
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - August 2014

Naseer Ahmed , Abottabad)

Lassi of buffalo’s milk is our regional diet which is also very beneficial but its usage in abundance can be harmful. Hakeems have stressed adding white rock salt and black pepper to buffalo’s milk, in this way can save ourselves from its harmful effects.


Milk is not only the best diet, but also an excellent medication provided that it is used according to medicinal rules. Goat and camel are two such animals which eat different thorny shrubs and leaves of various plants. Our dear prophet Huzrut Muhammad (pbuh) has informed us about healing properties in cow, goat and camel’s milk. Weak and elderly are given the milk of these animals for drinking. In prophetic (pbuh) medicine, cow and goat’s milk is the best treatment of tuberculosis, pneumonia and other lung infections but remember never to use cow’s milk without boiling because it carries germs that cause these diseases. Buffalo’s milk carries causative organisms of these diseases, therefore should be boiled repeatedly and then used. Its milk has sticky secretions which cause weight gain. It is very harmful for people with impaired stomach functions. It not only causes obesity but also cardiac problem e.g valvular stenosis. Many milkmen and those drinking milk in increased amounts, drink milk without good exercise are seen suffering from cardiac problems, arthritis, arthralgias and obesity to such an extent that they can’t even walk with ease. They remain devoid of health due to increased intake of medicines. They don’t stop drinking milk despite increased intake of medicines as they say that medicines are of warm nature and they burn the stomach to ashes therefore milk is utterly important. But they don’t realize that this buffalo’s milk is root cause of the disease. If it is important to drink milk with medicines, use goat, cow’s or camel’s milk. Since they don’t practice this habit, they get bedridden and are captured by the jaws of death. Goat, cow and camel’s milk is a highly beneficial diet. The milk of these animals should be boiled carefully. It should be given a single boil at low flame and then removed. Vitamins are destroyed by increased boiling. Whenever milk is to be taken, water should be added in large amount along 2 spoons of honey definitely gives good health. Those who don’t have honey can obtain desired benefit by adding brown sugar. According to dieticians honey added to milk is world’s best tonic. In our locality buffalo’s milk is found with ease but the milk of other animals is rare. Therefore adding powdered white rock salt and honey reduces its hazardous effects. Half kg milk is enough for people who exercise and do physically hard work. Lassi of buffalo’s milk is our regional diet which is also very beneficial but its usage in abundance can be harmful. Hakeems have stressed adding white rock salt and black pepper to buffalo’s milk, in this way can save ourselves from its harmful effects.in our city of Huzara, corn chappatis are eaten with lussi but a sauce dry peppermint and garlic is taken along it which is devoid of hazards and becomes an excellent healthy diet. I have presented in the service of Ubqari’s readers whatever I read and heard according to Allah Almighty and prophet (pbuh). It is the saying of worthy hakeem sahib that paper costs a penny but the matter which is written on it, if it changes the life of others or it rids people of illness, worries and miseries while at home, its value is not in crores but in millions. We won’t be present but our writings shall remain till the day of judgement. It is continuous charity and reward shall be given whenever someone gains benefits. Life after death will be prosperous. Write your experiences and observations without hesitation and Allah shall be pleased. Respected hakeem sahib has invented this magazine so that people expose their inner voices. May Allah give him a long life! Ameen.

( Continuation of : A small mistake! Jinnat put my house on fire)

Amil said that genie lived in this room of the house. You have unconsciously placed their belongings here and there due to which they are very angry and knocking at the door is actually a sign of their anger. Amil told them to recite surah yaseen and ayat kareema in a specified amount and asked them never to go near that room. The people in the house did what the amil told them to do and then the strange incidents did not occur.

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