
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - May 2013

Rafeeah Naheed Ikram 

“Deterioration of health due to any reason has initial impact on eyes and which causes dullness in them.To maintain the glare of eyes, balanced diet and good health is necessary. Sleeping and waking up on time have verypositive effect on eyes.”

Eyes dazzling like stars play an important role in adding gracefulness to personality.That is why since youth every womandesires that her eyes should look bright and sparkling. In addition to skin care, they also follow tips to maintain beauty and attraction of their eyes. But this has also been observed that due to increased commitments of womenfolk, they hardly get time to pay attention to their skin and hair care. Though with regards to beauty of eyes they remain worried, but are unable to find time to practically do something for their care as well. Whereas worldwide, eyes are referred to for beauty, colour and femininity.  Poets also choose eyes as a topic for their poetry and symbolize them as eyes like a deep lake, eyes like those of a gazelle and god knows what not.

Nowadays, makeup of eyes is very popular amongst ladies and several makeup tools and products are commonly available to enhance the beauty of eyes. But actually attractiveness is produced in eyes only when their health is good. In the present busy life, due to excess of workload, inappropriate diet, low blood pressure and mental stress, beauty of eyes of most women appears to have languished. Worries, fright and tiredness also have adverse effects on the muscles and parts of eyes. Dehydration, climatic changes, atmosphere, bright sunlight and glaring white snow are all harmful for eyes. It is better to use sun glasses under such conditions. Some women have dark circles under eyes which is indicative that either they are careless for appropriate eye care or are not getting proper sleep or rest. Decline in brightness of eyes of development of dark circles under them is a cause of great concern for women as it reduces their facial beauty and even after application of makeup, their face does not appear fresh. Some easy tips for dark circles which women are practicing for years are:

  • Soak two cotton balls in cold milk and put them on your eyes for ten minute every day.
  • Soak used tea bags in cold water and put them over your eyes for 15 to 20 minutes every day.
  • Put slices of cucumber or potato on eyes. Eyes will freshen up and with this practice on daily basis,dark circles will also eliminate.


Deterioration of health due to any reason has initial impact on eyes and which causes dullness in them. To maintain the glare of eyes, balanced diet and good health is necessary. Sleeping and waking up on time have very positive effect on eyes. Fresh milk, raw vegetables, dry and fresh fruits are tremendously significant for the health of eyes.Intake of vitamin A is also very effective for eyes. This vitamin is found in cod-liver oil, curd, butter, egg yolk, carrots, mango, papaya, tomatoes, vegetables with green leaves and also in several fruits. To keep eyes shining and beautiful, light diet like milk, butter, pulses and fruit juice are essential. Carrot juice is also significant for enhancingattractiveness of eyes.Almonds are very useful for eyesight. Daily intake of almonds and anise seed play important role to improve health of eyes and vision.Vegetation and greenery gives soothing effect to eyes. Try to observe greenery available at home for a while after getting up early morning. Walking barefoot on grass in the morning is also very effective to prevent eye infections. Rinse your eyes with cold water several times a day. This practice cleans the eyes and adds to their beauty.


Most women engross themselves in stitching, knitting, reading or using computer to such an extent that their eyes get tired and vision gets affected. It is better to close and give rest to eyes every hour. The same becomes essential in case if they use contact lenses or glasses. Special attention is to be given to lighting arrangement while studying or stitching etc.

Light plays important role in eyes’ health. Particularly while reading or writingensure that light correctly illuminate the book and that it is at suitable distance. Most eye specialists refrain from studying while laying, walking or when in a moving vehicle.  When reading frequently wink your eyes. Not doing so can cause dryness in eyes leading to irritation.


To brighten the eyes and make them shining, an exercise can be practiced. Keep your head straight. Now quickly move your eyes up and let them be in this position for a while. Then move them down at the maximum possible angle and remain in this position for some time. Bring eyes back to normal level and let them rest for a few seconds. Now turn them left and keep staring at distance in this direction. Repeat the same action in the right direction. After a few seconds move the eyes in all four directions. With this exercise eyes will become bright and shining in a few days. Increase in intake of water also brightens eyes. In case of any eye infection, do not indulge in self medication. Only a qualified doctor can give the right advice.

Eye Specialists and beauticians suggest that sound sleep is a must to maintain the beauty of eyes. Try to avail complete sleep during night as normally conducive environment is seldom available for sleeping in day time. Due to engagement at college, university, workplace and involvement with kids and family members, sound sleep becomes a dream. Even if it is possible to sleep in day time, it cannot become a substitute of night’s sleep.

Nowadays it is becoming a habit to sleep and get up late which does not have good effect on the health of eyes. The same is so as almost half the night is spent remaining awake and subsequently morning prayers are also missed. Similarly neither is morning walk done nor greenery can be seen which could soothe eyes. If returning from parties is late, then prior going to bed, one must remove eye make up. Perhaps before going to bed rinse your eyes with cold water so as strain on eyes is reduced. Nevertheless if carelessness is shown in removal of eye makeup and one goes to sleep without doing so, it is quite possible that by morning eyes might get some infection due to makeup particles. They may turn red or get swollen.

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