
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Inborn Friend of Jinns

Ubqari Magazine - February 2014

That Wazifa is Muhammad-ar-Rasool-Allah: My grand mother says that after this my grandfather stayed alive for many years. Whenever a difficulty used to come, that problem used to get resolved. He became famous all over. People started coming from far and near. People were madly in love with him. Many nawaabs and Rajas and rich people only used to come to see him. So much so that pious people and saints of Allah, scholars only used to come to see him.Many people used to come daily. They used to cook feast. Where did it come from? No one knew. And grandfather used to advise everyone about performing good deeds. Prayers, piety, purity of halal and haraam, fulfillment of rights, concentration in performing duties. He used to advise about these all. My grandmother started saying, I even recite that wazifa now. And whenever I recite it my problems get solved. All of my troubles are solved. And the problems of my life do not remain problems anymore. And I have firm belief and confidence that whatever I have got I have got due to this wazifa and whatever I shall get in future, I will get from this wazifa. And even in future if I face any problems they will be solved with this wazifa. That wazifa is Muhammad-ur-rasool-ullah. This is the same wazifa which that jogi used to recite. And this is the same wazifa that my grandfather used to recite. And my grandfather taught this wazifa to my grandmother and to me. When I read about it in Ubqari I became anxious. That this secret was only with my grandfather, how does Allama sahib know this secret. I am dumbfounded and that is why I am writing this letter to you. I will write more to you about the circumstances of my grandfather.

The Dumbfounding Events of an Astonishing Journey: Readers! A few days earlier that person came to meet me that I read a letter to you in Ubqari institution. And my circumstances, jogi’s events, his life’s days and nights. When hakeem sahib contacted me and told me about the details, I gave that person time to meet and in that meeting the additional events he told about his grandfather, I want to bring them to the readers so that the readers may benefit from this.

My First Journey With My Grandfather: He started saying that around 1.75 years before dying, one day my grandfather woke up early in the morning, he wore clothes and started getting ready. Everyone asked on as to where did he want to go. He remained quiet. Whoever asked he remained quiet. And after getting ready he made me ready too and then took me with him and moved on. Strange Passengers of a Strange Horse Wagon: He said to me to say nothing about whatever I saw. Do not ask question instantly, rather ask questions later on. I started going with him. There was an old tonga station in our city. That is barren. We reached there. Although there were no togas there. But one tonga was already present there. The tonga-man did not talk to us. He only ran his tonga very fast. And the horse was as if it was flying. By coming out of the various corners of the city at last we reached the end of the city. There were a few people in front and they were as if they were waiting for us. They were three. And we were 2. Those 3 also sat in the tonga. And then the tonga kept on going on again. A few fields came ahead. After a short while I became drowsy. And I felt that there is some depth ahead and that I am drowning in it. And I had a feeling that I am going inside a swing. When the swing comes down after going up, the way in which it descends I felt the same thing. After a short while a roaring voice that was of the form of someone’s salutations had forced me to open my eyes.

I became anxious. The universe over there was quite different. I was dumbfounded to see that every person over there had 7 fingers, 5 eyes, 2 mouths, 2 shoulders,2 arms, 2 legs, their bodies were very big. So big that they looked like huge towers. I was quietly and anxiously walking with my grandfather. Because I remembered the advice of my grandfather to remain quiet and not to ask. Those 3 people were ahead of us who came with us in the tonga. I and my grandfather were behind. We were going along. We Were Left Centuries Behind: I saw that few people were farming. A few people were knitting. A few women were running a charkha (a weaving mill). One thing that I felt was that their lifestyle was such as if we had gone centuries behind. And I was anxious on this that we had gone so far. I had read the dress of those people in books. The same centuries old, what was their language with themselves? Only what they said could be heard, but not understood. Taking water out of wells, ploughing with oxen, to knit clothes with hands, to weave wool with hands, To grind flour with hands, extracting oil with the help of oxen, the same old houses, their faces and every style of life was antique, we walked and reached an old fashioned house that looked like a palace and that was extremely elegant. It was made of red and black stones. Our Extremely Good Reception in the Palace: We were welcomed in the palace. I was feeling that among these my grandfather was the most different and prominent. They were all respecting and revering my grandfather and receiving him. My Grandfather Was the Most Prominent and Wonderful: My grandfather looked the most prominent. On one place 3 chairs were lying. On 2 chairs 2 strange people were sitting and one chair was vacant. My grandfather was given that chair. My grandfather sat on the chair. Arrival of Beautiful Fairies: In a short time trumpet was blown. And then very beautiful jinns started coming out in human forms. And the way watchmen used to hawk in the times of the kings, they hawked. And doors started opening all over. Fairies were wearing very beautiful dress and they came out of every door and gathered around the chairs. Arrival of Beautiful Young Jinns: In a short while the trumpet blew again. And then very beautiful jins emerged in the form of young men and started coming around. Their essence was so fragrant and beautiful that everyone who saw them became dumbfounded. Arrival of Beautiful Cats Laden With Diamonds and Pearls: The trumpet blew again. Beautiful cats. Every cat was wonderful in its beauty. Having gems of diamond and pearls in the necks. Their ears were pierced. And they had precious pearls in the ears. They had wonderful pearls in the feet. They spread among all the fairies and rest of the gathering. There were millions of cats. It is not known as to how much they were. I was myself anxiously seeing this scene. The Whole System Became Fragrant and Then Suddenly Silenct: The trumpet blew again. And a fragrance emerged. From every door unique fountains of fragrance started. That fragrance was falling upon us. But i felt as if it is becoming dry as soon as it fell upon us. And a mark was spreading. The whole system became fragrant and then in a short time silence spread. And I was waiting for the next surprise. Ecstasy of Muhammad Rasool Allah: After a short time the trumpet blew again and all the cats, fairies, my grandfather and all the people present over there were reciting Muhammad rasool Allah with a lot ecstasy and with a certain rhythm. It is unknown that what was that strong power which that saved me from losing consciousness. Otherwise the way in which Muhammad rasool Allah was being recited, it was such that every listener was becoming mesmerized. I kept on listening to that for a long time. The sound of Muhammad rasool Allah was loud. But that voice was such that it came out of the heart. That voice came out of the tongue. That was an invisible voice. But in that fragrance and environment that voice appeared to be very wonderful. And I was becoming ecstatic. Falling of Fairies and Their Being Picked up By Creatures of Light: A short time had passed and due to the ecstasy of that voice, the fairies started falling down. As they would fall, some creatures of light would pick them up and take them inside the door. The voice kept on increasing. Its rhythm and beauty and the ecstasy inside it kept on increasing; so much so that all the fairies became unconscious. Falling of Princes and Cats by Losing Consciousness: Now those princes started falling; so much so that all of them fell down and the creatures of light picked them up from there. And the cats also fell by losing consciousness. And those cats were also picked up. I was anxious in my wisdom that o Allah what is this story? Now I had a feeling that I would also fall down by losing consciousness like this. And certainly it happened like this that everyone lost consciousness. I am Unable to Sketch the Map: Now only me and my grandfather were left. And that was going on with its full potential continuously with the poems of Muhammad rasool Allah. Both of us were listening. I was sitting down and my grandfather was sitting on the chair. Now the whole palace was empty. There was nobody; fragrance, voice, rhythm, ecstasy, states, sorrow, and the wonderful zeal and the state of unconsciousness. I cannot sketch the imagination fully. But this was all that was there. And At Last the Voice Subsided: A lot of time had passed. Everything kept on moving. And I kept on listening everything quietly. Now the voice started slowing. And the state of unconsciousness started decreasing. But there was only one thing in my heart. That this voice should keep on going like this and that this instrument should keep on blowing like this. But that was not an instrument which I am referring to; it was not music. They were some invisible voices. They were coming from the sky. They were coming from the floor. Where were they coming from; I could not understand anything. Slowly the voice started subsiding. And slowly it vanished. Serving With Most Delicious Foods: I felt as if I have gained consciousness. In the meantime, those 3 people came who had brought us with the tonga. And my grandfather quietly started walking behind them. We came out of the palace. There was another palace in front. We went inside it and there were food-mats laid everywhere. The same fairies, the same princes, the same cats, they were all present on the food mattress; as if someone had been waiting for them. When we reached there, the veils of the food mattresses unveiled. There were strange delicious foods, such which I had never seen in this world and in my whole life. Where did they come from? How they were made? What was their taste? My own wisdom was astonished. Such Food that as it was Eaten it Increased the Appetite: I ate the food quietly. Every person among them was continuously reciting Mummad rasool Allah in a slow voice. And their recitation was producing such a strange voice that had increased the taste and appetite of the food manifold. We were eating food. Where was the food going? No burden. No anxiety. We kept on eating for a long time. In a while, when everyone finished eating then all the foods vanished at once. Drinks of Wonderful Taste and Ecstasy: And wonderful drinks. Should I call them drinks or teas, what were they? But every sip had a strange taste and there was a charm in every sip. Those pints kept on going for a long time. After that, those pints were picked up. Then flowers were kept in front of everyone. And after putting the flowers everyone recited Muhammad rasool Allah again together. And while reciting I also became unconscious. And my grandfather too. And the rest of them too. When I gained consciousness again, I and my grandfather were standing in the famous intersection of the city. Do I Have Permission to Ask a Question Now? My grandfather walked away quietly. And I also walked behind him quietly. And after traveling a short distance we reached our house. My grandfather changed his clothes. He was quite happy and I was anxious. I asked a question to my grandfather if I had permission to ask a question now? My Butter! This is a Realm: He said definitely. And ask as many as you want. You have really been respectful that you did not speak anything over there. Now talk as much as you want. I asked what is this? Then with love and affection by rubbing his hand on my head he said, that my makhan (my grandfather has nicknamed me makhan (butter)). This is a realm. This is the creation of this realm. This realm is not world. This is not the realm of the moon. This is not the realm of the jinns. This is not the realm of the angels. I Got Access Till Here Due to Muhammad Rasool Allah: This is one of the realms from the knowledge of Allah. And we were guests of the creatures of this realm for today. I have eaten food and benefited from the hospitality of these people many times before too. I want to include you in these feasts too and have you taste the taste of these foods. And have you visit this realm. And then he started saying to me that makhan! The reality is that I have gained access till this point due to reciting Muhammad Rasool Allah. And the wazifa of this creation is Muhammad Rasool Allah. Neither do they earn, nor do they do any business. They do this for the whole day. And a few people among them earn and do business too. And they also recite this wazifa for the whole day.

Two Parts of the Creation: There are two parts of the creation; those who earn and those who do business. But the whole day they do this business. One part does not do any business but only recite this wazifa. They get sustenance due to this wazifa. They get foods, fruit; their hunger is abated. They get priceless drinks; wonderful life wonderful lifestyle, beauty. And such things that human wisdom can not only think nor wonder about. Whatever all of them have received is due to Muhammad rasool Allah. My butter! My grandfather took a deep breath. You do not know that the whole realms are under Muhammad rasool Allah. And all the realms are worthless without Muhammad rasool Allah. In reality by attaching Muhammad rasool Allah with kalimah (testimony) Allah has given the key of all the realms. Whoever will have this key, he/she should keep on applying the key and keep on moving ahead. (Continued).

For priceless Wazaaif of Allama Laahooti sahib (daamat barkaataham) please recite the book Inborn Friend of Jinns.

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