
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - December 2012

A magician made severe attack of black magic upon a person and his wife. Afterward, he also remained watching over, looking after his black deed so that someone may not nullify, dissolve it.


The victim person of black magic told that initially pregnancy of his wife did not occur and if occurred, it dropped down. If did not drop and held successfully upto 09 months, the newborn was found dead. He was regular Salah performer, having pious, good Islamic character and teaches Quran to the babies in the mosque.


He repeatedly tried level best to get rid, dissolve out the black magic but always failed. Once he met with a highly pious saint (Darvesh) who was not only having Islamic / spiritual knowledge but was also true practician of the same. He was very renowned in doing Istikhara and whatever right or wrong, came out within a minute. Allah Almighty had granted him a lot in this context.


The victim explained his all worries, problems before the saint. He pointed out that this is a very strong black magic deed done by a very cruel, wicked and highly expert magician, not by an ordinary one.


He was quite helpless and interrogated in helplessness that even then there may be some solution? He advised him to go to specific area / village of Sindh, where you will meet with a black magician (it is added that such advice of saint was not his self created but as per desire / order of Allah Almighty. This reality will open upon the readers, when they had read this article, incident completely).


Anyhow, the victim person moved to Sindh village immediately. As & when he entered in the village, he observed a glow of sky rising flames, a person was sitting thereby and his believers were gathered around him. He was yet at a distance of 01 Acre, the magician took jump, stood up and started shouting loudly “see that coming person, victim of black magic, see that person who teaches Quran”.


Ultimately, victim person reached to him and explained his all worries / problems. He started jumping and taunting that go to your Molvis and get dissolve, un-fastened the knot of his black magic. In nutshell, he disgraced not only to the molvis but also to himself. He also claimed the godiest doings and refused to dissolve, nullify the black magic.


The victim person returned disappointed and beg to Allah Almighty by weeping,
Ya-Allah even though all they are your creatures ! They are not refraining from doing cruelty with me. At once, it appeared at my heart that Muhammad (Sall’Allaho-Alai-he-Wasallam) also dissolved the magic with Ma’ooz-o-Tain (Surah Falak & Surah Al’Naas) which was of severe nature, as well. Hence, when Muhammad (Sall’Allaho-Alai-he-Wasallam) dissolved magic with Ma’ooz-o-Tain, then I should also do the same.


He went to mosque at the same time and started to inclulcating Ma’ooz-o-Tain with the particular aim for dissolving the knot of black magic. He remained busy so whole the night being in wuzoo. He also remained inculcating this deed off & on and being in wuzoo in the day time.


About on 6th day, when he snoozed at night time, someone poured a container / pot full of blood over him. He turned worried a lot and went to a Well situating nearby the mosque for taking bath and cleaning the cloth. He also washed blood from the mosque.


At the same time, it clicked to his mind to note his wife as well. He found that his wife had also met with the same situation and she is worried a lot. He advised her to be contented and pointed out that it is the sign of some progress / development towards achievement and soon some positive results will come out, Inshallah.


He again started to inculcate the deed of Ma’ooz-o-Tain from the same night with new & more passion.


On 9th day at night time, someone again poured a container / pot full of blood over him as well as over his wife. They did not lose the heart and kept the deed doing continuously.


On 13th day the magician entered into mosque early in the morning, fallen down in his feet and started begging forgiveness. He interrogated, why he is seeking so. He requested to first forgive and then will explain the reason. He forgave and the black magician then opened upon him that as & when you had been sitting for doing the deed (of Ma’ooz-o-Tain) I also had been sitting for doing my black magic deed at the same time. At last, mine done black magic reverted upon myself and mine mo’akkal became enemy of myself.


He said, if you had opened this reality upon me earlier, I would have been never forgiven you.  Anyhow, the magician returned to Sindh after availing forgiveness. If he had not been sought forgiveness, he would have to deprive from his life.


The victimed person expressed thanks to Allah Almighty but did not trust upon the magician as he might show reaction / revert upon to take revenge and kept the deed of Ma’ooz-o-Tain doing for 41 days, continuously.


Afterward, Allah Almighty granted them more than one boys and all this was the result of Ma’ooz-o-Tain deed.




  1. Keep this deed doing for 41 days continuously, at the same time and at the same placed (necessarily & conditionally) by taking start from the first Thursday-Friday intervening night of Islamic Month after Eisha Prayer.


  1. In the start, inculcate Drood-e-Ibrahee’mi 5 x times.


  1. Then inculcate Surah Al’Falak 505 x times.


  1. Then inculcate Surah Al’Naas 505 x times.


  1. Then in the end again inculcate Drood-e-Ibrahee’mi x 5 times.


  1. After completing this deed, blow over the items i.e. Sugar, Water and Saunf “Anise Seed” (may also blow over the oil additionally) on daily basis and remain taking / eating these things for atleast 21 days.


  1. After completion of this deed for 41 days, kept on doing above deed for 41 times only (instead of 505 times) daily and remain blowing over the above saved items so that the benefit of this deed may remain continue. Resultantly, the magic, jealousy and evil spirit will be cured out Inshallah.


  1. Moreover, take some water out of blew over water, mix it with the normal one and take bath on each 10th day, at some neat & clean, filth free place.




  1. Disburse some sweet among the children before starting and after completing this deed necessarily & conditionally.


  1. Take some water out of blew over water, mix it with normal one according to requirement. Whoever will use this water as well as other blew over things, shall avail recovery and health from black magic, jealousy, evil spirit etc.




Before starting deed of Ma’ooz-o-Tain, first inculcate Drood-e-Ibrahee’mi x 1 time, Aya’tul-Kursi x 7 times, 3rd Kalima x 7 times and in the end again Drood-e-Ibrahee’mi x 1 time. Blow over the hands and wipe over the whole body with the particular aim of getting shield / protection against Shaitani / devilish creature. 

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