
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - April 2013

NaseerAhmed ,Abbotabad                                                                                                              

“If stones block the bladder and pain intensifies, the patient should be laid down on his chest. Ask him to raise his legs pointing skywards. Pour warm water over his pelvic bone and massage from bottom to top. By doing so, the patient will urinate with ease.”

Obtaining pure and clean water is becoming difficult in our beloved country. People in cities are worse affected. What to talk about clean water that was hoped since long to be supplied at home, people are now even deprived of unfit water. Consumption of water from sumps and ponds is causing spread of numerous diseases. These include cancer, renal failure, piles, liver and heart diseases. Believe it not only human beings but animals are also being infected with several diseases. Rich can purchase bottled mineral water, but the poor cannot even lay his hands on the same. Yes if someone is so anxious, he can see this water from a distance. Due to impure water, kidney related diseases have become common. Almost 80% patients are somehow having kidney and bladder problems. Government has extended the facility for treatments through hospitals but unfortunately no one pays attention to the cause of the sickness. Kidney diseases are on a rapid rise in every town and city. Every month, Ubqari publishes rare yet easy to achieve formulas and practices to attain Almighty’s blessings. May Allah bless all those brothers and sisters who take pat in this noble cause.Ameen.

What are kidneys? How do stones develop in them? I this regard, respected elder personality, Hakim Muhammad Abdullah Sahib (Late) have explained with details in his publications. He has also mentioned easy cure for this ailment. The knowledge which the deceased Hakim Sahib possessed was made available in his books for the common people. We continue being treated for kidneyand bladder infections only on presumptions whereas we are not aware that whether the stones are actually in the kidney or in the bladder. To make money, even in case of pain in the lower abdominal area due to colic, non qualified Hakims and quacks give medicine for kidney pain and stones. Irrelevant medication for disease not known … It is difficult to go to the right doctors in hospitals. Specialists being expensive cannot be approached by the poor people as they cannot afford one. Secondly, there is so much of crowd with the doctors that they cannot give full attention to patients. They administer the disease with whatever they can understand quickly. In fact it is not a fault of doctors also as they are also human beings. Dealing with a great number of patients is a job which only they ca do. Purpose of this preamble is to mention that kidneys are affected for not being treated with the right medicine and several other ailments starts developing. Let’s learn about kidneys as to what they are and where they are located.

Kidneys are two semi circular organs located under the eleventh rib behind the stomach on the back. Kidneys absorb dilute portion of food from liver, extract nutrition and pass the filtered water through tubes to bladder. When the bladder is filled with water, the tube opens up and it releases in form of urine. Due to excessive consumption of polluted and humid foods, sticky secretions having bulk of soil ingredients remain accumulated in kidneys or bladder. When the body temperature evaporates the lighter particles, soil agents starts building up. These soil particles solidify and become the cause for developing of stones.

Expelling of flatus subsequent to use of cold water, syrups or rice etc. causes pain in kidneys due to the tension so exerted on them. Developing of stone is very painful and when the stone pinches in the bladder, it is unbearable for the patient. Now we have to distinguish whether the stone is in the kidney or in the bladder. For establishing the same consider following:

  1. If sand or stone is in the kidney, the patient feels light pain in his back of whose sensations can go upto top of the thigh and at times till pelvis. Walking with speed, running, cycling or riding on motorcycle can cause the pain to intensify.
  2. Traces of blood are frequently observed in urine and at times blood is secreted after urinating. If the patient also suffers from constipation he also starts vomiting. When the size of stone increases in the kidneys, it causes blockade of urine. If urination completely stops, it may be fatal.
  3. If the stones are in bladder, then intense pain is experienced on the pelvis and surroundings of his groin which is also accompanied with itching in these areas. One needs to urinate frequently and urine passes with tremendous pain. Sometimes stool also passes while urinating. Most important is the fact that the patient keeps feeling the need to urinate even after immediate passing of urine.
  4. In these ailments, urine has more density and pain is felt while working. 

Best way to Diagnose:
In the afternoon, ask the patient urinate in a porcelain or glass jar. Cover the jar. Observe color of sand in the morning. If it is red ailment is in kidney, if it is white in color then the issue relate to bladder. It is my personal experience that if such a patient is made to take any fizzy drink, he will go through sever pain within two minutes.

If stones block the bladder and pain intensifies, the patient should be laid down on his chest. Ask him to raise his legs pointing skywards. Pour warm water over his pelvic bone and massage from bottom to top. By doing so, the patient will urinate with ease and he will feel relief. Kidney and bladder patients should refrain from consuming potato, arrowroot, millet bread, egg plant, lentil, tomato, egg, spinach, rice, bush bean, cauliflower, peas and chilled water. People suffering from other ailments and taking allopathic medicines should ensure drinking of excessive clean water as deficiency of water effect kidneys. 

For Marasmus amongChildren

YasirSohaib, Chakwal

If a child becomes very lean, place an egg’s yolk on the child’s rectum. It will be surprisingly drawn in which is a sign of Marasmus. Continue with this practice daily. In the end, child’s strength to draw the yolk will reduce and he will start getting cured by the grace of Allah.

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