
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - January 2015




(Ameer un nisa, attock)


After seeing the Quran pak, which is a book for all times, the human being becomes astonished.some facts are mentioned below.


One ayat of Quraan Pak is Bismillah ir rahman ir raheem


بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ


The number of its haroof is 19.In this ayat of quraan known as tasmeeiya,


the name of our creator "Allah" is mentioned once and two other names "Rehmaan" and "Raheem" have been






The word Allah is mentioned in the Quran 2698 times is a multiple of 19 which is 19x142=2698




The name "Rehmaan" is mentioned in the Quran 57 times which is also a multiple of 19.




Also the total number of surah of quran is 114 which is a multipl eof 19 i.e. 19 x 6 =114




If we start from the end and start counting backwards the surah of the quran then the 19th will be surah Alaq which is the first surah according to the order of revelation (its first 5 ayat)




The number of ayat in  this surah are also 19.




surah Qaaf starts with the letter Qaaf , in the entire surah the letter Qaaf is mentioned 57 times which is 19x3=57.


Surah qalam is started by the letter NOON and in the entire surah the letter NOON is mentioned 133 times, which is 19 x 7=133.




Surah Aaraf , surah Maryam and Surah Saad first letter..... continued




Now in all end then we reach to this conclusion that in Holy Quran numeric fiure 19’sconcept is present. In this regard we look at Surah Mudassar the verses 25-38 . Those people who think Holy quran has been written by a human beinga and not God then they will be enetered into SAQA .  It is such a fire that will neither keep nor completely eradicate.  It will burn the body black and on such a person 19 angels of hell will gurading.

 Quran awakens us that

Holy Quran invites us for thinking comprehending and considering. Absloutely it is the book from heavens its miracles will be proven till dooms dayand it will guide people till heavens day

Word ALLAh came 2697 Times, Rehman 57 times and Raheem came 95 times.

Homeopathy a natural way of treatment

Hakim badr anjum, from abdul hakim

Today’s age is of science, the wonders of science surprise human beings. The miracles of science are prominent in every field. But wherescience has produced so many facilities it has also produced many complexties. For example let’s look at agriculture, where science has increased our average yield; there fertilizer and inscticide sprays have put our life in danger.

Simmilarly lets take industries where these are producing new and latest according to needs in excessive quantity there these workshops and factories effulent and chemicals have made our lives miserable. For making the lives of humans more and more safe defensive weapons are being made but by making inventions like atom bombs they are instead of making humans safe it is becoming more insecure. As if not carefully handled, this kind of material can destroy the human system. The invention of computer where is supposed to be a blessing is spreading vulgarity in youngsters.

Simmilarly latest medical ways such as elopathic way of scientific treatment is one of the latest miracles of science. It’s obvious fast effecting effects seem to inspire humans radically, but commonly it has been seen that the after effets become an eye opener that O God what has happened. For instance surgery is highly recommnded in elopathic treatment.  The moment a minor pain starts patient is instantly recommended operation. Even if disease is treatble with medicine but often these so called massayaas have no option but to loot money and gather it.

A few days back I went to Multan to my friend and during conversation we talked about operations. He told me that one of his friends had a severe pain on the right side of belly hole. We took him to a private hospital for doctor. After checking doctor told us that he has apendix. He recommended getting instant treatment or else it can be dangerous and can even cause him his life. We had no option but to arrange money and operation was done quickly.Patient was brought to hospital. Things became normal again. Pain was gone and we were free of tention.

By the will of God the same two friends went to nishter road on bike for some reason so that same patient had again

The blessings of Friday

The prophet (PBUH) said a person who leaves the prayer of 3 Fridays then GOD AZWA JUL will stamp his heart. Sunn Nasai

It is narrated by Ibn e Umar that Prophet PBUH that when one of you dozes off in Friday prayer then he should get up from his place and sit somewher e else.

Imam abu Issa Tarmezi said that this is Hadith best.

Prophet PBUH said that a person who cleans himself according to will of God, he filters himself then leaves his house and enters in Jumma prayer and stayed silent then by the time prayrers happens then all his sins till are forgiven. SUNAN NASAHI


The real Taqwa is that whatever is in heart, if you will put it in a big plate and circle the market then there should be nothing which you should feel embarrased about declaring


Pain near belly button which was at place of appendix. He said lets get it checked from nishter hospital. He was taken to doctor, he checked and told brother he has appendix. We said doctor sahib opertaion of appendix has already been done so now that the tube of appendiz is not there then how can appendix be there? But doctor sahib said that instantly get appendix checked then I will tell. So had no option but to get it x rayed. When we saw the x ray we were shocked that appendix is there as it isand is swollen. We asked doctor that what is the truth the scar of operation was evident. Aftr doctor sahib looked clearly and said that a cut on the skin was made and then skin was sown back. The disection was never made and pateint was given pain killer medicine which helped betterment for a while. So we had no option to get operation done. So reluctantly we got operation done again as there was no option. And right after 5 days we did opertaion of that fake doctor as well. And made him close the clinic and also took our money back.

So guys this is the real face of fake massahyas… they are in every area and expanding their shops and are even dereputing the names of real masshyas. They don’t have a single grain of God’s fear in their heart.

Believe you me these people do 80% not needed opeations out of which only 10 % are actually needed . Simmlarly after operation so many complexties are born that patient is afraid for his life. And even if he survives then whole life is spend bit by bit. Same way he has to eat medicines for months. Some of our doctos write tests for patients but it is a matter of great dispair that even these tests of different labs dont match. Some writes something other writes some other thing. Patient lives his life eating different mnedicines.

Now the question why is that and why this differnce and indiffernce of medicines. Even after latest treatments why are hospitals and clinics full of patients? Blue and yellow capsules and tablets of different types are being taken without any reason. May be answer is not so difficult. The reason is only that we have all forgotten the nature of God and moved away from nature.  

Natural way of treatment meaning Desi way of tretament. May be one of the reasons is that these market oriented quacks and so called subscription giving hakeem which have been degrading this departments . They don’t have diagnosis they just see apparent features and give medicines. Second reason is that these so called fake mxiture is depressing people. Third and most important reason is that real and natural way of treatment has not been matched with today’s latest ways. Latest research has not been done only local prescriptions are being utilised. What should have been done was that this was to be done with latest tacts of era then this natural and cheap way of treatment would have helped people in their bettrment.

How sad it is that we have not been able to give an alternative for roman medicines kind of pharma copia.

Where ever the local desi ways of treament are availble and people have excellent kind of prescriptions they are reluctant to give it to others. And they hide it like filthy clothes. Eventhough through proper movement we can convince them to give their prescription but may be we are not loyal to do that.

As far as my observation is concerned I can say that with full belief food given acoording to a sense is more than enough to eradicate the disease. Whereas foreign medical scinece do not have concept of food. They focus only on medicine and anti biotic or along with anti septic medicines seductive and addictive medicines are showered on patients and then in a day tens and twelves capsules and medicines along with serup is poured down the thoats of but all in vain and disease increases as medicines quantity is increased. Simmilarly patient instead of becoming healthy is suffered with more complicated illness. I have frequently seen such patients who while getting treatment for one disease brought another disease as a gift.  For example one such patient who was patient of joints pain and was given sedductive medcines by foreign medicine practioners and as a result the liver disease started due to that. Along with that the disease of Ulcer in stomach was also seen. Simmilarly those patients who were given anti malarial disease out of those 80% patinets were seen victims of liver diseases.

Where as roman medicines accepts the law of germs but believes that the place where germs are produced there infection and bugs meaning the germsare not directly born. Rather the causes of their birth are different. When that cause is finished then germs are automatically produced. That’s why in Desi medicine then if infectious reasons are treated then all diseases will be finished and patient will be cured. In age of dearness this evidence is not less than a blessing. And the bigest thing is that desi medicines side effects are not there.  From centuries such as desi mixtures are the closest to nature so that has lots of curing effects are too much. Local and

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