
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

State of the Heart

Ubqari Magazine - April 2020

Heart Trouble Ameliorated: Research was done on the name of Allah that if a person has a heart problem, then he/she should keep on reciting the name of Allah all the time, sitting, standing, under ablution or without ablution. By the grace of Allah in a small time the heart trouble shall be ameliorated.


From the Pen of the Editor

State of the Heart

What I saw, Heard and Thought

Hundred Percent True and Wonderful Dream! Sheikh ul Wazaaif Told Us

 Fasting Removes Starving From Generations!

My Hazrat, my Sheikh (RA) used to say often that if you have even the slightest doubt on your sustenance then do not keep fast with that sustenance. Because fasting is pure and pure sustenance is required for pure worship. I am saying this for a long time and I am saying this continuously. Whoever has acted upon this till today, he has failed. And the one who has not acted upon this, he has not found that wonder of fasting that is required. Fasting removes starving from generations. How many saints of Allah were such who never abandoned fasting, their generations are today affluent and they are getting affluent sustenance due to being custodians of their shrines. 

A person who fasts, it has never happened that there is poverty, famine, starvation or misery in his generations. Because the person who keeps fasts due to Allah, he never comes to starvation. And the person who remains thirsty for Allah never takes pain, problems, thirst and hunger for himself or his generations. Fasting is the only such form of worship that is connected to love. And it is such a love that it is unseen love. You are eating while hiding. You are drinking water. You are taking drinks, milk and liquids in secrecy and people are saying that you are fasting. Everyone shall praise you that you are saying the truth but this is an affair between man and Allah.

Come! Lets Fast With Halal Sustenance!!

Prayer can be seen. Reciting tasbeeh can be felt. The worship of Hahh is expressed. Charity, giving and wealth and things can be seen being distributed. But fasting is the only worship the starving, hunger, harship, plight and the severe thirst of summer is an affair between man and Allah. And this is such an affair that is never heedless in the eyes of Allah. Allah Almighty says Himself that He does not let anyone’s rewards go wasted. And Allah Almighty is extremely generous. And Allah Almighty gives the rewards both in this world and the hereafter. The fast that gives redemption to the generations from poverty, afflictions, misery and starvation, Allah is truthful and His promises are true as well. So why not keep fast with halal sustenance? The method for this is that you borrow so much amount from someone that would be required to keep the thirty fasts and keep fasts with this money and then with your money return that amount to that person.

An Experience From Innumerable Experiences 

A person started telling me about his experience. I am telling about this experience from amongst many experiences. “I did so that I considered my sustenance doubtful and that it was as well. I borrowed money from a person whom I knew personally. And borrowing the money I spent that on myself and my whole family during the month of Ramadhan. One day I saw a dream that it is dark and the darkness is severe. And my path is also the same. I have to cross this darkness and go to my own destination. And that I am moving with a huge business. After the darkness there is a market where I have to sell my stuff. And I have a fear that how shall I move forward through this darkness. By keeping this fear in mind, I am hesitating that so much fear and phobia settled into me that I sat there and I felt so much anxiety and I become unconscious. At once a person came and and he started massaging my shoulders. And he started giving me strength with his softly spoken words.

Come, I shall Have You Cross the  Road 

I developed a hope. I found a support. I stoofd up at once with confidence. I saw this this is dark. I can feel that person but I cannot see him completely. Because the darkness was severe and fearsome. He started saying to me, “Come I shall take you across the path. As soon as my hand came into his hand, there was light at once. And I started seeing the destination. I kept on going with him and my feet moved along. The more he was walking, the more the light was intensifying. After walking for a while I saw the light, it felt as if the severe darkness or the deep cave and the fearsome scene had vanished. When he started going away while leaving me, I asked him as to who he was? He said while smiling: The effort you did to attain halal sustenance in the holy month of Ramadhan and the money you borrowed for halal sustenance, I am just that! 

Thus! Every Ramadhan Do Not Abandon Me

I shall never let you astray in every darkness of this world. Whether it is of poverty, misery, debt, illnesses, problems, I shall do every work of yours in this world. I shall remain with you. I shall remain with you. And you should never consider yourself alone. The only thing is that every Ramadan take me with you. I was watching this scene with awe. I had a weird awe and a unique feeling. When he was leaving after talking to me, so I said, “Afterlife.” And he smiled a little bit and said, “In the afterlife you will find me first, right now I have arrived afterwards. The only thing is that every Ramadan do not leave me. If you keep on striving the whole life for halal sustenance, you will have royalty, wealth, thrones, destiny, fortune, bliss, happiness, affluence, success in your generations and they shall be evergreen. He squezzed my hand and said, “What do you think?” And then he patted on my shoulder and vanished in the darkness and kept looking at him with awe.

 Come! Let’s Strive For Halal Sustenance Completely!

He said to me, “What is this?” I said the interpretation of this is exactly these words that have been told to you clearly. A few dreams are realities and 100% they are such realities that an interpretation is not required for them. Come! We should also strive that we gather halal sustenance for the month of Ramadan and we do it from now. And we do it in every Ramadan. A wonderful thing would be that we make Ramadan our partner in our whole life. Meaning that in the whole life we strive for halal sustenance 100 %.

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