she was not recognizable, ladies kept looking at her with curiosity. They asked about her condition and every time the reply was “thanks to Allah almighty my tongue is saved, otherwise I would have been a still body”. The lady who was showing off her beauty last night was now exemplarily for all other ladies. Allah soon catches those who do insurrection with Him. Humans prefer anger of ALLAH’s chastisement for their short-term happiness but soon these are converted into affliction. Often I request immodest ladies to take care of their modesty and hide their beauty; would look more beautiful, most sisters argue that reticence is not of face but relates to heart. I tell them that heart is already hidden; its job is to keep us alive, if it stops functioning departs from this world. Lady who was burnt remained under treatment for two months in the hospital, couldn’t wear shirt for six months, her skin became black permanently. Whenever she go to any function she narrates her exemplarily story to everyone, I used to be pretty beautiful, Hellfire will ruin your faces take care of Afterlife.

I read a survey report a few weeks ago about the most profitable business all over the world. As per the survey Modeling was held first, A Model girl earns 25 Million Dollars just for her Porn Adds while a merchant can take as many photos from any angle as he desire and through these photographs they sell their products in the market But in process woman loses her dignity and honor. Love and sacrifices of home has been ignored and these kinds of women have sold their faith for such invaluable glamour. They destroyed their afterlife just for the sake of Money. If they know the actual value of heaven it will become difficult for them to live a second more in this world.

I saw a loving couple who loved and took care of each other desires. The husband liked the gown her wife wore whenever she went out but he wanted her to wear coat shoes instead of slippers as her fingers were broad and unsightly. She usually complained this to Allah and beside she recited her wazifa {Space for Arabic text} continuously. She increased her Tasbihat, after every tasbhi she imagined that Allah has made her feet beautiful, then she exorcized her feet, She then used to do Abolition, drank three sips of water and recited {Space for Arabic text}, and collected 4th sip of water and washed her feet with it. After sometime she realized that gap between her fingers was decreasing, becoming closer to each other finally her feet became beautiful as she desired. She kept watching her feet for some time then she got up and decided she always wear coat shoes not to hide her feet because of ugliness but not to show off her beautiful feet. Whatever asked from Allah from depth of heart is always given.

Similarly, a lady had a bigger nose in accordance to her face, she used to recite a tasbih {Space for Arabic text}, after every prayer and exorcize on her hands and rub her hands on the nose. Her nose became unbelievably beautiful. Women are very fond of jewelry; they can even borrow it from some relative. My neighbor had to attend her relative’s wedding, she borrowed a gold set from her friend on return one of the ear-ring had fallen enroute. Once she found that missing got extremely worried. She searched everywhere but couldn’t find it. She was worried how she would arrange such a big amount or borrows it on what account and from where she would arrange the ear-ring. Somehow they managed to return the ear-ring. For claptrap one has to burden himself, our eyes see the impermanent things… Which lady is wearing more jewelry? Other lady would think she should have much jewelry. Avidity is there but couldn’t find real blessings, Tongue is most precious; décor it with truthfulness, this will effulge the world. You want eldership, honour, tongue is the biggest asset. If you want wealth be honest, If you are seeking Allah’s love…



There was no injury, not even feeling of pain in head, back, abdomen or anywhere else with Allah's mercy, that's what all because of the beneficent of that Dua.


A few years back from now I went to Rajanpur, Punjab. I went to Kotmithan , to a famous Sufi saint Khawaja Gulam Fareedto visit his shrine. From rajanpur bus stop a Suzuki goes there and it doesn't go until it is full of passengers. It takes almost one hour for the Suzuki to fill up. I saw the Suzuki was almost full, so to save time I didn't waste time I stood on the left side rod. The Suzuki gained speed, from front a truck was coming. Since the road was one way, the Suzuki driver to give place to truck sided on a side track. Suddenly a branch was hanging from a tree hit my forehead and eyes and I blacked out. I felt as my eye had come out. But because of Allah's grace I felt no pain and I did not let go of Suzuki rod. I felt my eye had gone but when I touched my eye was there Alhamdolillah. my forehead was also fine. I closed my second eye and felt that it was not hurt it was due to Dua and barkat.


Similarly once I went to visit Hakeem Sahib damat barkatuhum at Ahmad pur sharkia, with Hakeem sahib's permission I went to The graveyard where Hazrat's parents and family members were buried and recite surah Fatiha. On return, I was mindlessly going on the road where a bus screamed and passed and I saw that people were screamed and waving to me. I couldn't understand the people on the side of the road said, go and distribute sweets because the way the bus went you were lucky to be alive. I didn't waste time and came and sat near Hakeem sahib damat barkatuhum. It was due to the miracle of this Dua, for I was not able of this.


The family had gone to kandyaro and after few days they came. I went to take them from Cantt station. We took a taxi and returned to our home in Agra Taj colony. We were about to reach, when the driver stopped suddenly he put brakes. He saw pole (electric or telephone) on the ground on whose sides stones were laid, but the driver was not able to see, but by Allah's grace and protectionfeom this Dua, we were saved by a big accident.


Similar many incidents are there because of the barkat of this Dua supplication and Allah's protection. Now I am leaving my experienced and narrating one such incident.


A woman said "bhai daily something are getting broken, like utensils, washing machine stops, motor stopped working, sometimes fan stopped, sometimes iron burns, what do I do? I feel my in-laws are doing something, I asked what; she said magic, what else everyday things are getting repaired. If anything out of order in two or four months then it's fine but not daily. I said recite this Dua 3 times


 in the morning and evening. It is a good thing and don't in useless talk. She came after sometimes and said these 3 weeks that I didn't lose anything or got repaired. This Dua is a miracle I said you were blaming your in-laws and diffident, I feel that you should ask forgiveness from your mother-in-law and take care of her. I feel all your loses will be recovered. She said how? You take care of her and see Allahwale say that Allah is begotten by service, by the practice of sunnah of Nabi Kareem Sallallaho Alihi wasallam you will be safe from damages.


Special disease Special explanation (Iftikhar Ali Lahore cantt)


Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalamo Alikum, by Ubqari magazine I would like all young men about Ahtalam. I will tell its cure from which I have experienced for 25 years. I believe no one should suffer from this disease youth should follow it strictly. It is not a sexual disease or is not a result of your sins. It is a mind disease like fits which starts at the age of 15-16 by itself, the cells of brain starts malfunction.




Want a respectable place in society. Want my tongue to be honest. I look at my arms and think, "I wish! These arms were filled with diamond and gold bangles and my finger was covered with a diamond ring." But then the thought of not having anything disappoints me. All that you do against the orders of Allah, write it on the paper.
God forbid if Allah takes away those hands and arms then? Be thankful to Allah in all circumstances. All those who've golds and diamonds, suffer from insomnia. Always worrying about them thinking what if someone steals their precious things. What if they get robbed. Those who don't own much, are lucky. Make peace, and wish for peace in your life. Worry for the heavens, you'll only earn it against your virtues. You've got to wear a dress of virtues for that. Don't let Satan come in your way, but sadly, he lives in the hearts. And remembrance of Allah is what you need to get rid of evil thoughts and Satan,  who is always in dire need of stealing your precious treasure. I went to the village and what I observed there was; Girls there were extremely beautiful and old women had fresh wonderful faces. Although they led simple lives, lived in simple houses, use ordinary wood combs for the hair. Then I tried to know the secret behind their beauty. And they told me, we've a lot of pomegranates in our area, so we eat them and use their raw peel leftovers. We dry them, put them in water, boil it and then use that water to wash our hands feet and face. And then wash them second time with normal water and clean ourselves with a duster. And that's the reason behind our flawless beauty.
All those women in the world reading this should cover their face and body in order to be modest keeping in mind the reward they'll earn in paradise. We'll meet in heaven. The most beautiful woman is the one who can handle domestic chores well, is not extravagant and the prettiest wife is the one who keep herself pure inside out. 99% people are spending lives in the wrong way. Wives don't take care of themselves, serving breakfast to their husband, hair inside their eyes,  face unwashed, then the husband only looks at the breakfast. And shivers if he ever looks at her at that time. Comes back in the evening and gets bizarre since the wife is still in the same condition.
- Brain Nutrient solution. (Muhammad Farooq Azam, Hasil pur)
Ingredients:- Barhami booty 5 ounce, Sataawar 3 ounce, ginger 1 ounce, maghan 1 ounce, Dana illaichi khourd 1 ounce, mandi booty 3 ounce, sounf 5 ounce, maghaz kharbooza 1 ounce, maghaz tabooz 1 ounce, maghaz kakri 1 ounce, maghaz kaddu 1 ounce, khashkhaash safaid 5 ounce, pure honey 1/2 kg. Wash khashkhaash with water to clean away any dirt from it. Clean the other ingredients too and grind them. And then add honey into it to make a solution.
quantity of use: 5-10g with milk, every morning and night. Advantages: to strengthen brain if it's weak. To improve memory. Weaknesses of brain and heart. For all sorts of attitudes and conditions.
- To remove cavity from teeth(Rana Iqbal, Bwp)
Ingredients; If there's cavity in your teeth then try the following method - Grape vinegar 2 ounce, alum 1 ounce, black pepper powder, add it in 2 ounce honey and make a paste. Apply it on gums and teeth 3-4 times a day and spit out the water. The cavity will end with in a few days leaving your teeth flawless like white pearls.
The treatment for baldness:-
Ingredients= baldness is considered incurable but the person who was born without hair can't ever be cured but the one who's beautiful hair are no more can get a treatment to grow them back. For this put pure coconut oil in a blue bottle, in the sun for 20 days. Then apply it every day and night on head once. Also the blue rays on the head, too. InshaAllah the hair will grow back.
#2= to cure baldness, take onion juice, take honey in equal quantity. Apply it on the affected areas. Repeat it for a week or two! Hair will start growing again. And it will also control hair fall.
#3= apply Reddish juice on affected area daily. It'll work too!
#4= in order to make your hair silky and smooth, and grow, grind beetroot with henna and apply it on your head. Hair will grow back, soft silky and smooth.
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