
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The word یَاحیُّ and its surprising benefits

Ubqari Magazine - August 2014

Muhammad Saqib, Gujranwala

یَاحیُّ is that entity that has the power to live, and this power exists within its own self, without dependence on any other thing. This is why یَاحیُّ can be a title for Allah only, due to the fact that Allah exists from the beginning and will stay alive forever. Allah is the Sustainer and Giver of Life to everything in this universe.

 About this virtue of Allah یَاحیُّ a religious scholar said that یَاحیُّ is that entity that controls all matters of the world and that keeps check over all activities of the universe. This word indicates power and it has 18 letters in itself, and the person who recites this word continually will see matters that were previously on a standstill become active. Also his heart will remain alive forever and his soul would always remain connected to its Creator. The special benefits of this word are mentioned below:

Spiritual tip to always remain healthy:

From amongst all blessings of Allah the most significant is that of being healthy because to gain benefit from all other blessings of Allah, health is needed and that is why one must always pray for health from Allah. To maintain your health reciting the word یَاحیُّ is quite beneficial. Also if someone makes this a daily routine then he would always remain healthy and if he does get ill, he would gain a swift recovery. That is why my spiritual teacher and parents always stressed on reciting this word. Also an Aalim(the one who does spiritual cure) also suggested that the one who recites this word around 3000 times a day would never get sick.

 A favoured wazifa of both doctors and Hakim:

Every doctor and Hakeem wishes that he has cure in his hands and that whichever patient comes to him gets well soon. For this purpose whoever recites this word یَاحیُّ 1100 times a day before starting his practice would get good results and his patients would get cured by him.


Spiritual tip for successful operation:

The matter of life and death is in the hands Allah; and if some doctor wants that all his operations are always successful he should make a habit of reciting this word یَاحیُّ 700 times a day. Also while performing the operation he should recite this word countless times. Inshah Allah the operation will be successful. If the patient and the relatives of the patient recite this word too then Inshah Allah the operation will be even more successful.

Spiritual tip for prevention of accidents:

The happening of accidents in daily life is not a surprising notion. Those who are engaged in activities that involve an increased chance of encounter with danger and accidents should recite this verse and henceforth will be protected from any such unforeseen difficulties. Those who recite this verse while travelling to mountainous areas would also be protected from any financial or bodily harm. Any person who recites this word یَاحیُّ 100 times each day would also always remain safe and calm.

Cure for paralysis:

In paralysis one part of the human body seizes to move and to bring life within this body part one must recite this word یَاحیُّ countless times along with continuing other medical care. Inshah Allah this word will bring forth the grace of Allah by giving this body part its natural cured state.

Cure for high blood pressure:

For those suffering from high blood pressure the following verse would prove to be quite beneficial if read 7 times before drinking water. Inshah Allah high blood pressure would remain normal.

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