
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Born Friend of Jinns

Ubqari Magazine - January 2021


Born Friend of Jinns

True Autobiography of a person who has been patronage with saint Jinns since birth up till now, who is spending days and nights with Jinns. These Honest, amazing, interesting disclosures/ secrets are published on the demand of readers but there must be great courage and knowledge/ wisdom to understand this mysterious world.

This is also an aspect of the life of Jinns

I want to tell you about the generosity and kindness of Jinns. Cruelty, dark nights of Jinns, magic, strictness, fighting, hostility, and revenge, we hear this a lot. Hear a lot of incidents of Jinns’ hostility of nights, diseases, troubles, to create hardships, theft, robbing, vulgarity, indecency, and immorality. Came across, read, and hear so many incidents of clothes that were cut, houses set on fire drops of blood and water in the home, closure of sustenance, magic, and hanuman’s visit to home who has a human body and head like a monkey. An aspect of a Jinn’s life is always hidden or there are a few incidents of their life and often people don’t share these. It is a rule for life to witness it from both sides. If we don’t consider both sides life system is useless and if someone discusses only one aspect and ignores the other one then it's injustice and brutality. Let me tell you such an aspect of their life which has always been hidden and remained in complete secret, a few people discuss it but it’s true that did happen:

A journey of Jinns’ ride

Once I was traveling in Jinn’s ride in broad day light, that was not a dark night, their ride travels so fast, there is no value of world’s rockets and aeroplanes, which is said that in the eye zone means just in a blink of an eye their riding speed is same and their ride travels so fast this was exactly the situation of Jinns and they were traveling constantly. I and some others were sitting on the ride, suddenly there felt a flash of light below and smoke from one side. I asked a senior one whom we were going to that from where are this light and smoke coming from and what is this? He began to say that the light is the fire burning and the meal is getting prepared in big pots/ cauldron and smoke is of that burning wood. I was surprised that how much fire was burning? Are so many big pots being cooked? Are so many cauldrons being cooked? How many people are gathered? He said yes, and then narrated an incident which shocked me and I was really surprised that there are such occasions.

A poor cobbler and generous Jinn

The incident is that: a poor cobbler whose ancestors were also cobblers, there was an old room in his home where they used to keep the animal feed, once that feed got a fire, the cottage also was all burnt, the feed was also burnt, anxiously, he was crying while sitting outside the cottage, the whole village put out that fire hardly and the fire was extinguished. He was a poor man that was the only feed stored for his animals for the whole year. That’s all he had, all his household expenses and children’s milk was taken away from him. He used to give milk to children, He used to make his living by selling some milk. But all his possessions and belongings were gone. He was surprised, worried, and was crying. He (the elder Jinn) took a deep breath inside the flying cot and began to say: suddenly one of my close friends was passing by, he was generous and was Hatem Tai in his generosity. When he saw this situation he sat down there. Now that poor old cobbler was crying, he was not watching the Jinn, while Jinn was watching him, his children and family were also crying, there were eleven months left for wheat crops. Who will help them out in these eleven months? Then there will be wheat, then it will become straw, then it will become fodder for animals.

Consolation of a beggar

Suddenly our Jinn friend disguised into a bagger’s look and came shouting and praying, in a beggar's look, and sat down near them. Began to ask them, then he said that it seems like straw is on fire and all the fuel in the house is burnt, I wonder how you managed to be patient and I am also worried that how you will manage your household now? That beggar who was a Jinn in reality consoled them and said no worries one of my friends gives a loan on this basis there is neither interest nor profit. He just says that whenever you have convenience and comfort and then returns it gradually whenever you feel blessing and prosperity in provision. And that bagger Jinn began to say that: look, don’t worry, if you couldn’t pay back then your children could do so if your children couldn’t pay back then any of your family members could pay back, neither be disappointed nor be worry, you will always get goodness, comfort, blessings, and glory, you will always be wealthy, don’t be discouraged.

Off course! Do business with this sustenance/ provision

By listening to all this that poor cobbler looked with grateful eyes that what a man it was? How benevolent he was who had opened the true ways of kindness on him. Not a single villager asked him that we will give him straw/ fodder, everyone came for all sorts of consolation but no one ever told him that we would support him. And will help him from the bottom of the heart, now that bagger said: stay here let me call him and began to say: I will go but that person will come; let me send him in a while, he will help you out, don’t be disappointed and discouraged, buy some straw and also do a business with that provision, that money will be so much blessed and you will be rich and prosperous with this money and will be unconcerned/ fearless with every blessing of the world, afterward, nothing will be needed from this word. Don’t spread it with other people, otherwise, the lust and evil eye will devour/ destroy you, gave him so consolations, children were seeing him surprisingly, the wife was praying for him.
Poor cobbler himself didn’t know what he was being said because sometimes the words of gratitude are not even remembered by the man himself. By giving all these consolations the beggar stood up and went away. And as he went, he disappeared in the thicket of trees.

The same beggar came as a merchant

While sitting in that flying cot that Jinn politely began to say that the particular man came again in the merchant’s disguise and began to say: a few moments before a mendicant came to me and told your circumstances, tell me what the situation is? The family was very thankful/ grateful. Everyone started to try to make something for him, to make some bed for him. He stopped them from doing anything and said I have a little time, tell me what the problem is? In those times when gold used to be worth a few rupees he gave them thirteen rupees at that time and thirteen rupees means that even if their forty families sit and eat this for a year and eat to the heart’s content and may store, they will not be short of anything and they will always be rich. They were shocked to see these thirteen rupees in their hands, lady quickly tied these at the corner of her stole and sat down to take them in her both hands. They saw thirteen rupees for the first time in their life. Lady said that she only saw a maximum of three rupees and men said that they only saw a maximum of seven rupees. These were silver coins, silver coins were in circulation during that time, after giving those thirteen rupees merchant consulate and said that I am giving you this as good debt, don’t worry, calm down, no one will ask for this debt from my side, whenever you feel comfortable, do make money, I and that mendicant friend of mine will collect that while passing by.

You will be prosperous

Yes! Do start your own business first, invest everything in your business in just one third you will get your fodder, invest all the remaining amount in your business, this is the blessed money, your business will flourish, and you will be prosperous in sustenance, health, and blessings. And all your problems will be resolved, difficulties will be removed and failures will vanish. You will get respect, peace, blessing, health, healing, joy, prosperity, comfort, and mercy, don’t worry at all and don’t be disheartened. I can’t see your anxiety and frustration, so whatever I have given you is the best investment for your life, do respect/ appreciate this investment, I will be ever with you, the merchant left with a few words of consolation.

Now it was hard to handle that much money

The family was happy, now it was hard to handle that much amount for them, now the trouble was to put that much amount, they were worried about where to put that amount, it might get stolen, we might be fooled/ betrayed, once that cobbler had bought a sack of chickpeas from somewhere, he was just taking it and someone on his way asked him if he will sell? He replied yes, he told him that I will sell in so much (amount) after estimating some profit for him, that man bought that sack of chickpeas, in a short time he got/ considered that profit good. He used to make a shoe for many days but hardly could have some pennies but he saved one and a half rupees by this small trading, he thought why don’t I do business of chickpeas and some other cereals, because the business of cereals was in another big city along with it. He believed in ALLAH and started walking towards the city, he bought the cereals of five and a half rupees and took them to the big market for bidding because the provision was halal. There was a prayer and affection/ attention of a saint (Dervish). Within no time he earned three-quarter profit out of these five and a half rupees. Then he bought more cereals of eight and a half rupees and sold that in the market, businessmen and customers saw that cereal because he kept honesty at the forefront, he did not have the intentions of wrong deed and mixing. He was spending his life honestly when he was a cobbler. Now he is a businessman, he found honesty the best as it was in his blood/ nature, worked for him and he kept proceeding with his honesty and he got blessings in his life, now he got a good profit and he came back home with a lot of money. He told everything at home and brought some good food, nice clothes, some household necessities,

It is the responsibility of that particular generous, dervish, pious Jinn to come to the HAJWERI MAHAL, and say AMEEN to the prayers of poor and worried people. Whenever and from wherever people come from, the life of this saint Jinn is more than decades, the only task of that saint Jinn is to say AMEEN on the prayers of poor, oppressed people and to exorcise them. Whoever comes in the HAJWERI MAHAL/PALACE that saint Jinn prays for him as well as says AMEEN and does exorcise. Need, seeking, and firm belief is required. Disbeliever always remains empty-handed, never gets full benefit.

utensils, and some other things. That was the first day and first night when his children slept with their stomachs full. And it was felt that prosperity has entered that home and how it happened? Just from somewhere.

Success! Who it was in search of found it!

He was so happy, the market was near, he used to go for half or quarter a day daily, used to buy grains/ cereals from the businessmen and put the grains in the middle of the market and it would be sold out immediately, people started talking about that who this man is? Who just came, our grains remain for days and weeks sometimes (continue on page 58)

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For more mysterious incidents/ happenings, amazing amulets (wazaif) and to read the previous episodes Do read the book “Jinaat Ka Paidaishi Dost”.

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