
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Whispers Of The Heart (By The Editor’s Pen-My Observations And Contemplations)

Ubqari Magazine - September 2015


Dear readers! I am sitting in front of a big pile of post. Each letter is full of sorrows and depressed tears and abundant with sighs and miseries. But I found one letter among from those which made me crying and you will also feel it sobbing and distressful. The letter reads as: we are nine siblings including five sisters and four brothers. I am the youngest of all. My father was quite poor but he did not let others know of his condition. When I was born, my father’s business started prospering amazingly and he thought that it was my shared luck which made his business boom. We started having abundance and all the joys of life. It resulted in me getting more of his attention though he loved all of my siblings as well but being the youngest of them I always remained focus of his attention and affection. This attitude of him was remarkably noticed by my siblings especially my sisters and they started envying me though they tried to hide it. Then on one fateful day, our father died without any apparent illness.  It was the turning point in my life. My real brothers and sisters made each moment of my life as painful as a hell and each breathe were even more and more troubling for me. The hatred was so intense that neither you can imagine it nor I can express it. Although I am trying to spend my life while gathering myself but the high walls of hatred which are being erected against me if I mentioned will shake you from head to toe and you would never even be able to sleep. Although you may be sorrowful due to the rest of your post but my letter will leave you entirely sobbing and it would be quite hard for you to control your tears. What should I do? Is it my fault? I never asked my father to love me so much. If Allah Almighty made me lucky for him then it is just His Bounty.’

Dear readers! This is one of the dilemmas of our society and a matter of shame that all the miserable and stressful cases that are brought to me are actually the result of mutual disputes and conflicts among the siblings and their mutual jealousy even sometimes stuns me. Dear readers! Especially if two sisters are married in the same family then very rarely I found a fortunate family where I could see love and affection among the sisters otherwise mutual fighting and hatred is so immense that it seems unending and reaches to such a level that they marry their children to the other unknown people while leaving suitable matches in their own family. Jealousy is a spiritual illness and it manifests itself into various forms in our society. At places it is in the form of sectarianism, language, and regional or due to different colour or creed and others as the envious relatives. It is among millions of my observations and experiences and I have always advised the people to adopt perseverance and tolerance; returning love against hatred and forgiveness against the brutality. This is a very difficult strategy and even the hardest thing in the world but the reward that it pays is immensely wonderful. You can find sustenance, health and so many other benefits in it. I met so many chronic patients who were left untreatable by the doctors and I suggested to them to reconcile and rejoin the loved ones who had committed wrongs to them. Amazingly, they became healthy after a short time and then came to me full of surprise and asked me if it was a treatment as they thought it as an act of Thawab (virtue) and that was it. They had heard the Hadith which said: ‘whoever oppresses you, be kind to him and whoever is poor, give him (without any wish for reward)’ but now they came to know that it was actually a cure as well. There were numerous debt ridden families who became wealthy and well up due to their left ones close relatives. The financially worried wives became cheerful and satisfied when they were welcomed and greeted by their left brothers and other close relatives. Always remember that Allah Almighty loves his creation very much and whosoever serves His creations with an intention of worship would definitely be rewarded by the Allah Almighty. So if you are suffering from any ailments, worries, sorrows from your children, husband or a troubling neighbour or you do not have children and want to have or any sort of grief is eating your sole and body from the inside, then you should start reconciling with the people that you have boycotted at some time. Yes it’s true that it would be harder than digging a mountain out to forgive someone despite their atrocities and their jealousy but you will find unimaginable reward from your pleased Almighty. It is Him who possesses all the treasures of sustenance, abundance, peace, mercy and knowledge and will give them to the one who is kind to His creations and will tend to reciprocate him quicker than we think. Let us get some lesson from the letter and take it as a way out to get rid of our worries and getting our problems solved.

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