
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Virtues and Excellence of Hazrat Abbas (RA)

Ubqari Magazine - November 2013

On one occasion Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) is from me and I am from Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him). These are the words of love and affection which show the affection of Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him). He was extremely generous and kind towards relatives.

Lineage: You belonged to the famous Quraish tribe of Arabia. The name of your father was Abdul-Mutalib bin Hashim bin Abdul-Manaaf bin Qasi bin Kalaab bin Marra bin Kaab bin Huzaima bin Muzar bin Nazaar bin Maad bin Adnan bin Aus bin Yasee bin Yasee bin Salaamaan Assabt bin Hamal bin Qeedaar bin Ismaael (AS) bin Ibrahim (AS). (AlAsaaba-wal-sityaab, matbooa Dakkan P. 499).

Hazrat Abbas (RA) had a total of 11 brothers and 6 sisters. The real brother among these was Zaraara bin Abdul Mutlib. Rest of the brothers were Illaati. Familial Grace: All the brothers of Hazrat Abbas (RA) were brave and generous. Zaraara bin Abdul-Mutlib, who was the real brother was extremely generous. Hazrat Hamza (RA) was extremely brave. Hazrat Abu Talib (RA) had a great personality. After Hazrat Abdul Mutalib (RA), he became the chief. Ghairaaq was so brave that nobody could stand in competition against him. Abdullah (RA), father of hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was extremely beautiful and had many qualities. Abu Lahab was extremely beautiful, wealthy and handsome. Haaris was very beautiful and generous. In short, the whole family of Hazrat Abbas (RA) was considered respectable and dignified during the era of ignorance. And these people were considered leaders and rulers of everyone. During the season of pilgrimage all the pilgrims used to get water and food from them. And these people used to host the pilgrims with a lot of affluence. Before Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) hazrat Abbas (RA) was considered extremely generous. Your Birth: Hazrat Abbas (RA) was born in 566 AD, 3 years before the incidents of the elephants. And Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was born during the year of the incident of the elephants. According to this, hazrat Abbas (RA) was three years older than Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him). When hazrat Abbas (RA) became 5 years old, incidentally he got lost somewhere. Because it was a mountainous country, his mother got very worried. She at once made a vow that if she found Abbas (RA) she would donate a cover of a Hurair and Daihaaj, which is an extremely expensive cloth, on the kaabah. As soon as she made the vow, she found hazrat Abbas (RA), and she fulfilled her promise. Hazrat Abbas (RA)’s mother was that first woman who covered the kaabah with an extremely expensive cloth. The reason was that she was from the royal family. And she was very affluent. When Hazrat Abbas (RA) reached adolescence he was taught genealogy, history, theology because these subjects were looked at with respect in the Arab world. Specially genealogy, because from the times of hazrat Ibraheem (AS), this news was traveling generation after generation that in Arabia the last prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) would be born within the offspring of hazrat Ismaael (AS). Due to this reason the subject of genealogy was considered important. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and hazrat Abbas (RA) used to tell of themselves as belonging to the religion and followers of the religion of hazrat Ibrahim (AS). Thus, their piety had become renowned in the whole Quraish. This is the reason that when hazrat Abbas (RA) was 11 years old and despite the fact that his other brothers were present too, but Quraish found in him knowledge, bravery, generosity, bliss, values and forgiveness, and selected him as a custodian of the kaabah. (Alsityaab fi maarfat al-ashaab. p. 498. Matba Daaira-tul-maarif, Hyderabad Deccan). And everyone agreed and announced that whoever shall not agree hazrat Abbas (RA) should become ready to confront the whole nation. Thus, hazrat Abbas (RA) always used to spend his energies in securing kaabah. And you made such elegant arrangements that nobody could dare to sit in the kaabah and backbite or conspire against anyone. And if anyone used to do that, hazrat Abbas (RA) used to correct him then and there. And in front of his orders everyone used to bow their heads. (Kaamil ibn Asheeraj, 1 p 9). Other than the security of kaabah, there were many other ceremonial positions viz a viz security of kaabah. Due to which the custodian of kaabah was seen with respect and dignity. These are listed as follows:

Saqaaya: The duty of giving water to the pilgrims. Rifaada: The duty of feeding the pilgrims. Hujaata: Guardianship of the sacred house of Allah. Nidwa: In the door of nidwa to perform the duties of the president of the gathering. Lawwa: At the time of quarrel the duty of flagman-ship. Qayaadat: During the time of war , leadership of the army. The Rank of Rifaada: The rank of rifaada was held by the great grandfather of hazrat Abbas (RA), hazrat Hashim (RA). After that his son Abdul Mutalib (RA) held this position. After Abdul Mutalib (RA), it was held by hazrat Abu Talib (RA) for a few years. And after this when hazrat Abbas (RA) reached adulthood, Abu Talib (RA) gave this responsibility to him. Hazrat Abbas (RA) performed this duty with so much elegance and generosity that it astonished people. The Rank of Saqaaya: The rank of feeding people with water was also held by the great grandfather of hazrat Abbas (RA), hazrat Hashim. After this it was held by hazrat Abdul Mutlib (RA) and after him hazrat Abu Talib (RA). But Hazrat Abu Talib (RA) transfered this to his brother hazrat Abbas (RA) during his lifetime.

Construction of Kaabah: When hazrat Abbas (RA) became 16 years old, a fire broke out inside kaabah accidentally due to which the building got demolished. The Quraish got together and started reconstructing it. And everyone started participating in it by considering it as a pious deed. Hazrat Abbas (RA) participated in it the most.

The Marriage of Hazrat Abbas (RA): Hazrat Abbas (RA) was married to hazrat Lubaabta Al-Kubra, who was the sister of Hazrat Maimoona (RA), the mother of the faithful. Ibn-e-Saad has written that Hazrat Lubaata Al-Kubra, whose kunniyat was um-ul-Fazal is the first woman who converted to Islam after hazrat Khadija (RA). Many hadith are quoted with reference to her. She give birth to six sons hazrat Fazal, Hazrat Abdullah, Hazrat Ubaidullah, Hazrat Qasham, hazrat Abdul-Rehman, hazrat Maabub, and one daughter whose name was umm-e-habiba. Other than them hazrat Abbas (RA) had other children too. In total he had 10 sons and 4 daughters. Hazrat Tamaam was the last born.

When hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) announced his prophethood, hazrat Abbas (RA) was 43 years old. Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) gathered all the bani Hashim and banu Abdul Mutalib. Because this was the order of Allah to warn his relatives, so you (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you) gathered all of the people of your family and invited them for a feast. Upon this hazrat Abu Talib, hazrat Hamza and hazrat Abbas kept quiet but abu-Lahab complained that why he (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) had invited them for this vein purpose and uttered inappropriate words from his mouth. Sura Lahab was revealed in response to this. Upon reading about the circumstances of hazrat Abbas (RA) one gets to know that the piety and truth of Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) had developed in his (RA) heart prior to the advent of Islam. When Quraish made a social boycott of banu Hashim, hazrat Abbas (RA) also went to Shaib abi Talib along with Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him). When the afflictions reached their climax, Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) decided to migrate to Makkah from Madina, but initially you went over to consult with your uncle hazrat Abbas (RA). Because Hazrat Abbas (RA) was your well-wisher and was sincere with you. Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said, o uncle I tell my secret to you, please do not reveal it to anyone that I am undergoing so many hardships and torments on the hands of Quraish. Now my heart has become cold due to exercising extreme patience. Their coming to the right path sounds impossible apparently. I have often wished that when different tribes come for hajj, I move out with them. And once I reach there I preach my religion but I could not find anyone. Yes, however, 6 people came from Yathrib (Madina), they converted to Islam and went back. And now 12 people have come and they have made baith with me and they have become Muslims. I wish to go with them.

When hazrat Abbas (RA) listened to this he said,”I want to give you a sincere suggestion to you (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you) and I would keep on giving you (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you) sincere suggestions afterwards as well. My suggestion is that you (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you) do not go with them. The reason is that the population of Madina is almost 10,000 and they have animosities among each other. And a city in which there are so many people and so many differences, under such circumstances it is not appropriate to go with such a small number of people. Neither are these people trustworthy. Other than this, you (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you) may not be able to come back to Makkah again. Now until you (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you) are here I am ready to make sacrifices. But remember it is a matter of confronting the whole nation. Yes, you (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you) should send someone from your family along with them to Madina. They would go there and introduce you (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you) and they would attract people towards your (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you) religion. And when their people become affected towards your (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you), it would be appropriate to go there then. And if their people do not accept your religion you (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you) should not separate yourself from your tribe.

Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) liked this suggestion a lot and remained steadfast on this. And sent hazrat Masaab bin Umair (RA), who was your cousin, with them. Hazrat Masaab bin Umair (RA) preached Islam over there and at last with his efforts hazrat Saad bin Maaz (RA) converted to Islam. And due to him the whole of bani al-Shahal converted to Islam. On the occasion of hajj 80 people came to Makkah. hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) informed about this to hazrat Abbas (RA). Hazrat Abbas (RA) said, you (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you) go to them, I will come in a short time. And I would see that how those people are. Are those people trustworthy or not. During the evening hazrat Abbas (RA) reached that place along with hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) where the people of Madina were residing. Hazrat Abbas (RA) wanted to take a firm pledge from these people of Madina. And then allow hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) to go with him.

Hazrat Abbas (RA) stood up and made the following speech. ”O chiefs of the tribes of Aus and Khazraj! You are the masters of the nations. And you have borne the hardships of traveling. We are wary of this. And understand this that hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) is my nephew and he (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) is dearer to me than the whole creation. No person can have undue access upon him (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him). But due to insolence of Quraish his (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) heart has become wary of them. And he (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) also wishes to go with you. But remember this that when he (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) will depart from here, whatever courtesy Quraish still have would not remain. And these people would become ready for the severest quarrels. If you are going to betray hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) and separate from him (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) when you reach Madina, please tell me now. Should it not happen that after taking him (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) from here, you may not be able to fulfill your promise. And make us your enemies. Because hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) is still respectable in his (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) nation.” Those people fulfilled their vow and said,”O Abbas! We accepted him (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) for Allah. We shall sacrifice our lives for him (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him). But we also have a request that when hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) overcome his (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) enemies, should it not happen that you (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you) abandon us and come back.” hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said,”This will not happen, I am yours and you are mine. My life and death would be with you. My grave would be among your graves. And my house would be among your houses. The people against you would fight, I would also fight. The people with whom you would have peace, I would also have peace.” After saying this you (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you) stood up and made a speech. After a few days by the commandment of Allah you (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you) migrated to Madina along with hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him).

In 2 AH infidels of Quraish came out to attack Madina Munawra. Hazrat Abbas did not want to go for war. But upon the severe insistence of the tribe he went out unwillingly. hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) knew about it that he had accepted Islam secretly. That is why you (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you) announced among the Muslims that nobody should kill hazrat Abbas (RA). (Ibn-e-Aseeraj 2, p 38). The infidels of Quraish faced a severe defeat in the war. Their 70 people were captured. Hazrat Abbas (RA) was among them. When hazrat Abbas (RA) was asked for the fine, he said,”all the money I had has been spent.” There is only some gold which is left. That gold was taken. At that time hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) asked,”Where is the gold that you gave to aunt?”Hazrat Abbas (RA) said,”How did you come to know about that? This matter was settled at night with secrecy and alone.” You (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you) said, ”Hazrat Jibrael (AS) told me about that at the same time.” After listening to this hazrat Abbas (RA) recited the testimony of purity loudly. And he said, ”I was already a Muslim and you are aware of my behavior. And you (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you) are aware that Quraish dragged me here unwillingly.”

After this hazrat Abbas (RA) went back to Makkah and stayed there. The Muslim who used to go to perform umrah from Madina, hazrat Abbas (RA) would host him and would support him in whatever way he could. No one could dare to say anything to him. Despite this hazrat Abbas (RA) wanted to go to Madina. And he used to keep on seeking permission from hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) continuously through his letters. But when hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was going to conquer Makkah during the journey at the point of Dul-Hulaifa, hazrat Abbas (RA) joined the Muslims along with his family. hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) ordered to send the family to Madina and asked him (RA) to stay with him (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him). At the same time hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said that I am the last and final of the prophets. And you (RA) are the last of the immigrants. After the conquest of Makkah when Muslims marched out for the battle of Hunain, you (RA) were with them. during the battle the Muslim army got scattered and as they were about to get defeated that on the voice of hazrat Abbas (RA) everyone got together and gained victory again. You (RA) fought with the enemies in this battle with great valor. And during the whole war you (RA) kept on securing and over-watched hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him).

When hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) departed from this world the rightly guided caliphs took a lot of care of hazrat Abbas. They used to seek your advice on important matters. And would act upon it. Hazrat Umar (RA) decided to distribute the wealth to the deserving and made a register, hazrat Ali gave a suggestion to first write his renowned name in it. Hazrat Umar (RA) said, how should I write my name at the top of the list while hazrat Abbas (RA), uncle of, hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is present among us. Thus, first of all the name of hazrat Abbas (RA) was written. And the major portion was set aside for you (RA). Death: When the age of hazrat Abbas (RA) became 88 years, on 12th of Rajab in 32 AH on the day of Friday you (RA) died. Hazrat ibn-e-Usman (RA) offered your funeral prayers.

Kinship: On one occasion hazrat Muhammad (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said that Abbas (RA) is from me and I am from him (RA). These are words of love which show the affection of hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) towards hazrat Abbas(RA). You were extremely generous and extremely friendly and forgiving. On one occasaion hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said that Abbas bin AbdulMutlib (RA) is one of the most elegant and geneourous people of the Quraish. (Asaaba, p, 666). Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) specifically taught salaat-us-tasbeeh to hazrat Abbas (RA). And said that this is that prayer due to the recitation of which all of your past and future sins will be forgiven. In the era of harat Umar Farooq (RA) when people got afflicted with a famine, hazrat Umar (RA) used to pray to Allah for rain by making hazrat Abbas (RA) his reference and it would rain suddenly. One of the special traits of hazrat Abbas (RA) is that you (RA) are so popular in the Islamic world that all the sects look upon you with great reverence and respect.

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