
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Your Dreams And Bright Denotation

Ubqari Magazine - August 2015

Sacrifice for religion:

 I dreamt that I am in a building; I and my sister in law go into it. She sits at back side but I go further. Then I saw that there is a decorated bed and it seemed like a carriage and it is said that Hazrat Imam Husain رضی اللہ عنہ is resting in it. He is having the red quilt on him and the whole body is covered. I cried that cruel people have done this to Him رضی اللہ عنہ. I tried to see the face but I could not. Then my dream finished and my eyes got open. (Ayesha Lahore)


Interpretation: Your dream is indicating that sacrifice either of life or wealth can give a new life to religion in the same way like Hazrat Imam Husain رضی اللہ عنہ did to save true religion. Give as much Sadqa as you can. (Allah knows best)


Increase in wealth

I dreamt that my brother comes to me and he puts salt in my mouth. The salt is white and in a large quantity that my mouth gets filled and my brother rubs the left salt on his body.

Interpretation: It means that you wealth will be increased and there will be Barka'h in the livelihood of your brother. It also indicates that your brother will get health.


Real happiness

 I dreamt that there is an old house and there comes a small bird of green, pink and purple colour. My brother catches that bird and brings it to my ears. Firstly it seems like a real bird then we come to know that it is a toy then its face turns into a plastic doll. I am standing behind the door and mother is watching the cycle by standing in the door, the cycle is out, meanwhile my father, wearing white pants and shirt enters in the house rapidly, mu mother says that it is good that your were not in front of door then your father would be angry. Then my father goes into the room and asks for dresses and gives them as charity (sadqqa). Meanwhile my mother's aunty comes and my mother says to me that aunty should not speak anything about domestic matters to your daddy, then she I make red drink and I drink a bit to know the taste. (Saverra, Rawalpindi)


Interpretation: According to your dream it is suggested to you that bring your life out of artificiality and be realistic then real happiness will become your luck and furthermore give the swab of nawafil and sadqa to your late father. (Allah knows the best)


Safety from sudden destruction

I saw a dream that I am standing on stares with my husband and I have wore the white clothe in way like men wear for Hajj. Suddenly my father in law appears there and I hide from him that he may look at me then he sees me standing at stares with my husband and follows me. I turn to a side and there comes some graves with green clothe on them and a lot of oil lanterns are lighted there as well, my father in law talks with me there and my eyes gets open. (Umme Saad, Lahore)


Interpretation: You and your father will have safety from a big blue from bolt and because of obedience to your husband you can get rid of it. (Allah knows the best)


Problem, disease or tension

 My daughter mostly sees in dream that she is escaping from someone who is trying to kill her, sometimes she goes on a train and sometimes she sits in a car. In a second dream she saw that a man is going to attach a white flower into her hair but as he tries to do so the flower fades and its color also changes then my daughter says that she will use these flowers because they are faded. (Mrs. Basheer Quetta)


Interpretation: According to your daughter's dream there is threat of any disease, tension or problem to her. However give sadqa from her and say her to offer 5 times namaz regularly and after ever namz recite 1 time Ayat ul Kursi and 19 times " یَاحَفِیْظُ " and blow on herself. Insha’Allah she will be saved. (Allah knows the best)


Prosperity will come to you

I dreamt that there is a deep cloud in the sky and from within that cloud a sparkling cloud comes out just like glitters, then the rain of coins comes fm that cloud and bulb breaks due to it. I and my sons take shelter in a room. When rain stops the coins are scattered everywhere we pick those coins from garden, room, and roof then a beggar he-she comes and we give coins to him as well and then my dream comes to an end.


Interpretation: your dream is very good MashaAllah it is giving the auguries of prosperity and mercy of Allah will come. Recite 2 nawafil of Thankfulness and offer five rimes prayers regularly. (Allah knows the best)

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