
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - May 2013

Recite these Aya (verses) of Quran 7 x times, blow over eyes, head and ears of the patient because these are the openings / paths for entrance of Jadoo (Majic) and Jinnat. Repeat this deed twice a day with Drood Sharif upon Muhammad (SAW) in the beginning and at the end of this deed. Insh’Aallah the effect of Jaadoo and Jinnat will dissolve out.

Today I shall only talk about one verse which is one of the longest verses of the Quran. Although it is one but it ranges over 4 to 5 lines and it is very beneficial. As soon as these benefit came to my knowledge, I memorized it. I recite this Aya after doing Tasbeehat’e-Faatima and Ayat-ul-Kursi. Resultantly Al’Hamdo’Lillah I am availing a lot of benefits. I advise you all readers of Ubqari to memorize this aya immediately; soon they will start to avail the respective benefits (which I am already experiencing). By the blessing of this Aya, not only material, family problems are solved but the both lives i.e. before and after death become prospering, successful. This Ayat-e-Qutab is Verse # 154 of Surah Aal-e-Imran (Para # 4)

For dissolving effect of Jaadoo & Jinnat:

Recite these Aya (verses) of Quran 7 x times; blow over eyes, head and ears of the patient because these are the openings / paths for entrance of Jadoo (Majic) and Jinnat. Repeat this deed twice a day with Drood Sharif upon Muhammad (SAW) in the beginning as well as at the end of this deed. Insh’Aallah the effect of Jaadoo and Jinnat will dissolve out.

For treatment of skin diseases:

Recite this Ayat-e-Qutab x 7 times, blow over the patient, Insha’Allah, his skin problem, skin infections will be cured.

For curing problems of Babies:

Often the babies became frightened, weep a lot, suffer from weightlessness, body weakness, eye sight weakness, stop feeding milk, face problem in learning lessons etc. To cure these problems, recite Ayat-e-Qutab 7 x times, blow over the effected children. Repeat this deed for 5 to 7 days, Inshallah the problems will be resolved out. Darood to be recited in beginning and end.

For curing Headache of Half Head:

Recie Ayat-e-Qutab 21 x times with Durood in the beginning & end of the deed, blow over the patient 21 times, Insha’Allah, his problem will be resolved out. 

For curing Epilepsy (mirgi):

Recite Ayat-e-Qutab 21 x times along with reciting Drood Sharif upon Muhammad (SAW) in the beginning & at end of this deed, blow over the patient, Insha’Allah, his problem will be resolved out.

For treating Cancer:

Be it any type of cancer, blister, or if any other body part is affected, recite Ayat-e-Qutab 41 x times in the morning as well as in the evening, blow over the patient. Keep doing this deed until complete recovery. Insha’Allah, the patient will feel much better than before.

For incurable diseases: For all those incurable diseases for which the doctors/hakeems have given up, recite Ayat-e-Qutab 41 x times with Drood Sharif upon Muhammad (SAW) in the beginning & at the end of this deed, blow over the patient, Insha’Allah, his problem will be resolved out. Blow the same on water and let the patient drink it excessively. When the water becomes less, add more to it. Recite it in the morning and repeat it again the next morning.

For any need: Recite Ayat-e-Qutab 7 x times (alongwith Drood-e-Ibraheemi in the beginning as well at the end of deed) blow over the hands and wipe over the face. Insha’Allah, the doer will succeed.

For molar tooth-aches: Recite durood-e-Ibrahimi and then recite this verse 3 or 5 times, blow on your finger and massage it on the affected tooth. Insha Allah the effect shall be instant.

For curing Sting / Bites of Snake, Scorpion:Recite Ayat-e-Qutab 21 x times; blow over the effected body part as well as in the right ear. Insha’Allah, poison and pain will finish within few days.

For internal disorders of Stomach: Be it an infection of stomach, liver disorder, any form of jaundice, pain of intestines or kidney pain; blow this verse 7 times on water. Give this water throughout the day to the patient. Repeat this act in the evening.

Common Physical Pains: For pain in any part of the body, recite this verse 7 times with durood shareef in beginning and ending and blow on the affected area. Do this four time a day and Insha Allah pain shall vanish

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