
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - October 2013

Muhammad Khalid Latif, Pattoki

 “Natural positioning of testicles is related to the growth of beard. Hence this and similar evidences are supportive of an undeniable fact that there is a hidden relation between beard and testicles. Hence when a beard is shaved, it can become a cause of testicular and sexual weakness .”

Growing of beard is a necessary from the religious point of view. It is proven from authentic evidences that keeping beard is a Sunnah and practice of all the prophets. The Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) said: ‘There are 10 things from nature (I,e from Sunnah of prophets which includes shaving of moustache and growing of beard)”. Further, it has been instructed in various Ahadith to grow beards. The Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) said: ‘Oppose the polytheists (mushrikeen), grow beards and trim moustaches.’

Thus keeping beard is an appreciated practice from religious point of view. In addition there are many medical advantages of the same as well. Some of them are as follows:

In a human body there are three organs which are unanimously termed as vital organs by the doctors and medical practitioners.  Allama Alauddin Qarshi writes: ‘The source of power are two to three organs which are called vital organs. These include heart, brain and liver (Maujaz al Qanoon page 12)’. Survival of human body is dependent on these organs and that is why if any of these organs is affected, the entire system of human body is affected. Thus according to the medical experts, their safeguard is very important. Of these three organs, beard is closest to the brain. If it is shaved with a razor or blade, then naturally the brain cannot remain unaffected and when the brain is affected, it will have consequences on the entire body. This is the reason that mental strength of today’s men is much weaker than that of those in the past.

Hakim Shamim Ahmed writes: ‘Another organ situated close to a beard is the eye which is an essential organ. It is necessarily affected due to shaving.’

An American doctor writes: ‘Frequent shaving of beard affects the optical nerves and which causes weakness of eyesight.’ There are certain unwanted secretions in human body. Nature has designed the hair of beard in such a manner that that from inside they are slippery and hollow like a tube so that these secretions are expelled out through them and not absorbed in the body. Now if these hair are shaved, the mouth of this tube is merged with the skin and thus the unwanted secretions spreads over the skin instead of being expelled out. This has effects on the facial skin and for this reason; freckles and pimples are more common amongst those who shave their beards.

Hakim Rizwan Ahmed narrates: ‘There is a special internal relationship between beard and testicles. For example, if a person is born without testicles, then his beard also does not grow. Hencenatural positioning of testicles is related to the growth of beard. Hence this and similar evidences are supportive of an undeniable fact that there is a hidden relation between beard and testicles. Hence when a beard is shaved, it can become a cause of testicular and sexual weakness. (Munafa al Aazaa, Hakim Rizwan, page 789).

American doctor Charles Holmes says: ‘I am unable to understand as to why people are reluctant to grow beards. When we grow hair on our heads, what’s the harm in growing our beards? If we lose some hair from our scalp, we feel embarrassed. But this is a strange thing that we are happy to remove hair from our faces and deprive ourselves from beard. We are not embarrassed at all to lose this most evident identity of manhood. A fully grown and thick beard keeps the throat safe from the effects of cold weather. A man with beard always keeps sanctity of his beard. It has a grace which is the pride of a man. Those who make fun of a beard, make fun of Hazrat Essa (Alaih Assalam) as he used to keep beard’.

Therefore, the issue of beard is not only religious but also relates to nature. There are a lot of wisdom and medical advantages in it. Hence, abstaining from it is not only against religion but also against turning away from human nature and wisdom.

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