
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - March 2013

Excerpt from Weekly Dars

Belief, Kalmah, Islam; these three are the wickets and Satan is bowling


Satan and Baba Ji: The struggle between humans and Satan shall continue. Let’s see who succeeds? There was a Baba Ji who gave strange examples and acted strangely. I was sitting next to him. He started elucidating a person. He said, “See! Do like this” He closed his fist and blew in the fist.

Said: See! Satan will punch you really hard. He then closed the other fist and blew again and said that Satan will punch you from the other side too, and push you as well. He will then ask you toperform this sin, incur this mistake…. Now tell! Will you listen to Satan or Allah? Man said I will listen to Allah. Baba Ji said that Satan will make you fall. Now the other man was strange too. He clenched his fist, abused the Satan and said I will make the Satan fall. Baba Ji asked how? He said this abusing is Satanic. You say that I will adopt amaals and will refer to Allah Almighty, adopt Prophet Muhammad PBUH’s life and love and through all this I will make the Satan fall. Baba Ji then said that see! It is your and Satan’s wrestling and I am the referee. Now I will see who falls; you or Satan. The man came daily and said that Baba Ji! I made the Satan fall. Baba Ji asked how?

He said, “Wrong work was happening at XYZ place. My heartasked to do this. I thought No! Now I have to make the Satan fall”. He then acted as if really sitting on someone’s chest and started punching the floor. Then said,“I have punched on Satan’s chest and fractured his bones and I dint perform that sin.” That Baba Ji congratulated him. Congratulations that you won today and the Satan lost….. Belief, Kalmah, Islam; these three are the wickets and Satan is bowling. Now see whether any wicket flies or not; now you have to save the wicket. It is said about the fast bowler that he bowls at this many km/hr. Baba Ji said, “Satan is very experienced; he plans to make these wickets fly. If they fly, then you will fail and Satan shall pass. Satan wins and you will lose. This is the case with everyone and the match is with Satan.”

Match, With Satan: Some young men were playing a match. An elder said, “Who will play the match with Satan? The men said, “What is that? Is there a match with Satan? Said: Yes….! Satan has to take your wickets and he has the ball. He is running fast and coming and you have a bat. Men asked which bat is that….??? The elder said that the bat is Allah’s order and the respected Sunnahs of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Keep it in front and see where is the ball heading? Now which of my Allah’s order is required; I’ll adapt to that order and hit Satan’s ball with a hard shot. Hit the ball so hard that the ball should not come back. Similar to how they say that O! The ball cannot be seen; don’t know where it went? He hit the shot so hard.

I am mentioning these examples because the life of our society is in a struggle at the moment. A winner wrestler stays a winner even at old age. A healthy loser has no value irrespective of him being powerful. Dervish, meaning Allah’s people; their example is like that of winner wrestlers.

Marvel of High Association: If you associate yourself with Allah and his Prophet PBUH, then you will be exempted from grinding. Ok; tell me one thing? If wheat is sold for Rupees 600/man, 800/man, 1000/man, then have you seen any wheat which has no stones? There are stones in wheat. Aren’t that stone being sold for the rate of wheat? It is also being weighed at the rate of wheat. Now that we are talking about wheat and stone, then listen to one more thing. Those who attend chaste gatherings, spend time with beggars, such beggars which are Allah’s dervish.

Those who stay with Allah’s men; even if they are not wheat; be it stones. But remember! Do not quit these gatherings. I am saying this from the bottom of my heart. When you will be rated, your accountability and your rate will be same as the wheat. Insha Allah your value will be just like wheat. You will be packed similarly, weighed, carried on shoulders. If you are like a stone and stay separated from wheat, and do not get associated with wheat then instead of being carried on shoulders or head, you shall be stamped under feet. (To be continued)

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