
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

When and how a husband does lose his interest in his home?

Ubqari Magazine - February 2019

What are those exact moments when a husband loses his interest in his family, his household? Some women are prone to take illnesses on their minds in a bothersome way. Some of them are already bothered by the issues of their household and in order to overcome it, they become angry on their children and hit them unnecessarily. The husband on the other hand tries to avoid all of the noise and troubles by escaping from his own house. He tries to find peace elsewhere.  

Is it better to stay away from home?  It is often noticed that husbands try to spend their time with their friends or elsewhere outside their homes after they get free from their offices and work. Like women, men too have different natures. Women are responsible for the type of environment they build up in their homes. The environment of some households is such that husbands try to reach home from workplace as soon as possible. While on the other hand the some husbands prefer to stay with friends after work and go home only for sleeping. This means that they try to stay away from their homes and are not comfortable with its environment. 

The excellence of a grumpy daughter in law: Some traditions bound families to stay and live together. Quite alot of brothers and their wives tend to live together in one house. But then a new grumpy daughter in law comes in and disturbs the entire family system, just like a pebble that destroys the stillness of river water. As a result, the peace of the household gets destroyed and men try to find that peace outside their homes. They are well aware of the type of environment their house has. Even if they get free from their workplace earlier, they prefer to go and meet their friends instead of going home. A household that has increased number of fights will also be the one that will have increased number of diseases prevailing in it. Every member of the household gets disturbed and tensed. Some men are bothered by the never lasting wants of their wives. Some women love to shop and at times they exceed limits which bothers their husband and in long term disturbs the household. Women often dislike it when their husbands try to hold them back from shopping much. Men try to run away from the environment of their house and find escape in friends and everywhere else than their home. At times, some men also have to do overtime at work just so that they can fulfill the excessive wants of their wives. They try to work harder and harder so they are able to fullfill the expenses of their house. For this reason they don’t feel homely at their homes. They rest for a while at their homes and then again, they just leave for work. Some women are very fond of parties and they consider it to be adding on to their respect. There is a constant coming and leaving of guests and friends at their homes. The husband thinks that he wont be feeling peaceful even if he goes back home after such a long day of work so instead he prefers spending time outside, just to stay away from all the problems.  

There is some problem for sure! Men are not habitually prone to telling their wives about everything that happened to them throughout their day. Obviously when they go outside and work, they have to face several problems. Sometimes they are worried about it while other times they stay quiet. Now the wife becomes curious that there is something that he must be hiding from me. Husbands who tend to tell every little detail about their day to their wives tend to live a better peaceful life. 

Looking in his pockets: Some women habitually look into the pockets of their husbands. But such husbands are smart already. They are well aware of the nature of their wives and they tend to clear out their pockets before entering the house. In case she finds something, the husband cannot be saved.  

I will spend my weekend at my parent’s place: Some women just want to spend their weekend at their parent’s house no matter what happens. Now after a long tiring week of extreme work and tiredness, the wife leaves her husband alone. He too leaves the house and goes outside to spend his time. Sometimes it’s the extreme noise of children while sometimes it is the coming and going of several guests which makes it unbearable for a husband to stay at their home.  

The independence to hang out: Some men like to go out for enjoyment every day. If it becomes their habit, it continues to prevail even after marriage and there is nothing a wife can do in that. They feel lonely even if they are with their wife and children. As soon as they get a chance, they go to their friends immediately. They find the environment of outside to be more peaceful than their home’s and they also feel proudly for spending time with their friends. Some men get together with their friends on weekends which mean that they find it more enjoyable to spend their time with their friends instead of their families. Even though their families wait for the weekend to come so all of them are able to spend time together but husbands show no interest in it and find enjoyment outside their homes.  

Mismanagement of the wife: Some wives do not pay attention to their homes at all. Children move around in dirty clothes, nothing is found on its own place and everything is unclean. The husband has to ask for each and every thing before leaving for work. Tired, when he complains, the wife shows no concern and doesn’t change. In return, the husband chooses to stay quiet. If the wife is used to speak ill, she argues with each and every thing the husband says instead of accepting her mistakes. Even some husbands are used to fight with their wives in order to ‘win’ the argument. As a result the house turns into a battlefield.  

Mismanagement of husbands: Some husbands are not habitual to place things rightly. They will use one thing and leave it right there. Even going to their workplace and after coming back from it, everything that they have used will be out of place. Their wife gets tired of their habits eventually and then fights with him. 

The habit of sleeping excessively: Some wives are habitual to sleep excessively. They wake up late and then they also have to sleep in the late afternoon and on holidays. Husbands have nothing to do and then he goes outside to spend his time.  


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