
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

What did I Achieve From the Inborn Friend of Jinns

Ubqari Magazine - July 2014

Experiences and observations of such people who achieved bliss of life through the inborn friend of jinns. Read their story in their own words. 

Betterment with the recitation of Ya-Qahhaar-o:

(Hassan Ameen, Taxila)

Respected hakeem sahib, assalam-o-alaikum! May Allah almighty raise your ranks. May Allah give you a long life and health. Aameen! Respected hakeem sahib! I read your monthly Ubqari magazine regularly. In the edition 84 of Ubqari magazine the essay of Allama Laahooti the enigmatic, inborn friend of jinns, I read about the recitation of Ya-Qahhaar-o. I started that recitation with order three months ago. In that issue 2, 3 methods of recitation were issued. I adopted one of those. That was that I have to recite ya-Qahhaar-o 1100 times each in the morning and the evenings. Other than that recite that as much as possible for the whole day. More you recite it, more benefits you would have. I started the recitation. But if due to some reason I face a shortage in reciting this, I definitely complete the count of the morning and the evenings. As it has been described in the magazine that when we shall start this recitation a strange power would stop us through dreams. But we shall have to continue the recitation. This happened with me too. I also had this indication in dream at night that I should abandon this recitation. But I have still continued this recitation and I do it very regularly. And by the grace of Allah almighty many of its results are popping up day by day in front of me. And my problems are being solved. 

Wonders of Ya-Qahhaar-o and Muhammad-ur-Rasool Allah(J, R)


I am associated with Quran and Hadith and spiritual wazaaif ever since I was a child. It is a blessing of almighty Allah that Allah has given a lot due to the prayers of parents and teachers regarding Quran and Hadith. Allah almighty has also given the knowledge of herbal medicine. Sages, friends of Allah, pious people, readers of Quran, company of the pious people and due to serving them Allah almighty has given a lot. Moreover, it is prayed that may Allah increase your knowledge. Aameen!

In february, 2013 I was introduced to monthly Ubqari. I developed affection with Allama Laahooti purisraari and hazrat hakeem sahib due to this introduction. May Allah confer blessings in Ubqari institute, ubqari magazine, medicines of ubqari and the knowledge and deeds of Allama Laahooti purisraari. Aameen. Ya-Qahaar-o is the characteristic name of Allah Almighty. Its meaning is strong. And indeed it is the belief of every Muslim that Allah almighty is that entity who is the most powerful and the strongest. The whole universe, worlds, lands, skies, mountains, oceans, deserts, all of the creations of Allah whether they are jinns or humans, all of these things do not have any value in front of Him. Because the creator of the whole universe is Allah. Allah has occupied everything. What Allah wants to happen, happens at once. And what Allah does not want, even if all the creatures in the world try to make it happen, it would not happen. Respected readers! These spiritual recitations are a source of nourishing and purity of the soul. Specially they are a source of attaining proximity of Allah. These sipritual wazaaif and Quranic verses are dhikr of Allah. Only those people know the benefits and importance of these wazaaif who have knowledge, perform deeds, firm belief on Allah almighty and following of their shaikh, and spend their lives according to the teachings of Allah and his prophet hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). The one who wants that I will attain these levels without any master or murshid would have to suffer from losses. We saw many such people in this world who thought that they would attain spiritual awareness without a master, either they became mad or they lost their faith. Since allama Laahooti and respected hakeem sahib has given permission to perform these wazaaif to all the readers of the Ubqari magazine, that is why I hope that any person who would perform and recite these wazaaif with interest, by keeping in view the permissible and prohibited, while observing punctuality of prayers and fasts, he would definitely excel in the spiritual world. Should someone have any problem while performing these wazaaif, they should definitely remain in touch with Allama Laahooti the enigmatic through letter-writing. In sort, I have recited the name Ya-Qahhaar-o for the spiritual, physical and business benefits. I am still reciting this. 

By the grace of Allah, these are very useful wazaaif. If I gave Ya-Qahhaar-o specially to someone to recite or if I gave the naqsh of Ya-Qahhaar-o to a patient, the patient healed. In creating this naqsh I have added an extra H in it due to the actual syntactic punctuation of the word ya-Qahhaar-o according to the Arabic dictionary and grammar.The reason is that because there is shadda on H, and in reality it was یَاقَھَّارُ H assimilated in another H and it became Ya-Qahhaar-o. Please note the naqsh.






Really the naqsh affects quickly like this. Really filthy, ill-minded, infidel jinns who overcome the patients run away with the blessings of this naqsh and due to recitation of Ya-Qahhaar-o in such a way as if a bullet leaves a rifle.  Jinns attacked me thrice at nights because I spread this deed among the people. Once they attacked so severely that it is beyond description. Anyways, I recited Ya-Hannaan-o, Ya-Mannaan-o and Ya-Qahhaar-o. Before doing this recitation the jinns squeezed the whole bosy and specially the neck in such a way that I did not have any hopes of staying alive. All the family heard strange voices coming out of my mouth and neck. All the family members were anxious, scared and frightened. When I recited Ya-Hanaan-o, Ya-Manaan-o, Ya-Qahhaar-o repeatedly, jinns caught fire. I saw all of this with my open eyes. A few jinns that I had grabbed with my own hands died by becoming smaller like cakes of soap and by screaming. Hundreds of more jinns came to help them. I started reciting Ya-Hanaan-o, Ya-Manaan-o, Ya-Qahhaar-o  more in a very loud voice. SO my Allah sent a strange creation from the sky to help me that was beyond my understanding. The shape of this creation was like kangaroos. The tail was long and thick. And a light spread in my house in such a way that was beyond my understanding. The benefit of this light was that the creation that resembled kangaroos grabbed the jinns and burned them all in fire. All the mischievous jinns died. All of this happened due to the blessings of ya-Qahhar-o. And after this incident four months have passed, any other mischievous jinn has not attacked me.  

Peace and Tranquility in the House Due to Ya-Qahhaar-o

(S, S)

respected hakeem sahib assalam-o-alaikum! I am reading the Ubqari magazine for the past two years regularly. All the essays present in the magazine are very good. But specially the essay of Allama Laahooti purisraari, "inborn friend of jinns." is very nice indeed. The wazaaif present in this have made our lives peaceful like many others. I read Y-Qahhar-o in the ubqari magazine. We recited Ya-Qahhaar-o in thousands. All the family members recite it 25,000 times and sometimes 40,000 times. Our house has become extremely peaceful due to this. Even though, before this there used to be some quarrels on a daily basis. It was a strange tense environment. But now by the grace of Allah we are very peaceful. Respected hakeem sahib! DO not publish my name.

Smell of Aud in Moti Masjid

(R, Sh)

Respected hakeem sahib assalam-o-alaikum! I am reciting the Ubqari magazine continuously for the past few years. Specially the essay of Allama sahib, the inborn friend of jinns. I am quite mad about it. As soon as the magazine arrives, I read this section first of all. In this essay I had read about the deed of moti masjid. I became quite anxious to go to Lahore somehow. With a lot of effort although I could not reach hakeem sahib, but I did reach moti masjid. 

As soon as I reached the mosque clouds gathered and it started raining slowly. In the courtyard I started reciting nawaafil by sitting in the lawn. As soon as I started reciting them I started having the smell of Aud. I don't know what I uttered like mad people. I prayed for brotherm parents and all the Muslims. I kept on reciting. It was such a smell that I cannot describe. I have never smelt such a smell. So nice that, Allah! Allah!!

 Handicapped Brother Healed Due to Ya-Qahhaar-o

(Sobia Ikram, Wah Cantt, Taxila)

Respected hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! I have come to know about you from a doctor. And after that I recited your magazine monthly Ubqari. One day all of us slept at night. Rain came at midnight. All of us got up and tried to go in the room. A brother of mine, whose name is Nauman, he picked up his bed and fell down. He tried again and fell down again. All of us ran and reached him and asked him that what had happened. He said that he did not have any strength in his feet and he could not lift them. We held him and tried to walk him around but he fell down again and he started crying. Then we tried to cure our brother through renowned doctors and neurosurgeons, but only tests would happen, prescriptions would be written but he did not heal. Then one surgeon gave us a copy of two priceless treasures with treatment and said that all the members of the family should recite it. And he said to my brother to recite Ya-Qahhaar-o 3400 times daily for 41 days and to make dum on feet. My brother came back and told about it to mother. Mother encouraged him and asked him to read. My brother recited it only for one day and made dum and went to the doctor the next day. When he came back, he was quite happy. He could lift his foot a little bit. Mother said to him that this was the effect of the kalaam of Allah. He was very happy. After this he recited Ya-Qahhaar-o 3400 times daily for 41 days as soon as he got up. In those 41 days his foot healed completely. Now he walks perfectly well. All praise be to Allah, by the blessings of Ya-Qahhaar-o my brother healed completely. 

The Blessings of Two Priceless Treasures: I had an operation around 8 years ago. There was a packet of water in my liver, that doctors had taken out after a long operation that lasted 8 hours. After that I remained fine for 8 years. Now again, I have developed the same problem. The doctors have recommended an operation to me again. I do not want to get operated. I recited the priceless treasure number 2. The benefit I had was that I do not have any pain now. If I do not recite it, I start having pain the next day. And if I keep on reciting I feel as if I never had any problem. 

Blessings of the Inborn Friend 

(Innayat Ullah, Sialkot) 

Respected hakeem sahib, Assalamoalaikum! May Allah make your good mission successful. Aameen! I am reading Ubqari for the past six months. Ubqari is exemplary in its own right and is full of religious and wordily information. Once upon a time a deed was published in the inborn friend of jinns. [SPACE FOR ARABIC TEXT]I started reciting that all the time. I am doing it for a long time. And I have had a lot of benefits in business. Although before this my business had come to an end. I told a few people whom I knew and Allah was kind on them as well. I pray that this blessed magazine may keep on working like this and the creation of Allah may keep on benefitting from this. 

Invisible Help Arrived 

(Ghulam Rasool, Gujrat) 

Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! I was in dire need for financial help for constructing a mosque. I recited the waif published in inborn friend of jinns 125,000 times  I was helped by invisible sources. A person came whom I did not know before. He took the complete responsibility of constructing the mosque. And he constructed a very beautiful mosque.  

Circumstances Improved 

(Q, R) 

Respected hakeem sahib, assalamoalaikum! I am reading the ubqari magazine since one year. There are so many nice waifs and prescriptions in it through which not only us but our neighbors have benefited a lot too. I tell about prescriptions and waifs from it to neighbors. They act upon them and they pray a lot for me and the ubqari institute. 

Respected hakeem sahib, Assalamoalaikum! Our circumstances were very bad in the beginning. In your magazine's essay of Allama Laahooti a waizifa was published . I recite it all the time. I recited this waif for a few days with punctuality and our business that was really terrible is now improving day by day. And our circumstances have improved as well.  

Ya-Qahhaar-o SOlved 80% of the Problems 

(Ruqqayya Khadim Butt) 

Respected hakeem sahib, Assalamo alaikum! I am fine and I hope that you are fine as well. I do not understand that how should I begin. We are six siblings. Five sisters and one brother. Our mother passed aways 22 years ago. Our father is alive. I am on the fifth position among my siblings. By the grace of Allah all are married. All are happy and prosperous in their own homes. The thing is that after the death of my mother my eldest sister got married. But the husband was not quite right. He used to come home late at night and he had a habit of drinking as well. Our sister came back after three months of marriage. It had not been decided yet. Efforts for reconciliation were going on. Sister resumed her education as she came back home. By the grace of Allah our sister was conferred by a very beautiful baby boy. After the birth of the son she was divorced. Sister used to live with us and her son too. By the passage of time rest of the sisters got married. Then a proposal came for our sister as well and we had her married. But the son is still with us. Her second husband is ready to keep her on this condition that he would be put to work. Whereas I am not happy about that. Our sister got married for the second time after 9 years of her first marriage. Her son is with us. All praise be to Allah, he is in the 11th grade and he studies in one of the best colleges of Lahore. We bear all of his expenditures. We married the brother as well. He is happy as well. Only Ahmad and abu are at home. Now I come to myself. My name is Ruqqayya. I have done BSc. Hakeem sahib, I have a different type of attraction towards Allah almighty. All praise be to Allah! I am quite punctual about prayers and fasts since the beginning. I also recite the holy Quran. Hakeem sahib I was giving the annual exams of the 8th grade, when a change occurred in my feelings. My family and I thought that I was sick, but I was not sick. We showed to all the doctors and sages but nothing improved. At last someone told us about a sage. That was the first time ever I went to a sage. He made dum on me. And I became fine by the grace of Allah. Then it so started happening that I started becoming sick in February, march of every year. And I would not eat or drink anything for 3 months. I would get hysterical. I would recite naats and names of Allah. A strange state would occupy me all the time. All the members of the family were anxious. Then someone said that a haaziri be invoked on me. But father did not agree since I was virgin. And that I had to be married as well. I was in search of such a person who would guide me right. During this time my education was also going on simultaneously.


Hakeem sahib! I went to my aunt's house due to something important. I saw your ubqari magazine over there. I did not ask aunt for that, because it did not sound good. But I noted the name of Ubqari magazine. I really liked it in the first instance. When I came home I said to father. And then I said to the newspaperman. He used to give Ubqari magazine every month. I am reading you magazine for two years. And it has guided me a lot. Hakeem sahib! When I saw your website I became quite happy, because we have Internet in our home. I found it much easier to listen to your sermons. All praise be to Allah, I acquired your discipleship on the Internet. I also recite your tasbih once in the morning and once in the evening. Hakeem sahib! I was unemployed for a long time. Where ever I used to apply, I never got any replies. I appeared in a lot of competitive exams as well. But due to some reason I would fail. But the tasbihs you have given to me, the third kalimah, durood sharif and istighfaar, I was reciting them.


Hakeem sahib! I have been under the shadow of the jinns as well. A strange state used to occupy me. Then I read the inborn friend of jinns. I   pray a lot for Allama Laahooti. Due to his publication almost 80 % of my problems have been solved. I read the topic of Ya-Qahhaaro in it. I read about it benefits. I made its naqshs and put them in every room of the house. I also kept reciting it abundantly. Hakeem sahib what should I tell you. That ever since I have started reciting Ya-Qahhaar-o, I have seen in a dream that those dirty things are coming out of the mouth through vomiting. Their size is almost 1 foot long. And they are black things. And they are dying. Although I was in a dreaming state at that time. I felt about myself as if I had become extremely light. The mass I had inside of me has finished. I kept on reciting it a plenty. Then I saw in a dream that a lot of daemons, apparitions, are coming to me to attack me. And as soon as I look at them, I recite Ya-Qahhaar-o in a loud voice. They turn back. Meaning that my health was restoring through dreaming. And it is still happening. And indeed I am a lot more better.


Prayer in Moti Masjid




Respected hakeem sahib assalam-o-alaikum! Ever since I am reading the inborn friend of jinns in the Ubqari magazine. And the deed of moti masjid has come to my knowledge, the dignity, interest and affection has increased in my heart. I should describe a story. I went to the royal fort and the moti masjid was closed. I went there after zuhr. So I went to the other ancient mosque. There I cleaned the mosque. After that I offered two rakaat nafal over there. And I performed the deed of moti masjid over there. Then I prayed in my heart that O Allah! befriend me with a jinn as well. So when I was offering nafals. It was afternoon and quite hot. At once wind blew so strongly and bubbles started flying in front of me. And few to the fast wind I completely jolted. I was offering nafals. Then I felt that someone is squeezing the finger of my foot. And that I am trying to lift the finger but I cannot lift it. And I was perplexed in my heart that and I am becoming so serene that I cannot explain. Neither did I get scared, and I do not get scared otherwise as well. Because my Allah is nearer to me more than my jugular vein. Well, I do not know if someone became my friend or not. But I felt every thing. Then I offered naffals and then offered naffals again. But I felt everything. And then I prayed, O Allah! May the moti mosque open. Because they do not open before the prayers. I performed the same deed of moti mosque. And I prayed in my heart that may the moti mosque open. I felt that the moti mosque opened. I offered naffals and came back and found that the moti masjid was opened. 


The door was open. I came in very happily. I said salam. There was no one inside. Then after a while people started coming in. I prostrated in half of the mosque, hoping that I might end up praying on the spot. Now Allah knows better that whether I prostrated or not. And then I offered naffals. Performed the deed of moti mosque and the time for asar prayers came. Please look at the blessings of Allah upon me. When I said azaan, people started coming for asar prayers. Then I led the congregation prayers in moti masjid. I thanked Allah that O Allah! You gave a sinful person like me an opportunity to lead the prayers. I do not know what happened after the prayers, everyone started meeting me. SOmeone was patting me on the shoulder, someone was greeting me, I felt like crying that was it really me?? No matter how much I thank Allah it is less that all of this happened with a sinful person like me.


After eating banana, eating one piece of ilaaichi digests the banana at once. It also improves the sexual prowess. And reduces mental weakness. It freshens the mood.


A deed for affluence: When you enter the house, no matter how many times you enter the house, recite durood sharif once, tasmiyya once, surah Ikhlaas once and then enter the house. Say salam to the residents of the house. Irrespective of whether they are wives or children or even if there is no one in the house. But definitely say salam. Reference: Haal-e-dil.


You want to improve you blood production. You want to freshen your complexion, and you want to feel fresh all the time. Hoo-alShaafi: Kalonji, 50 grams, ispaghol husk, 50 grams, honey, 100 grams. Grind the kalonji and mix the husk and powder and kalonji in honey. Take one spoon after every meal. Reference: The treasure of my medical secrets. 


Help From the Invisible in Every Matter


(P, Sh)


Respected hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! I am a reader of the Ubqari magazine since 2006. I have all the previous issues of Ubqari magazine. And I keep on reading them time and again. Respected hakeem sahib! Your and Allama Laahooti's fans a re growing day by day by the grace of Allah. People consider you their messiah. In your presence they do not get upset due to the biggest illnesses, pains and sorrows.  Your presence in this era is a blessing of Allah and His special gift for the whole world. May Allah keep you happy and prosperous. Aameen.


I want to state that in the issue of May 2012 of Ubqari Allama Laahooti the enigmatic had given a few wazaaif. One of the wazaaif among them is [SPACE FOR ARABIC TEXT]. This was for every difficulty and for all the problems and worries of life. I started reciting this waif openly for hundreds of thousands of times. This wazifa solved my innumerable problems that had been stuck for years. I was helped in every matter fro the invisible sources. All praise be to Allah.


Back Ache Healed Due to The Deed Of Ya-Qahhaar-o


(Abid Hussain, Jhelum)


Respected hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! I do not have much introduction with you and the Ubqari magazine. I used to have severe pain in my back. I was quite upset due to this. The imam sahib of our mosque once told me about the deed of Yaa-Qahhaar-o. And along with that he introduced me to Ubqari magazine. I read in this and performed the deed of Ya-Qahaar-o invoving a big dish. I took cold water in a big dish and dipped my feet in it in the morning and in the evening. The time should be the same. On 11 days I recited durood pak 1100 times and on the third day I found a dog coming to me as he waved his tail. There was something in my hand that it tried to snatch away. SO much so that he grabbed my right hand. My eyes opened up. Ever since that day my back ache has completely healed. 


Allah Exists and He Exists With Complete Strength


(A sister)


Respected hakeem sahib, Assalamoalaikum! I really like Ubqari magazine. I keep on waiting for it eagerly for the whole month. When the magazine comes I read the inborn friend of jinns first of all. Hakeem sahib, the essay of Allama Laahooti has changed my whole life. In one of the episodes of inborn friend of jinns, whose number I do not remember, In this Allama Laahooti was in a graveyard for a chilla of surah Muzammil. In which upon opening of the grave he went inside it. And the creation he had found over there they had said many and wonderful things about Allah almighty. They had a firm belief on Allah. That episode was really impressive. In this he had said a sentence, Allah exists and exists with His complete strength. He said this much and then I forgot that what strange thoughts I was thinking about. I felt as if someone was putting something strange in my mind. And then he went away.


Hakeem sahib! I have tested this. Whenever I have a strange thought, I read this sentence inside me inside. Satanic whims vanish so quickly that I even forget that what was I thinking about?


Wonders of Kahaf: Hakeem sahib! In the previous ramadhan my brothers were wheedling that the room cooler had to be put in the room above. I was stubbornly opposed to the idea. That the place was already messed up and the path will be closed. And you people will make all the place filthy. Try to work away with the UPS. If I stop from something, my brothers definitely so that stubbornly. He went downstairs to check whether the room cooler was functioning properly or not. 

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