
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - September 2016

Jinnat and act of concentration (Muraqba): Some time back I mentioned about an invitation from incharge Jin of Royal Fort in which the blessings and benefits of “یَالَطِیْفُ یَاعَلِیْمُ یَاخَبِیْرُ” were told. This was also stated that Jinnat do act of concentration for hours and take their intuitive knowledge from the Throne of Allah جل جلالہ and get it from Throne of Allah. Where act of concentration is a prayer of cave of Hira, it is also prayer of humans and Jinnat of the universe, humans and Jinnat get blessings and knowledge through the act of concentration and obtain Wahbi and Ladunni knowledge through act of concentration only, I have seen such strange Jinnat who only earn so much which is enough for their daily needs and besides this they are only involved in search of spiritual knowledge and they spend a lot of time in act of concentration.

The means of earning of the Jin is only act of concentration: Once it so happened with me that I went to the house of a Jin which was situated in barren mountains alongwith few Jinnat. He was living in an old and thousands of years old cave, what was this cave? Apparently a small hole but a big hall from inside, ordinary person could not even comprehend that this small hole in which a human can go but with difficulty and the same hole becomes a big hall from inside, a family of Jinnat was living over there and when I went to them and I got to know that their source of income is act of concentration, I was amazed and for the first time I realized that how can the act of concentration be a means of livelihood? When I asked for explanation, in reply they told me that this is a practice in our family since our forefathers that we do act of concentration with qualitative names of Allah جل جلالہ and do act of concentration for hours and during these hours, in this act, we find the means of livelihood.

The way of finding provisions during act of concentration: the way to find provision is that for example if we need water then we do act of concentration with the qualitative name اَلرَّحِیْمُ of Allah جل جلالہ  for hours and we get lost for hours seeking Allah’s help with the blessings of the names of Allah جل جلالہ , if we need food, we will concentrate in our thoughts on the name اَلْغَنِیُ of Allah جل جلالہ  and would concentrate on it and will get so much absorbed and lost in this name that Allah جل جلالہ  gives us what we need.


A rock broke and various types of food were revealed: The Jinnat family living in the cave made a demonstration before me. While reciting qualitative name اَلْغَنِیُ of Allah جل جلالہ at a place outside of their cave, they put a hand and a rock burst opened and various types of food was revealed. I saw such a strange thing for the first time in my life and after seeing this for the first time myself, I realized that it is a fact that Allah جل جلالہ is all powerful and he also knows to give without any worldly means. Allah جل جلالہ is not bound to give through worldly means rather he is the creator of the means and in his treasures there are not only blessings but the treasures of the universe and prizes and Allah جل جلالہ has given his names, so that he gives whatever one wants with the blessings of his names. Standing over there, I was thinking this and the Jin of the cave understood what I was thinking and he said, what are you thinking?

Deity of Hinduism and their belief: I will tell you about a even stranger thing, in Hinduism Mangal Daivta is for fruits, gardens, crops, rainfall etc. Aith Daivta in Hinduism, whom we know as Sunday, is for water, sons, weddings, household help and harmony. In Hinduism Somnaat Daivta whom we call Somwaar (Monday) is for wealth, food, bread and relief from hunger, becoming wealthy, husband, respect and glory. He is for all these progresses and successes. Such Daivta whom we call Snuch (meaning Saturday) is for ending legal cases, not treatable illnesses, magic, Jinnat, troubles of life and worries. In Budhism, Budha is considered the solution for all the problems of life. I was amazed by listening to this from the Jin from cave, he said this is in practice since centuries and thousands of years and this is the belief of Hinduism.

But only Allah is the provider: He said, full of emotion that Hindu religion is about their own faith and they get it too, even though only Allah gives, but their faith is that we get from sunch, somnaat, aith, mangal and budh daivta and they solve our problems, there were tears in the eyes of this Jin and said that I swear upon the sustainer that problems are solved only by the sustainer (Allah جل جلالہ ) but it is the faith of human beings whether it is upon Daivta or upon the true names of Allah جل جلالہ . When a person takes the name of Allah with true faith and gets lost in it and gets totally absorbed in it then Allah جل جلالہ  reveals the blessings of his name upon him and awards him too. Similarly anyone who is awarded the blessings and effects of the qualitative name of Allah جل جلالہ  and a person who is given the benefits of the name of Allah جل جلالہ , same are the circumstances with us, we have been given the effect and results of the 99 qualitative names of Allah جل جلالہ  and whatever is required by us, we take and seek the effect of the true name of Allah جل جلالہ  with sincere and truthful emotion and faith and get absorbed in it and recite it, then suddenly he stopped his conversation and told me that you must have heard that when the Day of Judgment will be closed by and when Dajjali troubles will be at peak and Momin (truthful Muslim) will be very few and will be in mountains and caves and Jungles and they will not have anything to eat or drink over there, at this time they will take the name of Allah جل جلالہ  and their thirst will be quenched and their stomach will also be filled.

Such blessings were revealed of the name of Allah جل جلالہ  that you will not believe: These words of his hit me at its target as actually I had read this and heard this and then the Jin of the cave said that Allah جل جلالہ  has revealed before us the power and effects of his names in such a way due to our sacrifices and efforts and prayers of years and years that you will not believe what we say, but we do not need to make you believe it, only feel necessary to tell you this much that if you can get the power and results of the 99 qualitative names of Allah جل جلالہ , your problems of life and hereafter also be solved. Your difficulties of this world and the hereafter will also go away.

Oh I wish! Human gets the power and effect of the act of concentration: took a cold breathe and the Jin of the cave said that Oh, I wish! Humans get the power, result and attention of the act concentration. If human gets the power of concentration and gets attentive, his problems will be solved, his difficulties will go away, worries will end, the sorrows and pains of their life will end in such a way that they will never able to comprehend and their systems whether related to wealth, health, children or betterment of their children, their own betterment, their progress, how can the sorrows and pains can stay, we live in such a place that there is only oil and minerals underneath these mountains. There is no water or food over here. We get everything from these hard mountains, we get whatever we desire, and we recite Allah جل جلالہ ’s names and get it. 


Get everything from qualitative names of Allah: The only difference is that first, one should obtain the effect of the name of Allah جل جلالہ  as if the person cannot get the effect of Allah’s name and does not recite anything and is careless about this name, rather condemns himself and says Oh I wish! That I would have got the effect of the name of Allah جل جلالہ and then the Jin from the cave, wiping his tears said, after all Allah جل جلالہ has given his 99 qualitative names and there is something about them, therefore he has given these names, my Allah جل جلالہ desires to give something to his pupils, after all, my sustainer wants to give something, so he has awarded these 99 names to his people, each one of the names of Allah جل جلالہ is deeper than the oceans, its vastness and its power and its glory and its respect is extremely high. I have (with broken breaths the Jin from the cave said one thing) and I have (while saying again he was out of breath and said that I have) learned this lesson from my life that when there is any problem, any worry, any sorrow or pain, I take Allah’s name and listen to the name of Allah جل جلالہ and my job is done and with the blessings of the name of Allah, all my problems and troubles are solved.

Only faith is everything: The problems in the life of such a person are resolved very quickly and failures go away from his life pretty soon who has obtained faith and trust. When I get the effect of the name of Allah جل جلالہ and get the power of his name and then when I witness the true mercy of Allah جل جلالہ with my own eyes.

Neither human nor animal and neither any bird: I was listening all this very carefully and attentively, I came out of the cave and went up the mountain which was very high and I could not reach its peak, I was looking till far away, neither there was any human, animal, neither any bird, yes, the animals who live in the pits and holes, I saw them. There was no life over there, no signs of life, there was nothing to eat and drink so much so that I did not see any green leaf, grass, bale, tree or flowers, I only saw a deserted area and blackish mountains, nothing else, but these people surprised me and I was amazed at the power and effect of the act of concentration.

This is called concentration: This is act of concentration and this is its effect and result, actually there is power in it, before this, we thought that concentration is just to get Noor (light), for making your heart enlightened but after this meeting, it is very clear deep in my heart and I witnessed it with my own eyes that concentration is not only for Noor (light) but fulfills the needs of life and for getting relief from the sorrows, problems, difficulties and confusion too, and it is a best act for all this. Concentration is life, concentration is breath, concentration is a being, concentration is comprehension, concentration is a highway of prayer, with concentration the heart is enlightened, one’s being is scented and the flight of spirits, and breaths go on increasing and increasing.

Concentration is the epitome of humanity: Concentration is epitome of humanity, concentration gave saints Noor (light), spirituality to their lives, it was only the power of concentration which created a unique way of Karamaat and elevated them more than the angels while staying a human being rather gave such life, of which even angels desire for and long for.

Importance of act of concentration in the world of Jinnat: Readers! I have witnessed much importance of meditation in the world of Jinnat and have found that this act is firmly into their hearts, their ordinary even slightly pious person or a simple Muslim also engages himself daily in meditation and every minute induces him towards meditation. Jin understands that if I have to stay alive then its mean is meditation. Jin understands that if I have to stay upon faith then the mean of my state of faith is meditation, if I have to meet my end upon faith then my way is meditation and Jin understands that if I have to get happiness and success or already have it and should sustain it then meditation is my life.


How did we humans left meditation?: How did we leave meditation which I have found to be complete and being its peak and being practiced in the life of Jinnat, I just remember an old conversation of Jin who while giving advice to his children, in which I was also present, said that sons! Look Allama Sahib is present before you and with him as a witness, I say that always be on sound footing regarding three things, 1. Never lie and deceive and do fraud with other people, secondly, keep your life clean from abuse and irrelevant conversations and thirdly never forget meditation in your life and always keep your heart and mind scented with meditation, the day you forget meditation, on this day always remember that you will lose many things in life and much in your life will be incomplete, if you realize that at any time you are upset or worried, then my sons! Pay attention towards meditation and when you feel that you are not getting anything in your life then fulfill your existence with meditation, when you have quarrel, fight, troubles and worries in your family, make yourself busy in meditation. This meditation will end bitterness/hatred from your hearts and will lead your life towards success instead of failures. If importance of meditation comes into your heart and the system of meditation is revealed before your temperaments, then remember that meditation will always dominate every system of your life, will stay complete and ever green.

It is our fault only: Readers! Jinnat are a creation from fire. We are a creation from sand, the fire creation obtains much through meditation, spirit and spirituality too, provisions and health too, respect and wealth too, grace and glory too, and we roam about crying about our problems then the fault is ours and not theirs. We cry about our fault and problems and if we are surrounded in our problems and troubles then should do effort upon meditation, it is not so that with two days effort on meditation, whichever mound of sand and stone which we see will become gold, not at all, meditation requires sustained effort for some time. It requires attention for some time, initially start meditation for short term while even if it is for few minutes and then go on increasing it. You start concentrating on the Noor (light) of any qualitative name of Allah جل جلالہ, initially you would not understand anything but when you will then you will not be able to leave it and when this thing will be revealed before you then you will not be able to forget it. Such blessings, barakats and results of meditation will be revealed in your life which you cannot comprehend of. Meditation, always a fragrant flower: Whereas I have learned many lessons from years and years of my life spent with Jinnat this lesson was also given that wherein genie spend life with the power and strength bestowed on them by almighty Allah, there are pious and also mischievous genies, there are also Muslims and non Muslim genies, in the same way Muslim genies, while bless their lives according to Islamic qualities, meditation aromatizes their lives like a flower. Their children, their aged, their young, their women, their men, their poor, their rich, their men with high level of faith, there men with low level of faith, everyone considers meditation to be of more importance than their eating routine and daily needs. Alas! Why did we forget it? If you don’t know how to do it, at least tale and initiative, sit with your head down, Allah almighty pities on bowed head. A man feels pity on bowed head, why wouldn't Allah? Just don't stop, keep on trying. A time will come, meditation will open up for you, blessings and gifts, once you see them in front of your eyes, you will think that we are late, we should have started earlier.

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