
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Get all your wishes fulfilled with the name YA ALEEMO

Ubqari Magazine - February 2014

[Muhammad Abdullah; Peshawar] 

YA ALEEMO: یَاعَلِیْمُ

Allah knows every bit of Knowledge about the universe. He knows everything. This means from the beginning till the end whatever has happened or will happen, Allah is well aware of it. This is why he is called as ALEEM. The numerical number of YA ALEEMO is 150 یَاعَلِیْمُ . Its benefits are listed below: 

How to develop interest for kid in their studies: Parents often complain that their children pay very less attention in their studies. Read this name for 1100 time and blow it on water and let the children drink it. Repeat this Amal for 40 days. InshAllah Children will develop interest in their studiers and will become intelligent. 

To gain Religious Knowledge:

Someone who faces hindrance in gaining religious knowledge should read this name repeatedly. InshAllah the hindrance will stay no longer and Allah will ease his path. It will also help him to gain more knowledge. 

To know the result:

If someone wishes to know the result of anything whether it will be good or bad in future for him, then he should read YA ALEEMO 900 times یَاعَلِیْمُ before sleeping for seven days. He should sleep without talking to anybody while performing this Amal. InshAllah he will get the answer in his dream 

Istikhara of YA ALEEMO:  یَاعَلِیْمُ

One Aamil has said that if someone is interested to know the result of his matter, or wish to know if he will gain profit or loss in his business etc. Then he should wakeup from sleep during the mid night of Thursday and Friday. Pray 2 rakat nafl and read YA ALEEMO 150 times یَاعَلِیْمُ and then sleep again. He has to do this act on the mid-night of 3 Thursdays. InshAllah he will get his answer in his dream. 

For getting the hidden Knowledge:

The person who would like to gain the hidden knowledge and be Sahib-e-Kashaf (spiritual observer). He should read YA ALEEMO 11000 times یَاعَلِیْمُ every day. InshAllah within a year he will become Sahib-e-Kashaf. He will know the condition of Dead people when he goes near the grave. In short he will get the hidden knowledge and his memory will also improve. 

For fulfilling the wish:

An Aamil has said that if someone wants to fulfill his wish quickly then he should do ablution and go to a Jungle. The person should pray 2 rakat nafl in the intention of his wish. Then read this name 1000 times facing the Qibla. InshAllah his wish will be fulfilled. 

Amal for YA ALEEMO:  یَاعَلِیْمُ

If you wish to become an Aamil of this name then you need to read this name for 11000 times continuously for 100 days. The place and time should be same every day. InshAllah you will become Aamil of it after completing this Amal 

Accepted Istikhara:        

یَاعَلِیْمُ عَلِّمْنِیْ یَارَشِیْدُ اَرْشِدْنِیْ یَاخَبِیْرُ اَخْبِرْنِیْ۔

The above mentioned wazifa is very effective for Istikhara. Pray 2 rakat nafl for Istikhara and then sit on your bed facing Qibla and read the above mentioned 100 times and then sleep without talking to anybody. Follow what is directed to you in your dream. If you do not find your answer in the first night then continue this Amal for 7 days. InshAllah you will be adviced for better somehow.

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