
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Ubqari Talbina

Ubqari’s Nabwi (SAW) Foods.
TALBINA: Most Effective Nabwi (SAW) Tonic. 
How to Cook:

Add one table spoon in a cup of hot water. Cook for five minutes unless its color turns to light brown. Add two cups of milk and stir. Cook for two more minutes. Add some honey or sugar as per taste. It can also be served without sugar. Now Talbina is ready. It can be consumed with spoon or can drink sip by sip. Always use it lukewarm. It can also be served as cold. If you wish you can prepare it in one go for the whole day. Or you can prepare it fresh, every time. But ingredients ratio will remain same. If you want to double the quantity or more than that, there is no issue but ratio of Ubqari Talbina, water and milk of will remain the same.
Hazrat Ayesha (May Allah be pleased with her) narrates that if anyone from Hazrat Mohammad’s (SAW) family got sick, then Hazrat Mohammad (SAW) instructed to make Talbina for him / her. HE (S.A.W) informed that Talbina releases pressure and grief from the heart of sick in this way like water purifies our face after face wash. (Ibn e Maja). (Including release of tension, depression, mental and nervous system weakness, tiredness, legs and back muscles aches and physical weakness).
Hazrat Ayesha (May Allah be pleased with her) narrate in another Hadees with this addition that cooking pan in which Talbina was being cooked for patient, was not removed from stove until patient was completely recovered. By this we came to know that it should always be served lukewarm (Can also be served cold). Patient should consume it again and again as it helps to overcome the weakness and enhances immune system.
Note: Ubqari Talbina is not only good for patients but also for healthy people. It works as best food, energy tonic, medicine and God gifted item for kids, youngsters, older and for even every family member. It is a super tonic for kids, men and women and especially for Heart patient and people having tension, mental, stomach, liver, muscular and nervous system issues. 
Few Benefits of Ubqari Talbina: 

  • Strengthens stomach and the liver.
  • Covers blood deficiency. 
  • Best thing for pregnant women having blood deficiency.
  • Fulfills the iron deficiency in body.
  • Helps in skin vitalizing and glowing.
  • Provides body nutrition and helps in brain improvement.
  • Restores energy.
  • It is a wonderful Nabwi tonic for those children who feel lousy and weakness in early morning and not inclined to study.
  • Kids having iron deficiency, must use it.
  • It controls obesity.
  • First solid diet for infants.
  • Continuous use of Talbina helps in cleaning and glowing of face skin for those women, having pimples and scars on their face.
  • Talbina is a best treatment to cure nail diseases caused due to blood deficiency.
  • Its use is best to overcome the weaknesses caused by diabetes. 
  • Usage of Talbina is second to none for controlling blood pressure.
  • It is a best supplement for players and students.
  • It helps to control Hepatitis.
  • Best for controlling gastric acidity.
  • It is best tonic for people lacking physical strength and energy.
  • It is best remedy to recover from almost every disease.
  • Helps in making hair beautiful and strong.
  • It is best remedy for burning feet and hand.
  • It is beneficial in women’s hormonal disorder.
  • Its continuous usage gives a feeling of teenage for old people.
  • It controls uric acid.
  • Children who are suffering from thalassemia, must use it.
  • In summer, use it in brown sugar syrup.
  • It helps to boost immune system to cure dangerous diseases like tumor and cancer. 
  • It helps to minimize tension, depression, mental and nervous system weakness, tiredness, physical weakness, pain in waist and legs and muscle stretch.
  • Ubqari Talbina is not only effective for patients but also for healthy ones. 

Power of Hazrat Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) and the secret of Talbina:

What a wonderful stuff is Talbina made of OAT which Hazrat Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) used to eat. There is so much blessing in that Oat (Talbina). I have visited the fort of Khyber (Old Khyber) and where Hazrat Ali’s (May Allah be pleased with him) sword was struck. I also visited that water spring, created by the Will of Allah (SWT). Till to-date that water spring is there and running. It was not possible for an ordinary person to open front door of old Khyber’s fort. But these were companions of Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W) who opened it with help of Allah (SWT), use to eat this Talbina and Talbina was their regular food.
Ubqari Talbina (A Royal Diet):

All Simple and easy available foods or all foods recommended by Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W) carry unbelievable benefits. If this Talbina was a low profile food then why it is recommended for patients. Have you noticed that most of rich and wealthy people use oat cereal? It is a Royal diet. Allah (SWT) diverts him to this food. It is food used by Kings. 
Hazrat Mohammad (SAW) who is honor of all universe, this Talbina is most preferred food on his dining spread. Family members, companions of Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W) and all pious people always served it on their dining spread. Family members and companions of Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W) used to feed their kids with Talbina made of Oat. There is kind of Oat, having more husk and this is perfect for intestine, liver, heart, joints and muscles.

In addition to milk, Ubqari Talbina can also be served with honey, rice pudding, custard, beverages, Mashroob e Ubqari and ice cream. 
Cooking instructions are as under: 
Add two table spoons of honey with two table spoons of Talbina. Add one cup of hot milk. Use it on regular basis and get unbelievable results by this Nabwi Food.
Take two table spoon of rice pudding or custard, two table spoon of Talbina, one spoon of butter and one cup of milk. Cook Talbina in milk for some time. And when it is in lukewarm condition. add butter and rice pudding or custard. Serve it and make your generations healthy and strong. 
Mix one table spoon of Talbina in Mashroob e Ubqari or Fitness Folad Tonic or Tandurasti Tonic. Stir it for at least ten minutes. Drink it sip by sip. All shortfalls and diseases caused by hot weather will vanish in no time. 
Mix one to three spoons of Talbina in Lentil or meat soup and leave it for ten minutes. Then eat it. It will help to fulfill all body’s nutritional requirements and you will get all vitamins from A to Z. 
Mix a little bit of Ubqari Talbina in ice cream and put it in the freezer. Eat after ten minutes. There will no disadvantage of eating ice cream. Will help in restoration and relaxation of body and face. Helps to overcome blood deficiency and you feel relaxed. 
Note: Ubqari Talbina can be used in every age and in every season.