
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Children! Nor I would have done jealousy; neither would I have received this punishment

Ubqari Magazine - October 2016

Suddenly a dwarf came running in front of me and get on his neck. The dwarf hardly hit the stick and said walk. Take me on the moon. There my grandmother lives. I will meet my grandmother Mullah Nasruddin remained shocked. He got very worried that from where this problem got over me.

Mullah Nasruddin was very famous for his interesting talks. Due to these talks, the king made him his special minister. He used to listen Mullah Nasruddin interesting talks every day and become happy. The king liked Mullah Nasruddin a lot. After seeing this, the other court members started doing jealousy from Mullah Nasruddin. they all the time, kept on thinking ideas to make him fall in the eyes of king. At last, they got one opportunity in hands. They got to know that Mullah Nasruddin has given many poor people loan on this promise that when the king will die so return the loan. One court member filled the ears of king and started saying: Lord! Mullah Nasruddin wants to see you dying. The king got very angry that the man to whom I gave so much respect, he is the wisher of my death. He, at that very moment, called Mullah Nasruddin and asked him; Is it true that you have given the money of treasure as loan to many poor people on this promise that when the king will die so return it. Mullah Nasruddin replied king! You have listened exactly truth. The king got resented and said: Nasruddin! Do you want my death? Mullah Nasruddin said Lord! I have done this all for your protection. The king asked surprisingly: How is that? Mullah Nasruddin started saying: Lord! The poor people, whom I have given the loan on this promise that return after the death of king, the day and night keeps on praying for your protection. So that you remain alive and they won’t have to return the loan. The king laughed after listening this and the enemy got sad. On this unique answer, the king gave his promise necklace to Mullah Nasruddin as a gift and praised him a lot. One minister already kept enemy relation with Mullah Nasruddin. now he decided that he will put such trouble on M. N that he could never again come in court. One magician was the friend of that minister. The minister went to him and said: Do such trick that Mullah Nasruddin never again face towards royal court. The magician said: Don’t worry. I have one dwarf which will taste him in such a way that he will go away from this city. The magician wrote Mullah Nasruddin name on one paper. Wrote some words of magic in front of it and said to the minister: Somehow, put it in the pocket of Mullah. Then watch the scene. The minister returned after taking the paper from magician. He called his one special person and started saying him, do one work of mine. Take this paper and when Mullah Nasruddin will be sleeping in his room so put it inside his pocket. But be careful, someone would not see. That man slowly entered in the room of Mullah. Mullah Nasruddin was snorting at that time, loudly. That man, very cleverly kept the paper in Mullah’s pocket. The magician was watching this all, by sitting in front of his magical mirror. He at that same time went near that cage, in which he had prison one dwarf. The magician opened the door of cage and took out the dwarf and said, go. The man who has the paper of your name in his pocket, he will take you to the moon. After listening this, the dwarf got very happy and while running went out from there and straight went near to the house of Mullah Nasruddin just came out of the house that suddenly a dwarf came running in front of me and get on his neck. The dwarf hardly hit the stick and said “walk”. Take me on the moon. There my grandmother lives. I will meet my grandmother Mullah Nasruddin remained shocked. He got very worried that from where this problem got over me. He said to the dwarf: Brother, how shall I take you to the moon. No one can go to the moon. The dwarf hit the stick hardly and said, walk, take me to the moon. Otherwise I won’t leave you. The life of innocent Mullah Nasruddin came in trouble. He tried a lot to take off the dwarf but that was the dwarf of magic. He wasn’t taking the name of coming down. While sleeping and awake, he was climbing on the neck of Mullah Nasruddin and made him running by hitting the stick with embarrassment, Mullah Nasruddin went out of the city. How he would go in the royal court with a dwarf on his neck. The minister became very happy that this how Mullah Nasruddin went away from the eyes of king. The king asked the minister that why Mullah Nasruddin doesn’t came to the court? The minister said, King! Mullah Nasruddin has gone to some for business. Maybe, he won’t come back ever again. The king became silent. One day, troubled Mullah Nasruddin was sitting in front and crying on his fate that one court man passed from there. When he saw this condition of Mullah Nasruddin, he said I know the minister has made you this condition. He is jealous from you. Now he is very happy that you won’t every get rid of this trouble. But Mullah Nasruddin was not the man of accepting failure. He thought that, I shall check the dwarf; it may happen that some trick of riddance will be found. The dwarf was sleeping deeply at that time, Mullah Nasruddin put the hand inside the pocket of dwarf, and one paper came out. This was the same paper, which the dwarf took out secretly from the pocket of Mullah. By watching his name and magic words written on paper, Mullah Nasruddin understood the whole thing. He, at that time, cut his name and wrote the name of minister on its place and started saying to the court-man: Brother! Go to my home and give this to my obedient bond woman and say her that somehow put it inside the pocket of minister. The court-man gave that paper to bond woman and told her whole story on return to city. At night time, the bond woman went to castle of minister with one secret way and put that paper, with much care inside the pocket of minister. Then what was to be happening. The dwarf left Mullah Nasruddin and came over the neck of minister. He hit him stick hardly and said: Take me to the moon. The minister got worried and reached to the magician, running. But the magician was dead. Now it was on life of minister. He would roam from forest to forest and kept on saying neither I would have done jealousy. Nor would I have received this punishment” Mullah Nasruddin came back to the court. When the king got to know about the end of minister so he said, what you will do, will happen with you. (Choosen: Sanwal Chugtai, Ranjhu Chughtai, Amma Zebo Chughtai, Bhural Chughtai, Ahmed pur Sharqia)

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