[Muhammad Bashir Jumma; Karachi]
This is the court where a one person evaluates his or her wills, understand the reality, and evaluate his past and concentrates on present.
It seldom happens in one’s life that he has to evaluate his own self. He himself is the convict, place a case against him, and provide clearance himself on different aspects of the blame. He himself is the Judge, and himself decides the conviction and sometime set himself free as well. This is the court of Realization.
A person rarely comes to this court as one requires a lot of courage and some moments of isolation. This is the court where one person evaluates his or her wills, understand the reality, and evaluate his past and concentrates on present and plan for future. The court is developed in reaction of some incidents or often occurs due to internal, emotional situations. This court does not need any physical structure. Whatever result a person gets in this court, whether punishment or reward, is called an Achievement. Which means that self evaluation is something that results in achievement. This court can also be developed on bed before sleeping. This only needs few moments. The next morning coming would bring 24 hours of day and night that is a platform for you to practice. You keep you aims and move ahead in this platform and eventually succeed.
This morning comes for every, rich, poor, elder, younger, man, woman, in fact for everyone. Similarly everyone get the moments at night. In short, everyone get the productive morning and evaluating night. A person gets 1424 minutes in a day and night. In fact this is the real wealth and resource that every living person equally gets. Let step forward. Tomorrow two and day after tomorrow four and in a month you will notice how fast who will move forward. One should always try hard, achievement is given by Allah always