
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Editor's Note

Ubqari Magazine -

Readers! Everyone visiting me returns me their observations and experiences which are either positive or negative. One thing which shocks me repeatedly is that paying no attention to children and taking out no time for them; morals, beliefs and their exclusiveness when not stay in parent’s notice then the children spends life as unbridled and thorny. These children grow up to be a father or mother and this moral lowness of the parents destroys the next generation and makes them worse and immoral. I receive many appointments, personal notes and letters in this regard. Read this story of a house which reached me through a letter:

Honorable Hakeem Sahab. I have been married for 10 years now. I have four daughters. My husband is the only son of his parents. He is very lewd and lascivious. His parents brought him up on haraam money and did not waste a moment on his upbringing. He feels no coyness. When it comes to working, he is very lazy and indolent. Initially, his parents supported us but as I have 4 daughters and no son, therefore they too changed their way. My husband sleeps, watches movies or insults me. Besides this, he has nothing to do. If he does get a job, he goes for it according to his mood otherwise he is least bothered. He has no concerns for his children, their expenses or his wife; instead he keeps me worse than an animal. He is least bothered about me. What impression will be on his daughters as they do feel it after looking at their father’s behavior? They laugh about it and share it with others. If I curtail him from unlawful acts, he abuses and hits us. He keeps relations with other women and also wants me to spend life with him like those women but this is not in my control. He has a sister who is similar to him. She has been married for 14 years now and has a 12-year old son who also does not refrain from unlawful acts. I am very worried; I have daughters with me and am very distressed. They are the same blood. My eldest daughter is 8-year old. Vulgarity, stubbornness, fighting, not studying and answering back is increasing just like their father. It’s becoming a habit of all my children. They do not see that they are talking to their mother or any elder; whatever comes to their mouth; they say it and stare back; I am very worried. The only way I see for my husband to retreat is your Thursday’s dars; gathering of spirituality and peace. I do not see any other way. I am tired and fed-up with life. Is there a way to live in this society for me? I want the ways of my life to change. I want my husband and his style of living to change. I am very worried; what should I do?
Readers! This letter has been printed after a lot of alterations and addition of decency. It is a true peculiar story which I have shared with you. There is not one but thousands of such true stories due to which homes are boiling like filthy sewerage. The polluted eggs of new civilization have given us nothing but money, world, form, juvenility and the race of development. Believe me! Training and morality is only the part of the Islamic life. You cannot find these things anywhere else in the society. Come! Lets leave something for our children from the Islamic lives otherwise not generations but the whole society is being ruined; the system of our society and our homes is spoiled and is continuously spoiling. I wish someone could think about it!

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