Ubqari: A brightening Lamp
Dear Hadrat Hakeem Sahib, Assalam O Alaikum! This world is an illusion decorated with colours and light. Everybody who comes in this world suffers from this light. Some of them loses heart in its beauty and loses everything they possess even Faith also slips from their hands and hearts like sand. In the last moments, when real eyes open, a pitiable sight of mounting fire inscribes on the hearts and eyes. In this bewitching and heart touching world, there are a few people who are showered with the blessings of Allah Almighty. They turn their heads from its interests worth seeing .Allah pours on their hearts a specific shower of blessing which hinders to settle this world's love in their hearts. These are the specific people who step forward by carrying the beautiful brightening lamp of Allah's love in their hands. This lamp of theirs is so brightening and effective that the people who are encircled by its light, their hearts and minds are gripped due to its brightness. In this way, Lamp of Allah's loves brighten from one to other and its brightness spreads throughout the universe. Ubqari is of same kind lamp and it is brightening the fused lamps of hearts. For a long time, I had been in search of a spiritual leader by carrying fused lamp of my heart in hands who may brighten this lamp so that all the ways of my life may be more brightening. All the trash and darkness of my heart may change with the lamp of righteousness. Allah brightened His love and blessing, guided me and made me send to my spiritual leader like a dirty child so that he may wash my dirty hands, feet, face and heart with the water of his knowledge. It is now at my effort and capacity how much benefit I get from this. The incantations of Ubqari which have flowed the waves of blessings and safety in my life, top of them are two priceless treasures, Surah Kousar and Darood shareef. First of all, these recitals helped my condition of peace, satisfaction and stillness in life. Condition of indifference keeps me covered and generous conditions prevail upon my heart. Though three cylinders were used in our home, so much prosperity is there that the meal prepared for the guests on the death of my father in law and for those who came for condolence, all the meal prepared on the marriage of my sister in law was prepared on that cylinder while it was empty. It helped burn hearth at least for twenty four to twenty five days which amazed everyone. I too was astonished at it. Now only two cylinders are used. I am sure that there would be so much blessing by Allah's willing that a cylinder will be used. All food ended before the end of month and now it is vice versa. We were unaware from where we got money and where it was spent. But now there remained a lot of rupees in the purse till the end of month and sometimes we get new currency notes from heavens treasures as we need it. My spiritual leader prayed for me by keeping his hand on my head. This prayer has started to fill light in my life. Allah has bestowed so much prosperity with the blessings of His holy verses that whoever is given a recital by reading from Ubqari, he recites and gets benefit from it. The people have described so much benefits of it that a book can be compiled if they are written or discussed. I distribute ROHANI PHAKKI among the people and they have got a lot of benefits from it.I asked my cousin to recite Istighfar for one hundred and twenty five thousand times, hundred times and I also gave her Rohani Phakki for pregnancy. After its usage and recitals, the report was positive. My cousin's son was crying bitterly due to pain in belly; He recovered by having a dose of Rohani Phakki. I recite seven times after every prayer
eleven times not only myself but also get it read by my children. It has benefitted so much that all of us remain in protection of Allah. My husband was accidental severely but miraculously got a little wounds and his life saved. There was not any bone fractured. In the same way some people attacked him but he got a hair breadth escape by the blessings of Allah. Owing to these recitals, there are countless blessings of Allah upon us. It is all due to Allah's blessing and spiritual leader's prayers. (Salma Arooj Jehlum).
Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum: First of all I being a humble creature pray for you a lot. May Allah save you and May your beneficence continue till doomsday morning. May Allah bless and favour you enormously. Hadrat Hakeem sahib, I have been reading Ubqari since 2008.Today I am getting a blessing of writing some tried recipes by the blessing of Allah. I have fallen in love with Ubqari since I read it first time. Every page of it carries pearls and jewels. I try them and tell others too and get benefit.
There is a cousin of me who lives in Islamabad. He comes to us on the eve of both eids. Whenever he came, he suffered from dysentery. He suffered in the disease so much that he could not sleep the whole night. He came to see in that condition. On asking, he told all his trouble. I consoled him by saying that I would give you something to relieve you from this disease.
Instantly I got black seeds of wild rue after plucking it from flower pot and asked him to get it chunk in mouth with spoonful mixing of honey in water. A single dose of it helped him to get relief from colic, pain and dysentery. It is a tested recipe of my friends and relatives. Once I met an old blind Hakeem. I served him a few years. Consequently; he told me some precious and easy recopies which I used myself and got use it by hundreds of patients which is not only useful but also efficacious. He told a cure of bladder's heat, nocturnal pollution, flux and swift ejaculation.
Take quince seed as desire. Pour a gram of it to wet in a water cup and drink it early in the morning. Within 15 to 20 days, everything will be all right. To tackle all complaints of stomach, he told about using 125g Kalvanji and 125g dill seed desi after grinding and mixing it in 250g lemon juice to wet. When this mixture dries, grind it again and sift it. Lick it a little bit after every meal. By Allah's willing, every complain will vanish. This humble person used it. It emits air. The best cure for eternal constipation helps to make better digestion, hick’s blood and many more benefits. The people who use it, remember me also in their prayers.
For men's potency: - For men's potency he made an electuary. If it is used before marriage, it enhances men's sexual power a great deal. It empowers sinews and joints. The oldest backache vanishes by using it.
Here is description:-Almond kernel 250g,walnut kernel, pulse flour, parched black grams, alacia gum, coconut and Bhakrra(a kind of herbal)everything should be of quantity 250g.Grind it like powder. First of all fry gum in 1/2 kg Desi Ghee. After that mix everything in it and cook on light heat. Use a cup of it early in the morning. Have breakfast after 2hrs of it. Our teacher used to say that there is an idea conceived from Holy saying “He is better who benefits others”. In Sha Allah, I will write some tried and precious recipes which may cause of benefit to others every month. (Abdul Waheed Melsi Vehari).
وما ارسلنک الا رحمتہ اللعلمین (We have not sent You صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم but blessing for all)
The above mentioned holy verse elaborates Holy Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم as blessing. Allah says, “My beloved has been sent as Blessing for the whole universe”. This holy verse describes that Allah has sent His prophet as a blessing not only for the Muslims but also for the whole universe. The Holy Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم is a cascade of blessing for all of us. One who gets the shadow of Holy Prophet's صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم blessing, he gets both the worlds. He صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم has been sent as a blessing for all whatever religion one has but the rivers of his blessings water everyone. Allah Himself calls holy Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم a blessing. The rays of blessing emitting from his body are for all the worlds. He is not Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم only for the Muslims but also blessing for the entire universe. Our prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم is Knight of all the Prophets صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم He has been given the place of last Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم. Prophets صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم came one after other but Allah granted Him صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم so much respect that no one was able for that place. When Allah titled Holy Prophetصلی اللہ علیہ وسلمas the last prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم there was not anyone capable of it who may maintain that place. The Holy Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم has the ability to bless and help others. It is he صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم due to which there is rain of blessing upon everyone. I pray may we be able to enjoy this blessing. Ameen. (Begum Makhdoom Sher Alam Multan).
I hate Miserly act!
Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum.It is all due to the blessings of Allah that He bestows His utmost blessings. I recited a prayer as usual in the morning:
(O Allah, all praises are for you for the blessings which can neither be counted nor be rewarded with an action).I pondered that praying is also a blessing of Allah and benefitting others is also a blessing. Honourable Hakeem sahib, the series of prayers, recipes which you have started in ubqari is also a way to convey the readers the blessing of Allah and in this way thanking Him too. No doubt, you are one of the best people of Allah who are serving in this way. I am sending you some prescriptions of very old Hakeem Muhammad Husain Ibrahim Khan Purr after using them at my home. I hate miserly act and pray to end it from my writings too. All may benefit from these prescriptions. Now I am telling you about a potherb which is very common these days. It is kind of potherb (Bathu) which is usually found in gram fields and used as cooked vegetable with bread. It digests fast, removes constipation and also effective for liver heat. In leprosy it is useful on using its juice after drawing it from its leaves. It is a tested and tried prescription. In kidney pain and stone, use water of Bathu which surely cures pain. This water breaks stone and increases wisdom.
Swallow wort leaves and sesame seed oil causes to cure pain. If there is pain in body or joints, take 250g oil of sesame seed as well as five middle sized leaves of swallow wort. Add one kg water and boil. When there remains 250g water, add sesame seed oil to cook but it should be kept in an open mouthed utensil. When leaves change color and become of golden color, put down the fire and draw out leaves and save it in a bottle. Use it at panic part of body and wrap a cloth round it. (R, Talagung).