
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Business Morality of Islam

Ubqari Magazine - December 2014

(Doctor Basheer Ahmad)

Islam is such a code of life that where it gives directions about beliefs, worship practices, spirituality, there it also guides the humanity for political, social, economic and moral problems. Meaning that there is not even a singly sphere of life about which there are no fundamental and principled directions from Islam. However, since our topic is to discuss the business Moralitys of Islam, that is why we shall talk about the importance of trade, after this we shall talk about the mannerisms and business Moralitys.

Importance of Trade: This is a reality that whatever means exist for obtaining sustenance, among them trade is the biggest and the most important source. In the independence, sovereignty, prosperity, and progress of any individual or a nation, trade plays a very important role. Due to this importance of trade, it is a saying of Allah Almighty. Translation: "Do not grab each other's wealth unlawfully, rather with mutual consent obtain benefits with trade." (An-Nisaa, 29) Translation: Upon completion of the prayers, spread in the land, and find the blessings (wealth, trade and sustenance of Allah). (Al-Jumma, 10) Here blessings means sustenance and wealth, and the verse was revealed in order to persuade people to adopt trade. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said: "The truthful and honest trader would be among prophets, siddiques and martyrs on the day of judgement." (Jaamia, tirmazzi).

In another tradition Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said, "Sustenance comes from twenty doors, from among them nineteen are open for the trader." (Kinzul Aamaal) This means that 95% of the doors of sustenance are open for trade oriented people. This is the reason that at this moment most of the wealth resides with business oriented people. The importance that trade has among the various professions, maulana Hafeez ur Rehman says the following while describing it. "The prosperity and superiority of a financial system depends most on the trade. Any nation or country that takes more interest in it, becomes more independent in terms of economical prosperity. And the people of a country or a nation who do not take interest in trade, they always remain behind the others in terms of financial systems, and remain subservient. And in this way other nations start dominating their culture, civilization, economy, politics and even the religion. They make them their slaves and rule them. The nation that does not have trade and business in it, that would sooner or latter become completely subservient to someone else. And the country that is deprived of the blessings of trade, that would die and be destroyed sooner or latter. That is why Islam has emphasized upon the importance of trade frequently and announced its virtues and blessings. It told about its benefits and announced religious benefits. (The Economical System of Islam, 242--244).

The Quality of Morality: Morality is a sum of such principles due to which one can distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong, just and wrongful. In other words, the knowledge that highlights the reality between good and bad, how human beings should deal with each other, what limits of purpose and great objectives people should keep in view in their deeds , and pinpoint beneficial and useful ideas, that is known as the knowledge of morality.

Business Morality: Business morality is a sub-discipline of the knowledge of morality. In this the moral principles and regulations are seen from a business point of view. In this different problems and responsibilities of traders are read from a business point of view. Ordinarily it can be said that there are certain fixed principles of business morality which are kept in front to develop business standards and then they are implemented. And this decision is given that what is right and what is wrong and what should be done and what should not be done. Meaning that the relation of the business morality is with good and bad, right and wrong, just and wrongful in business and trade.

Marality in Islam: Islam lays a lot of emphasis in its teachings upon moral principles. Islam wants that the mutual relationships among the people, whether they are political, social or economical, should be based on better human behaviors. In this regard many directions and methods have been revealed in the Holy Quran. In this regard we can present a few translations of verses of the Holy Quran and present a few quotations from the Hadith. It is said in the Quran, translation: "You are the best of the ummah, which has been sent out for people. You preach about good things and stop from bad things and have faith in God." (Aal-e-Imran 110) Quran-e-Majeed has described the following qualities of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), translation: "He orders them to do good things and stops them from doing bad deeds, and he has made pure things halal for them." (Al-Aaraaf: 157) It is said in another verse, translation: "Undoubtedly you (PBUH) are appointed on the best level of morality." (Al-qalam, 4) Hazrat Muhamamd (PBUH) said, "I have been sent to spread good morality." (Masnad, Ahmad) On another occasion he (PBUH) said: "The best among you is the one who has the best etiquettes." (Sahih Bukhari) It appears from the teachings of Islam that it desires that human beings live with one another with good behavior and solve all of their affairs with good attitudes. Islam wishes that a behavior of a human being with his relatives, friends, colleagues, teachers, students, subordinates, officers, clients, masses, clergy, meaning that with the whole human society, it should be better and in a good manner. Values of Business Morality: Just like Islam gives marl values in other spheres of life, similarly from the business and trade point of view it gives a few moral values of its own. Neither does Islam give an open license to earn endless money like a capitalistic system, nor does it put any embargoes like communism on the ownership of means of production other than basic necessities. Rather, basically it declares everything in the universe as personal belongings of Allah Almighty. And then in order to obtain them, it gives certain moral principles. By keeping them in view, every human being can acquire them. In terms of trade, the moral principles or moral values that have been given by Islam, we discuss a few of these here. The Independence to Act: Islam gives independence of ownership to every human being so that he can try to acquire his sustenance with what ever means and profession he (or she) desires, as long as that is halal and permitted according

to Islam. 


does not authorize any individual or group to coerce an individual or group to adopt or abandon any business. As per the principles of Islam, Allah has distributed people’s living in many professions. Holy Quran says, “Do they distribute God’s blessing? We have distributed among them economic means and have given more wealth to some than others so that they can work mutually.” (Alzakharf, 32)


It means that Allah has designated certain people to certain professions and have distributed sustenance, for them, in those professions which they opt for, following their aptitude, so that they can provide things to each other and help each other in a community. People can surpass others economically by the dint of hard work, intelligence and professional skills.


Earning Halal: Islam emphasizes that distinction between legitimate (Halal) and illegitimate (Haram) be observed. Only the means be used to earn living which Allah has permitted to. Allah has demarcated between Halal and Haram in the larger interest of mankind. Some Hadiths and Quranic verses are referred to. Holy Quran says, “Don’t usurp what belongs to others and nor put your wealth forth the rulers so that you may, willfully, take what is not yours.” (Al Baqarah 188)


“Do not take what belongs to others by swindle rather earn profit by committing to mutual trade.” Once, someone asked Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ­ about the better mean of earning livelihood. Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ­ replied, “Sustenance earned by hard work and legitimate trade is the best.” These Quranic verses and Hadith clarify that Muslims have been ordered to earn living by legitimate means and have been forbidden from illegitimate means. Studying Hadith leads us to that Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ­ not only forbade from illegitmate means but also from those means, one is not sure about the legitimacy of. Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ­ said, “Leave as it is, you are skeptical about. Go for, you are confident about.” (Tirmizi). Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ­ also said, “Legitimate and illegitimate are evident. In between there are things people do not know about. Whoever saved himself from such doubtful things, thus, saved his faith and respect. And whosoever opted to doubtful things, opted to illegitimacy. Courtesy by: Seal of Prophethood


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