
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - September 2016

The husband who was not ready to keep her with him and in-lawsthat treated her inferiorly were now insisting to take her back home and ultimately took her with due respect and honour. It has been three months since this incident happened and the girl is very happy in her husbands family.

Respected Hazrat Hakim Sahib, Asalamoalaikum! Three years ago from today, my aunt gave me a magazine and asked me to read it. At that time, I was at her house so I started reading it there. I instantly liked it and asked her if she had previous volumes of that magazine. She gave me an entire stack of volumes from the previous year. She asked me to read them and return them back to her so she could give me more. Reading all of them one by one made me such a fan of the magazine that now I regularly buy it myself and read it thoroughly. Since then, I have been an avid reader of Ubqari.

All praise to Allah Subhanawo Taa’la that whichever remedy I tried or any chant that I recommended to others, not only worked wonders but also earned me lots of prayers in return. Here, I am going to pen down a true incident regarding the greatness of splendid Qur’an. It brings out how each and every verse of our Holy Book has the potential to solve the biggest of troubles. It so happened that once a colleague teacher at my school was crying uncontrollably. She was in a very bad condition. On my insistence, she told me that her sister’s in-laws have thrown her out of the house and have kept her 10-12 days old daughter with them. Her sister had returned to her parents’ house the previous night and since then all family members are extremely depressed. My colleague was clueless about what to do next. I told her to compose herself and go home to console her sister in this hour of distress. I advised that she and her family should recite Surah Quraish 1000 times and have complete conviction that  Allah Subhanawo Taa’la that He will certainly open up a door of  relief. I started reciting the chant with her but she would often disappointingly say: what would a small chant do? She was sure that her sister’s in-laws will never take her back. I told her to go ahead and believe in the endless power of Allah Subhanawo Taa’la. Alhmadulilah, just the other day, she came to school and hugged me tightly. She excitedly told me that this Surah of the Glorious Quran has done a miracle. She recited it yesterday and when she went home, all her family members joined in reciting the chant. By the grace of Allah Subhanawo Taa’la, her sister’s in-laws sent their car to pick her up that very evening. She said that the driver came and picked up her sister.  When they later phoned her, the girl was contented and joyful to unite with her newborn daughter. It has been six or seven months since all this happened and the girl is quite settled in her husband’s home. There has not been any kind of dispute or disturbing incident so far. Alhamdulilah, everyone in my colleague’s family is very happy now.  

There is another incident that happened to one of our relative’s daughter. Her husband divorced her once and sent her to the parents’ house while her son and daughter were held back by the in-laws. The girl longed to meet her children but she was not allowed. I advised her to recite Surah Quraish all day without a count whenever she could perform ablution first. The girl was hopeless and told me that she had read many chants but all proved in vain. She had come to believe that nothing hopeful had happened so far and never will. Over my utmost insistence that she should give it a try, she started reciting it. I assured her that I will read it for her too. A couple of days after she was done with the recitation practice, her ex husband unexpectedly sent both the children to her. Then there was a case in court that went on for about two to three years while the girl still stayed at her parents’ house. The case kept tangling and did not seem to reach a conclusion. I reminded my relative to practice the same chant again. I told them that when their girl could surprisingly get her children back, why not make an effort to flourish her household again and pray that she reunites with her husband for good. This sprang up their hopes and once she was done with reciting Surah Quraish 1000 times, miracles started to surface. The husband who was not ready to keep her with him and in-lawsthat treated her inferiorly were now insisting to take her back home and ultimately took her with due respect and honour. It has been three months since this incident happened and the girl is very happy in her husband’s family. She visits her parents’ home regularly and often says that it was her parents’ sincere supplications and the blissfulness of the chant that resolved a dreadful matter so easily. I said that she owes her gratitude to Allah Taa’la’s divine book of Qur’an, Hazrat Hakim Sahib and the Ubqari Magazine altogether. Like the above two happenings, I have many more incidents to pen down.

Another One of My Tested Practices

I am dedicating another astounding practice for the readers of Ubqari.                                              (بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ یَاکَرِیْمُ has to be read 800 times in the morning and evening. Darood Sharif has to be recited 8 times in the beginning and 8 times at the end of the chant. I have experienced many events where this chant was followed and it bore tremendeous results. This chant specially helps in increasing food provisions from the treasures of Allah Subhanawo Taa’la. May Allah Subhnawo Taa’la bless Hazrat Hakeem Sahib with a long and healthy life. Aameen!

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