
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - July 2012


Heat of July and heat of love are occurring together. On one hand, there is the heat of the climate and on the other; there is heat of love towards the creator and towards the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Usually the lover wins; even if the summers are more intense- if they are in the city or in the village; in the desert or in the black mountains; the true lovers of Allah and His Rasool PBUH always win. In the holy month of Ramadan, I introduce you to a drink which belongs to the time of Muhammad PBUH’s routine. In the books of hadeeth, when we read about the food of the Prophets, then we come across the term NABEEZ which is still used by the Arabs but its intake by non-Arabs has finished. If you eat raw jiggery (gur), then it expresses its hot temperament but if you use it in a drink, then it results in an unimaginable coolness and relaxation. Same is the case with dates.
The use of dates give way to warmness but if the same date is soaked in water and then used in a drink then no other drink could be more effective and refreshing. In ancient times, people benefitted from the vitamins found in dates which range from A to Z. They were ignorant about the vitamins but did take help from them. Today we are knowledgeable about the vitamins but look towards the artificial supplements and vitamins. Dates are filled with nature and are capsules of vitamins and only the lucky benefit from them. Actually, the use of date nowadays for the treatment of heart-related diseases, angina, heart-attacks is becoming a practice at a fast pace. I see everywhere in Lahore; on walls, in markets, that the usage of dates and date-trees are showing off its sign and announcing that O people! There was a time when my tree was chopped and replaced by colorful plants and trees but my reality is evident that date is the sunnah of all Prophets, all sahabas and all walis. To top it all, it possesses realities to cures which dint let people go towards artificial and chemical-filled medicines. Come, we are presenting you with the date-drink so that you can enjoy maximum in Ramadan. A man said to me that the month of Ramadan is approaching and it’s in the month of summers. I can’t bear thirst, heatstroke, heat and humidity then how can I bear it during fast? I told him that its very easy. Lastly in sehri, take 2 TBSP of gulqand and drink a glass of water on it. It is even better to eat 2 TBSP of rose-petals and top it with the date-drink. Similarly, iftar with date and sip the date-drink slowly instead of gulping it down. Thirst, heat, temperature, burning and the sluggishness of the body would goes away in minutes. A person taking gulqand and a glass of date-drink lastly in sehri would stay so fresh during the day that he forgets whether he is fasting or not. Be how heavy work he does. Be how much long he stays in the heat and heat stroke, the maximum he would know is that he is fasting but nothing more than that. That’s because date-drink and gulqand possess unusual qualities. When I shared this information with that man, he relaxed and spent the whole Ramadan practicing it. I met him during Ramadan. He said I am very satisfied. I don’t feel as if I am fasting; now I want Ramadan to be for 2 months. Prior to your tip, fasting for even a day seemed difficult.
I do not have only one but various examples. Whenever I told someone about the recipe of the date-drink, their whole family starts using it thinking it not only to be a relaxant of liver and heart but it is also the best treatment of hepatitis, burning of liver, extreme thirst, burning of hand and feet, dryness of the mouth, decrease of the saliva, burning while urinating and constipation. People who are suffering from complicated diseases and are unable to fast should not lose hope and should not be upset or worried. We find about the sahabas from the seerat books that they prayed for Ramadan to be in summers and tahajjud in winters as the summer days and winter nights; both are longer. Come! Let me introduce you to NABEEZ in the light of hadeeth. Hazrat Abu Qatada RA narrates that our Prophet PBUH negates from mixing dry and raw dates, dried grapes and dried dates, raw and wet dates amongst each other and ordered to make NABEEZ from all individually [RAWAH MUSLIM]
250 GMS dates
2 KG water
Take dates and soak them in water in the evening. If the dates are dry then chop them in small pieces and deseed them. In the morning, rub the dates with your hands till the dates and its fibers dissolve in the water. If you want, you can strain them or use it as it is. If the dates are fresh, then do not break them and soak wholly. In the morning, rub and deseed them or rub and strain them before using. If you want, you can add milk to increase its nutritional value and thus combining two MEVAS of heaven i.e. date and milk. It is proved that the date-drink was used in the lives of the sahabas RA. Emperor Aurangzeb Alamgir drank NABEEZ at breakfast. Great muhadeseen’s, walis, sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani RA also took NABEEZ. Imam Jaffar Sadiq RA is also said to drink it.
PRECAUTION: Make the NABEEZ and store in a cool place or fridge in summers. If soaked in morning, then use in the evening. If soaked in evening, then use in the morning. If you store it in the fridge, then it will not rot but take care not to store it for more than 12 hours. You can also use after soaking for 1 hour by grinding it. After a day and especially in summers, yeast generates and due to which its usage becomes doubtful. So, try using it fresh.

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