Respected Hazart Hakeem Sahib Assalam o Alaikum if there is any severe tense issue then I have a very easy procedure which I present before readers. Say two nawafil of need then after that whole day say Amin and Inshallah . Due to the blessing of it a lot of issues are solved. A few days back a woman got divorced but she lied that she has not been divorced and in spite` of divorce she insisted on living in her husband’s house. She even somehow misled her husband and he also agreed to the fact. Now in spite of the fact that he had divorced her, she is saying that he hasn’t been divorced. Family knew all about it and they were quite religious and they were tense that that this is a big sin. So when one of woman from the house talked with me, I told them then your whole house folks should recite (ان شاء اللہ) unlimited times. They had recited only 80000 times that both were separated. And that too happened legally. Whatever house folks wanted which was religiously true and that’s exactly what happened. (الحمد للہ) z, Khyber