
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Spiritual Treatment of Spiritual Diseases

Ubqari Magazine - February 2017

Black magic affected painful and unique letters and effective treatment

Kindly do not send any kind of cash in the letter. For attention seeking issues, send reply back envelop with written address. Write on one side of page in short. While writing, do not add extra glue or tape and do not use staples as it tears while opening. Privacy will be ensured, write your name on one side of the page. Do mention name, city’s name and complete address in end of the writing.

Need Wazifa for having Daughter:

Respected Hakeem Sahab, Assalamo alaikum! I pray by heart that Allah Almighty bless you, your family and those connected to Tasbeeh Khana with his mercy and blessings, Ameen! Hazrat My Bhabi has three kids and Alhamdulilah all are sons. All of us and my Bhabi now wants a baby girl Kindly, tell any wazifa for it. We have strong desire of having daughter. (Hidden)

Answer:  recite Surah Kausar after every prayer 11 times with three times durood sharif before and after. Than with complete concentration and attention, make supplication to Allah Almighty. InshAllah your wish will be fulfilled.

Last Chance:

Respected Hakeem Sahab, Assalamoalaikum! Allah almighty blesses you with long life and health, we get Ubqari magazine every month and we get benefits from it. This time I am worried as my daughter give the exams of F.A and got failed in 2 subjects. She had a chance and appeared in exams but again got failed. I prepare for exams well but still the result is same. Now I have last chance, kindly tell any Wazifa that she could get passing marks as I want to move forward. Allah almighty blesses you and your whole team with success. (H, F, chakwal)

Answer: you and your daughter recite Surah Alam Nashrah after every prayer 11 times with three times durood sharif before and after and pray Allah almighty for success. When your daughter leaves house for exams than she must recite the same surah though out her way and when the paper comes infront of her than she blow it on paper. InshAllah, she will remember what she read and will never forget and the result would be wonderful that you won’t imagine. (it is tested)



Sins curse:

I am unable to wake up for Fajar prayer, if I wake up than I don’t offer prayer. With my constant attempts, I can’t reach to mosque. This is curse of sins. Kindly tell me any wazifa that I could get up for prayer and offer it.      

Answer: you sleep in ablution and recite tasbeehat e Fatima R. A while sleeping which is in order SubhanAllah 33 times, Alhamdulilah 33 times and Allahu Akbar 4 times. After this say in loud voice that those angels who are on duty with me, please make me awake for Fajar prayer so that I could offer my prayer easily. This practice is tested again and again. You also experience this and keep me in your prayers.

Husband not keeping me with him:

My family reads Ubqari magazine fondly and keen interest.  My issue is that my husband is not keeping me with him, sometimes I live with him for a week or a month but then he sends me to my parent’s home and they also get irritated. My husband has every bad habit, bad women and drinking alcohol is his favorite routine. I cry a lot, I have become very irritated and express my anger on my kids as there is fight and unrest all the time. Kindly! Suggest me any wazifa that my husband stop going to bad women and keep me only with him. I will be grateful for life. (Poshida)

Answer: You recite یَالَطِیْفُ یَاوَدُوْدُ 313 times in morning and evening with 7 times durood sharif before and after. While reciting keep your husband in mind. InshAllah very soon your husband will have intense love for you. Make routine of five time prayers regularly. For getting rid of women, recite یَامَانِعُ 1100 times in morning and evening. While reciting make this intention that my husband could not go to other women. InshAllah in some time, your husband will leave all the paths of sins.

No Abundance in Income:

My husband is facing economic crisis and we have less income as there is no abundance in it. We take advance for fulfilling our needs and then suffer for our needs for whole month. Kindly tell any wazifa that could resolve income and economic issues and there would be abundance in income. (A, I)

Answer: I am telling you a very tested and easy practice. You tell your husband that whenever he gets salary, he take out 2.5 percent from it and give it to any deserving. For example if his salary is 20 thousand rupees than 2.5 percent will be 500 rs. Practice this for every month and than see its wonders. This practice is very tested. Whosoever practiced this, is having abundance in income in his home. You also test this and get much.


Amil left Jinns on house:

I am living in a house but for almost 20 years, there live Jinns. My father has a quarrel with an Amil who left Jinns on our house and father who make us worried. My father has been died. For last 2 years, I have much pressure on various parts of my body which is severe on, neck, shoulders and mid portion of head. My heart starts beating fast with high blood pressure. My wife and children also stay sick. There is lack of abundance in income and life has become a burden. Kindly help me. (M, M, Multan)

Answer: all of your family should recite Ayat 45 of Surah Inam in ablution with imagination of that Amil and Jinns all day without counting. The more you recite the much benefit you will get.

Worry of infertility and weak persons ended:

Respected Hakeem Sahab, Assalamoalaikum! I have a tested remedy for imputent persons, spermatohorea and infertility. I tested it on many people and they got relief. Four persons were infertile and Allah blessed them with children. It is very wonderful. Huwalshafi: Salab Misri 50 grams, Mosli Safaid India 50 grams, samadar sookh 50 grams, and Ispaghol husk 100 grams. Make powder of everything and make 40 small packets. At morning empty stomach, put one packet in half kilos of milk and cook it by adding sugar in it and eat like Kheer. Avoid intercourse for 40 days. Be regular at five time prayers and recite Astaghfar 100 times daily. InshAllah, Allah will bless with children. (Attaullah)











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