
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - Feburary 2013

I enjoyed worship and it made my soul relax. Day and night were passing smoothly. However, I had a bad habit that I fond of cricket. My fate worsened when I decided to install cable TV in my home to follow cricket. Hakeem Sahab, as soon as I got the cable installed, gradually everything finished.

Empty pocketed Nawab:
(Muhammad Ramzan Niazi; Rahim Yar Khan)
In our district of Mianwali, there once lived an acquaintance who was in possession of a lot of property. It was said that a horse would grow tired running the length of his land but the area would still not finish. He was young and dint let dust set on his shoes. In the time when thousands of rupees had a lot of value, this young man had lakhs. He was a complete bohemian (ayyaash). Making women dance in weddings and showering money was his favorite hobby; besides he was also fond of other vices.
Father of 12 son from 3 marriages; this man was now devoid of any of this wealth. Fate had taken a twist. Those who hired others; their children were now being hired by others. One day, someone saw him in his pitiable condition and commented, “Look! Empty-pocketed Nawab Sb is going; he should not be dependent on anyone, even if each of his sons gives 100 rupees each day.

Inattentive husband and troubled wife
Honorable Hakeem Sahib. Assalam-0-Alaikum. I got hold of Ubqari magazine around a year back and since then I have been an avid reader. Ubqari has changed my life otherwise I was lost in the darkness of oppression. I was constantly performing sins. But it is due to your guidance now that I have started to lean towards the life of spirituality and peace. Thanks to Allah, now I keep myself covered, offer 5 times salat, and try to get up for tahajjud. Honorable hakeem sahib I would like to use this opportunity to mention few incidents of my past life that what were the reasons for my performing sins and who is responsible for it…?
You see, I have been married for 6 years and lately I had been worried due to my husband. The first 3 years of our marriage had been good but slowly my husband’s attitude towards me changed. There is a level of frankness between a husband and a wife but unfortunately my husband tells everything to his mother, due to which I get more worried. Plus, he is not showing responsibility.
Nor does he care for me; neither has he cared for my needs. I was devoid of even few words of affection. Due to this very reason I performed the sin. Honorable Hakeem Sahib, I have realized my mistake and seriously am very embarrassed about this and fear what will happen in my grave. When the gravity of my sin comes to my knowledge, my heart starts sinking. I keep crying and repent to Allah for forgiveness.
On the Day of Judgment, what face would I show to Allah? All night-long, due to that sin I am not able to sleep.
Honorable Hakeem Sahib, I would like to ask you that who is responsible for this mistake? Since my husband did not provide me with the support that a wife requires.
I would like to request all married men to give their wife the love which is their right.

Cable TV took away the peace of my house.
Honorable Hakeem sahib, Asalam o Aliakum. Previously, I offered 5 times prayer, involved myself in zikar and even offered tahajjud. I enjoyed worship and it made my soul relax. Day and night were passing smoothly. However, I had a bad habit that I fond of cricket. My fate worsened when I decided to install cable TV in my home to follow cricket.
As soon as I got the cable installed, the peace in my house was replaced by inauspiciousness, irritation and satanic delusions. Now I am only able to offer salat and that too with a lot of difficulty. I get delusion while offering salat. My heart does not involve itself in zikar anymore and even if I do it, for some time, I start considering myself a very religious person. Doubt is a very bad thing; it quickly crowds my mind now.
What should I do? My heart is full of sins and now I am not able to worship anymore.
Please pray that Allah helps me in this difficult situation. If any guest comes at my place, I forget to offer salat. I got rid of cable TV after one month but its inauspiciousness is still surrounding my house; the cable has taken the peace and tranquility of my home.

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