
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

What did I Achieve From the Inborn Friend of Jinns

Ubqari Magazine - July 2014

…. No? I was worried. From the upper portion I recited ‘Kahaf’ 7 times and blew it over the cooler so as Allah makes it work. Ultimately my brother rectified the cooler and it started functioning properly. I wondered as to what has happened? Now what happened is that the cooler started working, but believe me it is still lying at the same place. No one could move it from there. Eid ul Fitr and Eid al Azha came and passed and now winters are arriving. Need for the cooler is not there anymore. 

We dispatched 10 gents suit to Sargodha for stitching. We got them booked by a bus. It was more than the passage time to Sargodha, but the suits did not reach there. We got worried as they were worth thousands of Rupees. Me and my mother opined that the suits cannot be misplaced as we recited ‘Kahaf’ 7 time over them. We had sent the suits to our brother who informed us on phone that the suits have not reached as yet. After considerable time it was revealed that something went wrong with the vehicle and after a few hours the suits safely reached to our brother.  

(Muhammad Abbas, Bhakkar)


Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum ! May Almighty grant you health  and wellbeing. We are readers of Ubqari since January 2011. Probably any other magazine does not contain the sweetness as the one in yours.  Ubqari is anxiously awaited in the beginning of each month and we feel the relief upon receiving it. 

Respected Hakeem Sahib! Since 18 years we are suffering from magic. Many a times we had a desire to contact Respected Hakeem Sahib through letter, but the heart and mind got occupied with thoughts.  Today Almighty has given the strength to pick up the pen (Alhamd o Lillah). Hazrat Ji, we have been married for almost 18 years but these Jinnat have made our lives miserable. We became prey to various quacks but did not gain anything other than losing money. 

In the June 2013 edition of Ubqari, we read the Aamal of (Arabic Text) narrated by Allama Lahoti Purasraiبرکاتہم  دامت and started practicing it in the month of Ramadan. I started reciting 1100 times each in the morning and afternoon and 1100 times after Zohar prayers while putting my feet in water. Now after about 4-5 days I started reciting 1500 times. Whereas my wife is continuing the recitation 1100 times only at night and after Zohar prayers 1100 times with her feet in water. One night my wife said that there are two women. One of them is elderly who was screaming and saying that do not read this. The other woman with her who was relatively younger was repeatedly saying that do not recite, we will soon leave. 

But it appears that they are still there as my wife suffers from toothache after eating some bread and she leaves the food as it is. The sequence of this pain is that at times it develops in half of both upper and lower teeth and sometimes on the right or the left side only. The pain becomes unbearable. Then I start reciting (Arabic Text) in loud voice and sprinkle the water with Taweez of (Arabic Text) which has considerable effect. Alhamd o Lillah recitation of (Arabic Text) is continued. 

(Shahnaz Zaki, Lahore) 

Respected Hakeem Sahib, I am unable understand as how to start. I had desperately been searching a religious Aalim and due to anguish, I kept roaming in the darkness of hopelessness. Then through Ubqari I came to know about the Wazifa of (Arabic Text) and the Nawafil to be offered at Moti Masjid. With these, the spiritual delight and some light of hope for success, transformed my despair into expectation for achievement. A bearded elderly personality always started to remain in front of my eyes who could help me succeed in the world and Aakhira (Afterworld). Allah Almighty made Ubqari a source. But when I listened to your Dars and saw you, I was astonished. You appeared to be of the age of my own children. Subhan Allah, Allah has made you a source of help for the grieved. Subhan Allah ! 

First I will narrate my incident. I suffered from heart problem since last one year. The treatment continued. After six months I had pain and when I got admitted in the Punjab Cardiology Centre, the doctors told that they suspect that I had undergone a heart stroke. Due to my financial shortcomings I did not want to undergo treatment particularly operation. The family was insistent that they will collectively handle the same. But I did not want help from any brother or sister. I was very worried till I abundantly started reciting the Wazifa of (Arabic Text) given by Allama Lahoti Purasrai in Ubqari magazine. It was my only wish that Allah make me meet with my Pir Sahib. Then I located Moti Masjid and offered two Nafils followed by the Wazifa of (Arabic Text). I got feeble with tiredness and came back home after a small pray. I continued reciting the Wazifa for two days rigorously. Then I got admitted in the hospital. Everyone in the family was praying for me. When angiography was conducted, the doctors were astonished that I did not have a problem which they were suspecting. Everyone was amazed that my Wazifa was accepted. Then I searched the Ubqari clinic and reached you. 

Blessing of Surah Waz Zuha

(Sohail Ahmed Salfi, Lahore) 

Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum ! I am a reader of Ubqari for the last one year. I am a worker at a factory. One day I accompanied an employee to see him off at the bus station where I found Ubqari. By the time I went through it, I became a fan of Ubqari. I am blessed with a quality in my nature to serve other people. For this reason I have established a fund of Rs. 8000/- only at the factory to help people in need by giving small loans of Rs.400/- or 500/- and receives prays from them. I had paid advance for the house but was short of Rs.150,000/-. I asked many people for a loan but no one agreed. I was worried for wasting of the amount paid as earnest money. Then from Ubqari ’s article “Babyhood Friend of Jinnat” I read (Arabic Text) in abundance. Due to blessings of this Wazifa, people who had earlier refused to give me a loan, provided me the amount. At a nominal price, I am selling medicines from formulas from different books and those given in Ubqari. Allah Almighty is granting health. For example I am giving the medicine for joint pains made of equal amounts of dried ginger, Rewand, sugar and baking soda. It is to be taken a spoonful each in the morning and afternoon. Allah has given cure. 

Sighted a pious old man at Moti Masjid

(Muhammad Imran)

 Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum ! I am a regular reader of Ubqari for almost two years. Respected Hakim Sahib, For the last three years I am continuously surrounded by problems. It is submitted that one of my child had earlier passed away and now for my second son Muhammad Aanish is being diagnosed with different ailments by every doctor….

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