
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Ginger! A true friend of your stomach

Ubqari Magazine - February 2017

With the usage of fresh ginger, the system of stomach remains fine. Apart from this, it’s very beneficial for the complaint of vomit. The old surgeons of medical have said it to be best for obesity. According to the chemical research of ginger, apart from Ferari oil, there is, intense spicy raal, gum, corn flour, fibers, acetic acid, estate of potash, and brimstone etc. famous old Roman doctor Jalnevis Ibn-e-Sina and Pomos says that they used to do treatment of patients of paralyze and ghutya (Pain of joints) with ginger. The present research on ginger has also said it to be very beneficial in disturbance of stomach, gas, tabkheer, acidity and hardness of intestines. In one research, it is also known that it is also beneficial in jaundice, for this reason, take out ½ teaspoon of ginger juice, then inside it, mix the juice of lemon and mint leaves in it in same amount. Then add one table spoon of honey and suggestion is given to use thrice in a day. This tip has been proved as efficient for removing un-digestion, uphara, acidity, irritation, frustration and tiredness. Ginger has much talent to finish the harmful effects of meal. Heavy meals for example, by adding with pulse of aradki or cabbage, it gets easily digested and it’s gastric also finishes. By peeling ginger, doing its small pieces and eating with sprinkling salt, the hunger opens. The ginger has elixir status in pain of joints, thighs, and muscles along with stomach. Especially in Japan, the treatment of such patients is done with the help of ginger. The famous doctor of Japan Ji Pomoda who does practice in Tokyo, has told special formula for this. Which is like this that keep approximately 1.5 inch of appropriate pieces, peel the skin and put in shopper or batis and keep in 1 gallon of water for boiling. Don’t close the shopper very tightly instead keep as open that the pieces present in it can do movement inside the shopper on the boiling of water. The close the dish tightly till 7 minutes so that the vapors couldn’t escape at all. After that, with the stick of wood, press the shopper of batis or bag in water, till then the juice of ginger gets mix well in water and only the fibers are remained in the shopper. This how the color of water will become yellow. Then put this water in bath tub. By adopting this procedure with the water of ginger, the decrease in pain of muscles, thighs and joints come. Instead, the feeling of tiredness also moves away. Ginger is thought as best natural medicine to stop the blood to clot in veins or becoming thick. From the doctors of old era till today’s herbal doctors, take the help of ginger to stop the clots to produce in the blood vessels. This is the reason that ginger is proved effective in heart diseases also. The procedure of its usage is this that 1/3rd of crushed ging/er shall be used twice between two times of meal. The usage of ginger has also been proved effective in congestion in air vessels going to lungs, asthma and whooping, cough and hotness. For this keep two table spoons or crushed ginger for boiling in 2 cups of water. Then after every 2 to 2 ½ hour use by doing it hot. The juice of ginger also benefits in the disturbances and hindrances related to periods. For this take a piece of fresh ginger and boil in 1 cup of water. Add some sugar in it. By drinking it with every meal of the day, increases he body strength of males, plus this solution proves beneficial for this weakness, caused by muscular weakness. In ginger, the amount of germs, killing particles is also found in abundance, which increases the immunity against different diseases. Even though, it’s thought effective against cancer also. The importance of ginger from prevention of depression and cholera is accepted.

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