
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Treatment of Physical Ailment & Herbal Advices

Ubqari Magazine - February 2014

Kindly Give Some Suggestion:

I consulted a doctor few days back about my hemicranias (DARD E SAHQIQA), he gave me certain medicines and it’s been 20 days since I am taking them but they haven’t been effective. Condition of pain is still the same as it was before taking the medicine, now kindly suggest me that should I continue taking those medicines or should I stop taking them. (SEHRISH from LAHORE)

Suggestion: Use SATAR-SHIFAIN and AKSEER AL BADAN according to method written on them. Cook meat with gravy in DESI GHEE and eat with wheat grain (ROTI). Mix salt in lukewarm water and insert in nostrils as one inserts during ablution. Write again after few days. Use diet. No 2.

Treatment of Inflated Belly:

Some time back I got sick, my belly got inflated and it got filled with so much gas that it became difficult for me to breathe. I got admitted in hospital as well but didn’t get any benefit. At that time there was a popular doctor in our city. He was a very pious man. After consulting him he gave me medicine which he prescribes only to be taken with the milk of female camel. I remember my brother and father used to bring milk of female camel after searching a lot. Anyhow I got cured due to it, 40 years have passed and now again my belly started to bulge like before. Doctors are unable to understand my disease. I myself started to drink milk of female camel but no avail. I am in great pain. (SHAKIR ULLAH from PESHAWAR)

Suggestion: Previously you were suffering from ASCITES disease but now you got GAS.  Use GAS, BADHAZMI (acidity), and TAKHBEER course according to method written on brochure.  After meal if you have constipation then eat constipation cure (QABZ KUSHA) tablets 4 hours after every meal, before going to sleep.

Use pumpkin, ridge gourd and bottle gourd’s mild gravy with CHAPATI. Don’t eat until you feel hunger.  Use diet. No 1.

Constipation And Diarrhea

My age is 25 years and I have a problem of constipation but when I take constipation medicine I used to have diarrhea. Sometimes I suffer from diarrhea without taking any medicine. Secondly, there is extreme pain in my left hand; I am unable to open or close it. I did massage and had undergone warmth exercises but to no avail. I consulted all doctors of this area but didn’t get cured.

Suggestion: Use HAZM-E-KHAAS and SATAR-SHIFAEIN according to method written on brochure. Abstain from eating or drinking cold stuff like yogurt, milk, soft drinks, flavored drinks, rice, chilled water etc. Undergo physiotherapy. Use diet.no.3.

Detrimental Health:

I am a body builder. I have been undergoing body building for the last one year. It’s been 6 months since I got a problem in my stomach due to which I am worried. Whenever I do exercise I suffer from diarrhea and pass black-colored stool due to which my health got detrimental. Doctors say that I got causticity in intestine. (GUFFRAN AHMED from GUJRAT)

Suggestion: Quit body building and exercise for time being and avoid taking warm diet i.e. egg, spices, fish etc. Stop taking milk and butter as well. Eat simple meal and take 2 bananas after every meal. Write the condition after 3 months. Use diet.no.1. 

Method For Getting Rid of Heroin Drug

I live in a village which is approximately 40 kilometers from SADIQABAAD. I teach children to learn QURAN by heart for free (FOR ALLAH’S SAKE).  I used to live in a different area but when I got retired from my job, I returned to my home town. All young people over here are drug addicts. The landlord of the area himself and all his family; young, old, women etc are addicts. Fearing from this kind of environment I sent all my 5 sons to Karachi for jobs where they are earning money to support their families and send me some money as well.  Heroin is prevalent in this area young; old hence people of all age group are heroin addicts. Some people tried to leave drugs and got themselves admitted in rehabilitation centers of Multan, Lahore, Bahawalpur and Karachi but didn’t gain anything apart from emptying their pockets. Is there any method to get rid of drugs? (QAARI MAJID)

Suggestion: MAGHAZ KARANJVA 4 grams, POST AAMLA 1 gram, CHAAKSU 1 gram, HALELA SIAH 1 gram. Mix them all together. Use this medicine 3 times daily with water and do not try to quit heroin at once. Instead, try leaving it slowly by decreasing intake. Try to use it as less as possible and in the same manner lessen it even more and leave it. Allah will show his mercy. Above remedy is of HAKEEM ASHRAF JAMEEL MUMTAAZ JOHAR ABAADI. May Allah grant him blessings. Use diet no.1.


Thumb and finger of my right hand are cracking because of over drying for the past many years. The cracks are so deep that flesh starts appearing and I become unable to straighten my finger. When I try to straighten it up, it starts bleeding. I am a student and because of this problem I am unable to write properly. I cannot apply pressure on my hand. (SOBIA from LAHORE)

Suggestion: It is a dry eczema. Protect your hand from soap, dust, and ash. Cover it with hand gloves. Order “MARHAM SAKOON” from UBQARI office and use it. Use diet.no.3.

Childhood and Vitamin:

I am 15 years old and my hairs have started graying speedily due to which I do not look young. I am very worried. I don’t like vegetables; my family members insist me to eat vegetables and tell me that I have deficiency of vitamin. I drink milk regularly (SHARJEEL from QUETTA)

Suggestion: It seems like mucus got accumulated in your body due to drinking lot of milk. Eating vegetables can lead to graying of entire head.  Eat high protein diet. Order AKSEER-AL-BADAN and KHOON-AFZA from UBQARI office and use them. Use diet no.2.

Withered Face & Hair:

I am 21 years old and unmarried. My problem is somewhat different from usual hair fall. When I was in 7th class my hair used to fall. I tried many remedies but no avail. Because of hair fall my hair became very thin due to which I feel inferiority complex in front of others. My face also look withered, eyes sucked inwards due to weakness. I used to have flu all the time but I didn’t paid attention due to which mucus got accumulated in my head and I can feel it from mouth till skull. I am having this situation from the previous 5 years. Whenever I eat any oily thing, I start having headache. I experience hair fall after oiling my hair as well.

Suggestion: You are absolutely right; it is the flu which needs to be treated.  Use ALLERGY-NAZLA course for some time and write again after using it for some period. Use diet.no.3. 

Problems Of Hair:

I am 45 years old and my hair used to fall a lot. I used to have headache. Lot of hair used to fall when I comb my hair. My hairs are so thin that my scalp is visible. I am very worried. (MRS UBAID from MULTAN)

Suggestion: Remain calm. Tension leads to more hair fall. Eat high protein diet. Use AKSEER-AL-BADAN according to method written on brochure. Do not use shampoo or soap instead you can use glycerin baby soap.

Cure Of Flu:

I am 17 years old. I have problem of flu. I used to have flu all the time, even in summers. Headache is mild but one nostril used to remain blocked due to which I am unable to breathe properly. I feel restlessness.  When I get up in the morning I sneeze a lot so much so that tears come in my eyes. My hearing sense has also started effecting due to flu and sometimes I feel extreme itching in my ears. (RIFFAT  from LAHORE)

Suggestion: Buy SHARBAT-SADAR from some good doctor and use according to method written on brochure. Follow diet plan told by the doctor and write again after 10, 12 days. 

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