
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Beauty tips that will make you forget beauty parlor

Ubqari Magazine - February 2014

[Sadaf Qamar]

Wrinkle-free face is desire of every lady but irrespective of this desire, as age grows & with the passage of time, wrinkles appear on the face, forehead and neck & they keep on increasing. Every first line brings tension for women. People say it is a natural process; one should not take tension about it.  We also say the same thing; don’t take tension and try to find ways to control and remove them. If we change our diet and few daily routines then we can avoid them easily and we can control the symptoms of old age prior time.

Wrinkles appear on the faces of those ladies before time who do not take good care of their skin and diet. Wrinkles’ cause is carelessness and laziness; not old age. Once they appear then it is very difficult to remove them. Cause of wrinkles before time is the stress on skin; skin remains stiff because of sun or any personal problems which give you constant mental tension.  Another cause is less sleep and dryness of skin is also a cause of it.  Actually until the age of 20 years we grow and after that vice versa.  If you want your face clean and shiny and without wrinkles in that era also, then start taking care of your skin in these years.  If you do, then in coming years your face will be wrinkle-free. Those ladies who have spent that important time ignoring their skin, they will be amazed to see your fresh and wrinkle-free face.  Some tips which can help you remove wrinkles:

  1. Try to avoid sun rays because skin starches (tight) because of sun exposure.
  2. No doubt that less weight is very important for beauty but avoid harmful dieting. If you do, then your skin becomes stiff and wrinkles will appear.
  3. Keep in mind not to sleep in such a posture that there is pressure on your face. As that tightens the skin and leads to wrinkles
  4. For the protection of your skin use such a foundation which contains a mild moisturizer. Inferior quality of foundation is a cause of wrinkles.
  5. Try to clean skin and remove makeup before sleeping, if you did not do it, then a layer will fix on face and it will damage your skin.
  6. Try to keep yourself spiritually happy.   Try to keep your face expressionless; in this way your face will be very attractive that you will not be need of any makeup.
  7. Drink minimum 8 glasses of water daily. It keeps the natural moisture and controls the black spots.
  8. Take diet full of vitamins and minerals, it provides natural diet and gives you peaceful sleep which is very helpful in avoiding wrinkles. Incomplete and disturbed sleep is also a cause of wrinkles and dark-circles under eyes. 

These were some tip for the care of skin, now we are going to tell you some easy domestic remedies which you can use easily. 

  1. Wash your face then take fresh cream, some drops of lemon and gram flour mix them,(the quantity of gram flour and cream should be same) and use this paste on face as massage, do it twice and then leave for 30 minutes. After washing it use rose water on your face, you will see the change in some days.
  2. Mix honey and gram flour in same quantity, use this thick mixture for 20 to 25 minutes on your face after every 2 days. After a weak you will feel the freshness of your skin back.
  3. Every night before sleeping massage your face, feet and hands with olive oil. Wash with lukewarm water in morning. Skin will become soft and silky.
  4. Use tomato pieces on your face, it fair skin color.
  5. For spots of skin  use lemon’s skin on face daily, after one hour  wash with lukewarm water after some time skin will become clear and fair. 
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